수직 숲 개념의 멕시코 칸쿤 스마트 시티 VIDEO: New Smart City in Cancun Will Include Over 7 Million Plants

New Smart City in Cancun Will Include Over 7 Million Plants

By Jessica Stewart on January 8, 2020


Italian architecture firm Stefano Boeri is expanding its vertical forest concept into an entire urban center with the new Smart Forest City in Mexico. Located just outside of Cancun, this sprawling environment is thoughtfully designed so that nature sits in perfect harmony between green areas and built architecture. Smart Forest City will sit on 1,376 acres of land that had previously been designated for a shopping center. Now, 130,000 inhabitants will be able to enjoy living in the revolutionary, sustainable city that Boeri has envisioned.

Smart Forest City Cancun by Stefano Boeri Photo: The Big Picture


수직 숲 개념의 멕시코 칸쿤 스마트 시티

   이탈리아의 건축회사인 스테파노 보에리는 멕시코의 새로운 스마트 포레스트 시티와 함께 수직 숲 개념을 도시 중심지 전체로 확장하고 있다. 

칸쿤 바로 외곽에 위치한 이 무성한 환경은 자연이 녹지대와 건축 사이에 완벽한 조화를 이루도록 사려깊게 설계되어 있다. 스마트 포레스트 시티는 이전에 쇼핑 센터로 지정되었던 1,376 에이커의 땅에 자리할 것이다. 이제 13만 명의 주민들이 보에리가 구상해 온 혁명적이고 지속 가능한 도시에서 사는 것을 즐길 수 있을 것이다.

스마트 포레스트 시티의 핵심은 녹지에 있다. 

주민 1인당 2.3그루의 나무를 포함해 750만 그루의 식물이 살 수 있는 녹지공간에 거의 1,000에이커가 바쳐졌다. 심을 400종의 종은 식물학자와 조경 건축가 로라 가티가 주의 깊게 관찰하여 식물 생물의 사려 깊은 조합을 확인하였다. 이 나무, 관목, 덤불, 그리고 꽃들은 공원과 개인 정원을 채울 뿐만 아니라 도시의 에너지를 효율적으로 만들어 줄 녹색 지붕과 면의 일부로 작용할 것이다. 실제로 스마트 포레스트시티는 연간 5800t의 이산화탄소를 비축해 11만6000t의 이산화탄소를 흡수할 것으로 보고 있다.

희망사항은 이 도시가 환경문제와 신기술 등을 연구하는 연구자들에게 학습의 중심지가 되어 멕시코 등지에서 우수학생을 유치하는 것이다. 이를 위해 바이오헬스케어, 천체물리학, 행성과학, 산호초 복원, 정밀농업 및 재생기술, 스마트시티, 기동성과 로봇공학 등 6대 핵심 이슈에 중점을 둔 시설을 갖춘 첨단연구센터가 들어서 있다.'

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

The core of Smart Forest City is in the greenery. Nearly 1,000 acres have been dedicated to green space, which will be populated with 7.5 million plants—including 2.3 trees per resident. The 400 species to be planted have been carefully vetted by botanist and landscape architect Laura Gatti, ensuring for a thoughtful mix of plant life. These trees, shrubs, bushes, and flowers will not only populate public parks and private gardens but work as part of the green roofs and facades that will make the city energy efficient. In fact, Boeri’s team estimates that Smart Forest City will absorb 116,000 tons of carbon dioxide with 5,800 tons of CO2 stocked per year.

The hope is that the city will become a hub of learning for researchers investigating environmental issues and new technology, attracting top students from Mexico and beyond. To that end, the city includes an advanced research center with facilities focused on six core issues: bio-healthcare, astrophysics and planetary science, coral reef restoration, precision farming and regenerative technology, smart city, and mobility and robotics.

Smart Forest City has also been designed to be completely food and energy self-sufficient thanks to a collaboration with Transsolar, a German company known for innovating in the built environment. The city will be surrounded by a ring of solar panels, as well as agricultural fields that will be irrigated via an underground pipe connected to a water channel. In fact, water is a key element of the city.

A large basin at the city’s entrance will gather water, which is then distributed through navigable channels. There are also a series of water gardens incorporated into the landscape that will help cut down on flooding. To add to the innovation, a cutting-edge mobility system has been designed. This allows residents to leave their cars at the edge of the city and move about the urban environment using only internal electric and semi-automatic modes of transport.

As the project moves forward, Boeri is one step closer to seeing his vision of a green, sustainable urban environment come to life. “Smart Forest City Cancun is a Botanical Garden, within a contemporary city, based on Mayan heritage and in its relationship with the natural and sacred world,” says the firm. “An urban ecosystem where nature and city are intertwined and act as one organism.”

Boeri presented his project to the regional authorities in March 2019 and is currently awaiting approval.

Stefano Boeri Architects have designed  Smart Forest City Cancun for sustainable urban living.

Photo: The Big Picture

Photo: The Big Picture

Solar panels, agricultural fields, and navigable water channels make the tech-friendly city self-sufficient.

Over 7 million plants will populate the project area, which is located just outside of Cancun.

Stefano Boeri Architects: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Stefano Boeri Architects.

Innovative cities: Smart Forest city planned for Mexico's Cancun


