[CES 2020] 혼다, 운전자가 손 흔들어 차선 바꿀 수 있는 미래형 콘셉트카 선보여 VIDEO: Honda reinvents the steering wheel for the 'swipe right' generation with a futuristic..
Honda reinvents the steering wheel for the 'swipe right' generation with a futuristic concept car that allows drivers to change lanes by waving their hand
Honda's augmented driving concept debuted at CES that wants to blend manual and self-driving
The system watches a drivers' eyes for distraction and if gaze is averted the car's autonomous system kicks in
The steering wheel can be swiped to navigate and it doubles as an accelerator and a brake
PUBLISHED: 21:43 GMT, 9 January 2020 | UPDATED: 18:12 GMT, 10 January 2020
[CES 2020] 혼다, 운전자가 손 흔들어 차선 바꿀 수 있는 미래형 콘셉트카 선보여 많은 자동차회사들이 완전 자율주행에 찬성하여 기존의 운전방식을 서둘러 폐지하고 있는 반면, 혼다는 양쪽의 장점을 결합한 새로운 '증강현실' 경험을 통해 운전대를 꽉 잡고 있다. 자동차가 자율적인 상태에 있을 때, 승객은 핸들의 상단에 손을 왼쪽이나 오른쪽으로 돌려 차선을 바꿀 수 있다. 이 차의 핸들은 또한 상단에 이중 태핑을 해서 차에 불을 붙일 수 있다. 조정기는 또한 차량의 한쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 이동할 수 있으며, 이는 차 안에 앉아 있는 사람이 왼쪽, 중간 또는 오른쪽으로 운전할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 비록 기존의 방식으로 차를 운전할 수 있지만, 컴퓨터 시스템은 또한 운전자들의 시선을 집중하여 산만한 징후를 관찰하면서 계속 대기 상태에 있게 될 것이다. 혼다는 운전자의 시선을 피하면 자율 시스템이 개입하여 통제할 것이라고 말한다. 소위 "증강 운전 개념"은 라스베이거스의 CES에 전시되어 있으며, 수동 모드와 자율 모드를 원활하게 전환할 수 있는 일본 기업의 능력을 보여준다. 이동 가능한 핸들도 브레이크와 가속기의 역할을 하며 MailOnline은 이 기술의 실제 데모를 받았다. 이 차량은 바퀴를 몸 밖으로 당겨서(제동)하거나 밀어서(가속)함으로써 제어된다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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While many automakers are in a rush to nix traditional driving in favor of fully autonomous vehicles, Honda is holding on tight to the steering wheel in a new 'augmented' experience that blends the best of both worlds.
Honda's augmented driving concept was showcased at CES in Las Vegas and includes several technologies that hope to blend autonomous and manual driving
When the car is in its autonomous state a passenger can swipe their hand left or right over the top of the steering wheel to make it change lanes, which will no doubt appeal to today’s swipe-obsessed generation.
Its steering wheel can also fire up the car with a double-tap on the top. The controls can also be moved from one side of the vehicle to another, meaning a person sitting anywhere in the car - left, middle, or right - could drive.
Although the car can be driven n the traditional way, the computer system will also be on constant standby, watching drivers’ eyes for signs of distraction. Honda says if a driver’s gaze is averted then the autonomous system will intervene and take control.
The so-called Augmented Driving Concept is on display at CES in Las Vegas and showcases the Japanese firm's ability to seamlessly switch between manual and autonomous modes.
The moveable steering wheel also doubles as a brake and accelerator and MailOnline got a hands-on demo of the tech. The vehicle is controlled by either pulling (braking) or pushing (accelerating) the wheel away from one's body.
Scroll down for video.
In a virtual demonstration, MailOnline tested out aspects of Honda's high-tech steering wheel that also doubles as an accelerator and brake
It's also equipped with sensor around the outer ring that can feel a driver's touch.
When the car is in its autonomous state a passenger can swipe their hand left or right over the top of the steering wheel to make it change lanes.
The steering wheel can also turn on the car by double-tapping the top and can by moved from one side to another, meaning a person sitting anywhere in the car - left, middle, or right - could drive.
Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of Honda's augmented driving concept was the inclusion of eye-reading technology that helped to discern whether a driver was looking at the road or out the window at a scenic view.
This aspect of the Honda's concept allows the car to intelligently switch between autonomous and manual modes without ever having to press a button.
In a hands-on demonstration, MailOnline tested the technology in a virtual simulation.
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