헬리콥터를 이용한 산타클라라섬의 타워크레인 설치 작업 VIDEO: Watch a Helicopter Assemble a Tower Crane on a Remote Island Jobsite

[VIDEO] Watch a Helicopter Assemble a Tower Crane on a Remote Island Jobsite

Over the years, crane manufacturer, Liebherr, has produced some pretty epic videos. From their amazing footage on top of Europe’s new tallest building, to their 58 cranes working on the world’s largest airport, to one of their cranes lifting 3 other cranes at the same time, the company knows cranes and knows how to show them off. 

via YouTube


헬리콥터를 이용한 산타클라라섬의 타워크레인 설치 작업

   이 영상은 독일의 건설장비 회사 립헬이 헬리콥터를 이용해 산타 클라라의 작은 섬에 설치된 30개의 LC 타워 크레인 중 하나를 보여주고 있다. 산타클라라 섬은 스페인 해안에서 떨어져 있고 47m 높이의 가파른 경사에 위치하고 있으며, 배로 많은 크레인을 운반하기에 이상적인 장소는 아니다.

립헬 30 LC 타워크레인은 최대 높이 약 29m, 최대 인양능력 약 2.5톤에 이른다 .립헬에 의하면 크레인 부재는 헬리콥터의 리프팅 능력을 만족시키기 위해 세심하게 계획되어야 했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Liebherr’s most recent video highlights one of their 30 LC tower cranes being lifted, hauled, and placed on the small island of Santa Clara by a helicopter.  Santa Clara Island sites off of the coast of Spain and features steep sides reaching up to 157 feet high, clearly not an ideal place to haul in a bunch of crane parts by boat.

The Liebherr 30 LC Tower Crane reaches a maximum height of about 98 feet and a maximum lifting capacity of 5500 pounds, or 2200 pounds at its maximum radius of 98 feet. According to Liebherr, the crane’s parts had to be carefully planned to meet the helicopter’s lifting capacity.

Check out the video below to see the helicopter in action!

Liebherr - Helicopter assembles 30 LC on the small island Santa Clara 



