테헤란 우크라이나 여객기 추락 탑승객 전원 사망 VIDEO: Boeing 737 passenger plane crashes in Iran killing all aboard, according to state news agencies

Boeing 737 passenger plane crashes in Iran killing all aboard, according to state news agencies


There were conflicting reports about the number of people onboard. Ukraine’s foreign ministry official told Reuters that there were more than 160 people on board.

A Boeing 737 passenger plane operated by a Ukrainian airline crashed minutes after take-off from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport, killing all on board, Iranian news agencies said Wednesday.



테헤란 우크라이나 보잉 737 여객기 추락 탑승자 전원 사망

   우크라이나 항공사가 운영하는 보잉 737 여객기가 테헤란의 이맘 호메이니 국제공항에서 이륙한 지 몇 분 만에 추락해 탑승자 전원이 사망했다고 이란 통신이 19일(현지시간) 밝혔다

탑승 인원수에 대한 상반된 보도가 있었지만 우크라이나 외무부는 로이터통신에 160명 이상이 탑승했다고 밝혔다.

이란의 Fars 통신은 이 비행기가 우크라이나 국제항공 소속이며 180명이 탑승하고 있다고 전했다.

비행 추적 사이트인 플라이트라다르24는 이 비행기가 테헤란발 우크라이나의 수도 키브행 737-800편인 752편이라고 확인했다. 비행기는 약 2분 동안 비행 중 데이터 전송을 중단했다.

국영 TV는 이란 민간항공 및 비상관리국(Civil Aviation and Emergency Management) 대표들과의 전화 인터뷰에서 사고 현장이 테헤란 인근 샤흐리아르에 있다고 보도했다. 긴급 구조대는 사고 현장에서 화재가 너무 심해서 구조 작업을 중단해야 했다고 말했다.

파스는 사고 원인은 즉각 알려지지 않았으나 테헤란의 이맘 호메이니 국제공항에서 이륙한 뒤 기술적인 문제로 제트기가 추락했다고 보도했으나 자세한 내용은 밝히지 않았다. 연방항공청은 추락 사실을 즉각 확인하지는 않았다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Yahoo News UK

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There were conflicting reports about the number of people onboard. Ukraine’s foreign ministry official told Reuters that there were more than 160 people on board.

Iran’s Fars News Agency said the plane belonged to Ukraine International Airlines and was carrying 180 people.

Flightradar24, a flight-tracking site, identified the plane as Flight 752, a 737-800 that was bound for the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv from Tehran. The plane stopped transmitting data about two minutes into the flight.

The 737-800 is an type of Boeing 737 that came before the 737 Max, the type that regulators grounded worldwide in March after two fatal crashes in a span of five months. The airline received this 737-800 new in 2016, according to FlightRadar24.

In a phone interview with the heads of the Civil Aviation and Emergency Management in Iran, state TV reported that the crash site was in Shahriar, near Tehran. Emergency services said the fire at the crash site was so intense that they had to halt rescue efforts.

The cause of the crash was not immediately known but Fars reported that the jet crashed due to technical problems after taking off from the Imam Khomeini international airport in Tehran, but it didn’t provide any additional detail. The Federal Aviation Administration did not immediately confirm the crash.

The airline did not immediately respond to a request for comment and more information. Ukraine International says it has 42 planes in its fleet and operates 1,110 flights a week.

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“We are aware of the media reports of out Iran and we are gathering more information,” Boeing said in a statement.

This is a developing story. Please check for updates.


Iranian State TV announces passenger plane has crashed outside Tehran


