이란 국민들, 우크라이나 여객기 격추에 반정부 시위 거세져 VIDEO: Iran faces protests, international blowback after shooting down airliner

Iran faces protests, international blowback after shooting down airliner

Anger in Iran and abroad is mounting after Tehran admitted to accidentally shooting down an Ukrainian airliner. Protesters in the country are demanding those responsible be held to account.

Iran's government is bracing for heightened domestic and international fallout after admitting on Saturday it accidently shot down a Ukrainian jetliner, killing all 176 people onboard.


이란 국민들, 우크라이나 여객기 격추에 반정부 시위 거세져

    이란이 실수로 우크라이나 여객기를 격추했다고 인정한 이후 이란과 해외의 분노가 거세지고 있다. 그 나라의 시위자들은 책임자들을 처벌할 것을 요구하고 있다.

이란 정부는 토요일 우크라이나 여객기를 실수로 격추시켜 탑승자 176명 전원이 사망했음을 시인한 후 국내와 국제 사회의 악영향에 대비하고 있다.

이란 혁명수비대의 이 같은 입장 표명은 1월 8일 비극이 발생한 지 며칠 만에 나온 것으로, 이란 정부가 왜 이란 이만 호메네이 국제공항에서 이륙한 직후 이 여객기가 표적이 되었다는 서방측의 비난을 일축했는지에 대한 의문이 제기되고 있다.

그것은 또한 이란이 미군이 주둔하고 있는 이라크 기지에 대한 미국의 탄도 미사일 공격에 대비하고 있던 수요일에 왜 공항과 영공을 폐쇄하지 않았는지에 대해서도 의문을 제기한다.

혁명수비대 항공우주국장인 아미르 알리 하지자데 장군은 토요일 우크라이나의 방공호들이 높은 경계 태세에 있는 상황에서 우크라이나 국제항공기가 미국 순항미사일로 오인됐다고 말했다.

그는 '사람의 실수'에 대한 전적인 책임을 지고 "보잉 737기가 격추된 사실을 알게 된 직후인 12일 군 당국에 통보했지만 군 당국이 조사를 할 시간이 필요했다"고 말했다.

그는 "정보 공개가 지연된 것은 이 문제를 감추기 위한 것이 아니라 총참모부가 먼저 이 사건을 조사해야 하는 일상적인 훈련"이라며 "연구 끝에 금요일 아침에 모든 정보가 수집되었고 그 때 무슨 일이 일어났는지 명백해졌다"고 말했다. 무장 병력은 일부러 자신의 역할을 은폐하려 했다.

그는 민항 항공 당국이 군 당국의 통보를 받지 못해 비행기가 방공호에 의해 격추된 사실을 부인한 것은 책임이 없다고 덧붙였다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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The admission by Iran's Revolutionary Guard came days after the January 8 tragedy, raising questions as to why the government had dismissed Western accusations the doomed airliner had been targeted shortly after takeoff from Tehran's Iman Khomenei International Airport.

The crash site was cleared and scavangers combed through the wreckage in the days following the crash, raising concerns authorities were destroying evidence

It also raises questions why Iran did not shut down the airport and airspace on Wednesday, when it was bracing for the US to retaliate for a ballistic missile attack on an Iraqi base housing American troops.

General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the Revolutionary Guard's aerospace force, said Saturday that the Ukrainian International Airlines plane was mistaken for a US cruise missile at a time the country's air defenses were on high alert.

Taking full responsibility for the "human error," he said that he had notified the armed forces on Wednesday immediately after he became aware the Boeing 737 was shot down, but that the military needed time to conduct an investigation.  

"The delay in releasing information was not aimed at hiding the issue but it is the routine drill that the General Staff should study the case first and all information was collected on Friday morning after studies and what had happened became clear then," he told reporters, according to state-run Farsnews agency, in a bid to dispel speculation the armed forces deliberately sought to cover up their role.

He added that civil aviation authorities were not to blame for denying the plane had been shot down by air defenses because they were not informed by the military. 

Protests against the government 

The accident challenges the Iranian government's narrative that it showed strength in threatening US forces in the region in response to a US drone strike in Baghdad killing Revolutionary Guard commander Qassem Soleimani, only to shoot down a jetliner filled with mostly Iranian citizens and dual nationals.

Business Insider

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It also takes the wind out of the public anger at the US and nationalist sentiment the government had sought to capitalize on following Soleimani's death, with hundreds of thousands joining processions to honor the general. In another tragedy, dozens of people were killed in a stampede at his funeral. 

Even as the military and government recognized the accident and offered apologies on Saturday, thousands of Iranians demanding that those responsible for the crash be held to account protested in the capital ,Tehran, as well as Shiraz, Esfahan, Hamedan and Orumiyeh.

Unverified videos posted on Twitter showed protesters burning images of Soleimani and demanding Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini step down, while in others police dispersed demonstrators with tear gas. At one protest in front of Amir Kabir University in Tehran, Britain's ambassador was briefly arrested for inciting anti-government protester, Tasnim news agency reported.

Mehdi Karroubi, a leader of the 2009-10 Green Movement now living under house arrest, called on Khamenei to step down over his handling of the airliner shootdown.

In a statement posted online, the former parliamentary speaker and presidential candidate questioned when Khamenei was informed about the accident, and why there was a delay about notifying the public about the real reasons for the crash.

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Protests flare up in Tehran after Iran admits downing Ukrainian jetliner


Iran admits its military shot down Ukrainian jetliner


