카메라 내장된 눈을 갖고 있는 아이보그 영화제작자 VIDEO: 'Eyeborg' filmmaker can record 30 minutes of footage with his Terminator-style prosthetic EYE that glows red and has an embedded video camera

'Eyeborg' filmmaker can record 30 minutes of footage with his Terminator-style prosthetic EYE that glows red and has an embedded video camera


Rob Spence, 47, went blind in his right eye as a child during a shotgun accident

When the eye was removed in 2008, he decided to replace it with a camera

His fake eyes each contain a tiny circuit board, battery and wireless transmitter

Mr Spence hopes to sell similar prosthetics and create an 'army of Eyeborgs'


PUBLISHED: 12:40 GMT, 15 January 2020 | UPDATED: 14:32 GMT, 15 January 2020



카메라 내장된 눈을 가지고 있는 영화제작자

   자칭 '아이보그'라 이름 붙인 영화제작자는 붉은 빛을 발하고 카메라가 내장된 터미네이터 스타일의 보철 눈으로 최대 30분 분량의 영상을 녹화할 수 있다.

롭 스펜스(47)는 어린 시절 엽총 사고로 오른쪽 눈의 시력을 잃었다.

2008년에 눈을 제거하는 대신 거기에 비디오 카메라가 들어 있는 보철물로 바꾸기로 결정했다. 그것은 면접 대상자를 기록할 수 있는 것이다.

보철기의 카메라는 스펜스 씨의 시신경과 연결되어 있지 않기 때문에 오른쪽 눈의 시력을 회복시키지는 못한다.

그러나 이 장치는 보는 모든 것을 캡처하여 녹화, 모니터로 재생하거나 온라인으로 업로드할 수 있는 위치에서 수신기로 전송할 수 있다.

그것이 포착한 영상은 말 그대로 스펜스 씨의 시야를 제공하는데, 주위를 힐끗거리고 깜빡이는 것만으로 완벽하다.

현재 보철용 배터리는 재충전이 필요할 때 30분 정도 가동할 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

A self-declared 'Eyeborg' filmmaker can record up to 30 minutes of footage with his Terminator-style prosthetic eye that glows red and has an embedded camera.

Rob Spence, 47, lost the sight in his right eye as a child following a shotgun accident.

On having the eye removed in 2008, the Canadian decided to replace it with a prosthetic containing a video camera — one that could record interview subjects.

The camera in the prosthetic is not connected to Mr Spence's optic nerve — so it does not restore the vision in his right eye.

However, the device can capture everything it sees and transmit the video to a receiver from where it can be recorded, played on a monitor or uploaded online.

The footage it captures literally offers Mr Spence's point-of-view — complete with glancing around and blinking.

At present, the prosthetic's battery can run for around 30 minutes at at time before it needs to be recharged.

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A self-declared 'Eyeborg' filmmaker can record up to 30 minutes of footage with his Terminator-style prosthetic eye that glows red and has an embedded camera

Rob Spence, 47, lost the sight in his right eye as a child following a shotgun accident

'For me being an "Eyeborg" is all about taking a bad situation and making it better,' Mr Spence told the Medical Device Network. 

'I don’t have to just "fit in" with a prosthetic. I can celebrate my cyborgness and individuality,' he added.

'In other words, being one-eyed can be f***ing cool.'

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