아프가니스탄 탈레반, 미군 공격 2명 사망 2명 부상 VIDEO: Two U.S. are soldiers killed and two others are injured..ㅣ이라크 미 공군기지 이란 미사일 공격 받은 모습 VIDEO: Dramatic photos show bombed out Iraqi air base..
Two U.S. are soldiers killed and two others are injured in Taliban roadside bomb attack in LAfghanistan
A US Army Stryker vehicle with wth 4th Squadron 2d Cavalry Regiment is seen in Kandahar in a file photo. A US military vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb in the area on Saturday
IED struck US vehicle on Saturday in the Dand district of Kandahar province
Taliban immediately claimed responsibility for the roadside bomb attack
Two U.S. service members were killed and two others injured
PUBLISHED: 14:49 GMT, 11 January 2020 | UPDATED: 17:53 GMT, 11 January 2020
아프가니스탄 탈레반, 미군 공격 2명 사망 2명 부상 아프가니스탄 남부지역에서 발생한 도로변 폭탄테러로 미군 병사 2명이 숨지고 2명이 다쳤다고 미군이 발표했다. 카리 유수프 아마디 탈레반 대변인은 즉시 남부 칸다하르 지방의 공격에 대한 책임을 주장했다. 국방부는 친인척에 대한 통보가 끝난 후 24시간 대기한다는 방침에 따라 복무자의 신원을 밝히지 않았다. 미군 병사들은 NATO의 Resolute Support Mission의 일환으로 작전을 수행하고 있었다. 그들이 어느 부대와 함께 있는지는 밝혀지지 않았다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Two U.S. service members were killed and two others injured when their vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan Saturday, the U.S. military said in a statement.
Qari Yusouf Ahmadi, a Taliban spokesman, immediately claimed responsibility for the attack the southern Kandahar province.
A map shows the location of the roadside bomb attack in Kandahar, Afghanistan
The Department of Defense did not identify the service members, in keeping with policy to wait 24 hours after notification of next of kin is complete.
The U.S. service members were conducting operations as part of NATO's Resolute Support Mission. It was not immediately clear which branch of the military they were with.
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Dramatic photos show bombed out Iraqi air base where Iranian missiles hit as it's revealed US soldiers were given two-and-a-half hours warning
Images show the extent of the damage done to the al-Asad base in Iraq on Wednesday
Iran launched missiles at al-Asad air base in Iraq early on Wednesday morning
Attack was response to US killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani
US troops received two-and-a-half hours warning that attack was imminent
An official said the hours-long warning enabled a US military officer to visit one of the bases in Iraq and warn them of when and where the missiles would strike
PUBLISHED: 22:17 GMT, 11 January 2020 | UPDATED: 22:45 GMT, 11 January 2020
이라크 미 공군기지 이란 미사일 공격 받은 모습 이라크의 미 공군기지가 이란에 의해 표적이 된 후 어떤 상황이 벌어졌는지 보여주는 극적인 사진들이 공개됐다. 이 미사일 공격은 미군들에게 2시간 30분 전에 미사일에 치일 것이라는 경고를 받은 후에 이루어졌다. 토요일 CNN과의 인터뷰에서 대부분의 미군 병사들은 현지시각으로 화요일 오후 11시까지 알 아사드 기지를 벗어나거나 벙커에 숨어 있다가 수요일 오전 1시 30분경에 미사일이 떨어질 때까지 기다렸다고 말했다. 이란의 미사일 공격은 약 2시간 동안 계속되었다. CNN에 따르면, 표적이 된 기지는 미군들이 집중 배치되어 있는 곳이었다. 미사일들은 벙커에서 불과 몇 미터 떨어진 곳에 낙하했으며,사상자는 없다고 CNN에 말했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Dramatic images have emerged showing what remains of an airbase in Iraq after it was targeted by Iran, as it's revealed US soldiers were warned two-and-a-half hours in advance that the area was going to be hit by missiles.
Officers told CNN on Saturday that most American soldiers were either flown out of the al-Asad base by 11pm on Tuesday local time or were sheltering in bunkers - waiting until the missiles fell at around 1.30am on Wednesday.
Iran fired ballistic missiles at the area of the base which housed US soldiers early Wednesday morning
Several US soldiers are seen above inspecting the damage done by the missile strike at the base
The Iranian missile strike lasted about two hours. According to CNN, the only area of the base that was targeted was where American soldiers were concentrated.
Missiles landed just a few feet from the bunkers, and officers told CNN it was a ‘miracle’ that there were no casualties.
US officials say they had three hours warning of the Iranian missile strikes after Iran tipped them off about the attacks via a European embassy
The Pentagon said Iran had launched 16 short-range ballistic missiles, at least 11 of which hit Iraq's al-Asad air base and one that hit a facility in Erbil but caused no major damage.
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Iran Launches Ballistic Missiles at Two US Military Bases in Iraq