이란 정치인, 트럼프에 3백만불 현상금 걸어 VIDEO: Iranian politician announces $3million reward for 'whoever kills Trump'
Iranian politician announces $3million reward for 'whoever kills Trump'
Ahmad Hamzeh, parliamentary speaker from Kerman province, has announced a $3million 'cash prize' for 'whoever kills Donald Trump'
Ahmad Hamzeh, Iranian lawmaker from Kerman province, spoke to parliament
During firebrand speech he promised $3million in cash to 'whoever kills Trump'
He also urged Iran to start testing nuclear weapons in order to safeguard itself
Kerman is the home province of Qassem Soleimani, the Quds commander who was killed in an airstrike ordered by Trump
PUBLISHED: 10:59 GMT, 21 January 2020 | UPDATED: 13:10 GMT, 21 January 2020
이란 정치인, 트럼프에 3백만불 현상금 걸어 이란의 한 정치인이 도널드 트럼프 대통령을 살해한 사람에게 300만 달러의 '현금상'을 수여한다고 발표했다. 케르만 주 중심부의 아흐마드 함제 국회의장은 국회의원들에게 '우리는 트럼프를 죽인 사람에게 300만 달러의 상금을 현금으로 지급할 것이다.'라고 말했다. 케르만은 트럼프에 의한 드론 공격으로 사망한 이란의 쿠즈 지도자 콰셈 솔레이마니의 본거지로서, 이 정권은 복수를 맹세했다. 도널드 트럼프는 20일 다보스에서 열린 세계경제포럼(WEF)에 참석해 미국의 블루칼라 혁명을 외쳤다. 함제 부총리는 20일 화기 브랜드 연설에서 이란인들이 복수하려고 할 때 솔레이마니가 생전에 그랬던 것보다 죽음에 임해 미국에 더 위험할 것이라고 다짐했다. 그는 또 미국인을 살해하려는 음모를 꾸미고 있었기 때문에 '예방적 타격'으로 솔레이마니를 암살했다는 트럼프 행정부의 명분을 공격했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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An Iranian politician has announced a $3million 'cash prize' for anyone who kills President Donald Trump.
Ahmad Hamzeh, parliamentary speaker from central Kerman province, told lawmakers: 'We will pay a three million dollar award in cash to whoever kills Trump.'
Kerman is the home province of Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian Quds leader who was killed in a drone strike by Trump, and whose death the regime has sworn to avenge.
Donald Trump was at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday as the bounty was announced, hailing a 'blue collar revolution' in America
In a firebrand speech on Tuesday, Hamzeh vowed that Soleimani would be more dangerous to America in death than he was in life as Iranians seek to avenge him.
He also attacked the Trump administration's pretext of assassinating Soleimani in a 'preventative strike' because he was plotting to kill Americans.
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