中, 세계 첫 ‘무인 고속철도’ 개통 VIDEO: Beijing-Zhangjiakou line unveils smart railway system era

Beijing-Zhangjiakou line unveils smart railway system era

By Wang Sheng in Zhangjiakou and Chen Qingqing in Beijing Source:Global Times Published: 2019/12/30 23:38:40 Last Updated: 

China's first self-driving high speed railway linking the two host cities of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games went into operation on Monday, featuring cutting-edge homegrown technologies deemed as major breakthroughs regarding China's rail development. The new line also demonstrated the country's railway evolution.

Yicai Global


中, 세계 첫 ‘무인 고속철도’ 개통

기관사 없이 최고 시속 350㎞

베이징 ~ 장자커우 47분 소요

내년 베이징올림픽 ‘판촉전’

     중국이 30일 철도 기관사 없이 시속 350㎞로 달리는 세계 최초의 ‘무인 고속철도’(사진)를 개통했다. 2008년 베이징올림픽을 앞두고 고속철도 사업으로 톡톡히 재미를 봤던 중국이 이번엔 2020년 베이징동계올림픽용 판촉전에 돌입했다.

관영 신화(新華)통신 등에 따르면 중국철도공사는 이날 수도 베이징(北京)과 2020년 베이징동계올림픽 공동개최지인 허베이(河北)성 장자커우(張家口)를 잇는 무인 고속철도가 첫 공식 운행에 들어간다고 밝혔다. 174㎞ 길이를 잇는 고속철은 최고 시속 350㎞로 양 목적지를 달리는 데 47분밖에 걸리지 않는다. 현재 일반 열차로는 3시간이 소요되는 거리다. 이 고속철은 GPS와 운행 중 자기점검 장치가 도입돼 기관사 없이 자동으로 달린다. 시속 300∼350㎞대 고속열차에 무인 시스템이 도입되기는 전 세계적으로도 처음이다. 정거장에서 자동 출발하고 정차할 뿐만 아니라, 차 문 개폐와 플랫폼 연동 등의 전 과정이 자율주행 시스템으로 이뤄진다. 기관사는 고속철을 ‘감독’하는 역할만 수행한다. 고객 편의를 돕는 스마트 로봇도 열차 곳곳에 배치됐다. 중국은 새 고속철 건설에 빅데이터와 인공지능(AI), 클라우드컴퓨팅 등의 신기술이 적용됐다고 자랑하고 있다. 중국은 2000년대 초반 고속철 사업에 뛰어들어 2008년 베이징올림픽 개막 직전 베이징∼톈진(天津)을 잇는 고속철도를 개통한 바 있다. 지난 10여 년간 중국이 건설한 자국 내 고속철도망은 총 2만5000㎞에 달한다. 2020년까지 고속철 구간을 3만㎞로 늘리고 2025년까지는 3만8000㎞까지 늘릴 계획이다. 중국은 자국 내에서 고속철도를 공격적으로 늘린 후 이를 통해 축적한 기술로 세계 시장을 공략하기 시작했다. 인도네시아와 파키스탄, 태국, 헝가리 시장이 대표적이다.

김윤희 기자 worm@munhwa.com 문화일보


A stewardess places paper cutting on the window of the high-speed train G2505, which stops at Zhangjiakou Highspeed Railway Station in Zhangjiakou, North China's Hebei province on Monday. The high-speed railway line went into service on Monday. Photo: China News Service

The 174-kilometer rail line is the first of its kind in the country that is covered by China's self-developed BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), and is also the world's fastest driverless train with a maximum speed of 350 kilometers per hour, according to China Railway Corp. 

Connecting Beijing and Zhangjiakou, the co-host city of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics located in North China's Hebei Province, the railway reduces travel time between Beijing and Zhangjiakou from more than 3 hours to 47 minutes, which will be a great boost to the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 

 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, stressed the significance of the high-speed railway line connecting Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said the opening marked new progress in the preparations for Winter Olympics and called for high-standard and high-quality advancing of related work.

The Chongli railway, the 53-kilometer-long branch line of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high speed railway line also came into service on the same day, according to the operator. The Chongli district is where the 2022 Winter Olympic village is located.

Photo taken on Dec. 30, 2019 shows the G8811 high-speed train bound for Taizicheng Railway Station at Beijing North Railway Station in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 30, 2019. The high-speed railway line connecting Beijing and Zhangjiakou in north China's Hebei Province went into service on Monday. Chongli railway, a branch line of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway, also came into service. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli)

Cutting-edge technology

Besides the coverage of BDS, the rail line also features a wide range of advanced technologies such as autopilot and auto-dispatching systems. The self-driving system enables the train to automatically start and run between stations, adjusting its timing in accordance to the schedule while accurately stopping at stations. 

"The Beijing-Zhangjiakou rail line is China's high-speed rail 2.0 version, integrating smart rail technologies," Lv Gang, chief engineer of the railway's tunnel project, told the Global Times on Monday, indicating that the launch of the service also represented the future of high-speed rail development. 

The line is also the first in China to adopt a full-lifecycle Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach for all disciplines involved in the project, marking a milestone in China's railway construction and unveiling the practice of smart railway construction, according to analysts. 

Meanwhile, its alarm system, earthquake warning system, natural disaster monitoring system constituted the intelligent dispatching command system for the train. Designed for connecting different Olympic venues, the railway, with the support of dual model 4G and 5G equipment, could facilitate the switch of signals, supporting the upgrade to 5G networks in the future and assist with live streaming of the Olympic games. 

"This will also be an opportunity to showcase China's technological development to the world," Zhao Jian, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, told the Global Times on Monday. 

Over the past decade, China has built the world's most modern and developed high-speed railway network, with operating length surpassing 35,000 kilometers as of the end of 2019, ranking first in the world, according to media reports. 

"The rail line showcases smart rail technologies such as autonomous driving, 5G-enabled services, on-board Wi-Fi and e-ticket services, setting an example for the future development of China's railway and it could be key features for the nation's high-speed rail diplomacy," Luo Duhao, chief engineer of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Railway Line, told the Global Times on Monday. 

A bullet train tests operations along the high-speed railway line connecting Beijing and Zhangjiakou in North China's Hebei Province in November. Photo: VCG

Rail evolution  

The construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou rail line is a part of China's national medium and long-term railway construction plan, also known as the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network. It also links up to Hohhot, capital city of North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, cutting the travel time between Hohhot and Beijing from nine hours fifteen minutes to two hours nine minutes. 

The construction of the railway and high-speed rail line has significant implications on China's economic growth, as the country aims to reach 150,000-kilometer of railway network by 2020, within the aforementioned figure, high-speed rail distances will reach 30,000-kilometers, covering 80 percent of major first-tier cities. 

Beijing-Zhangjiakou railway is of particular significance in the development of China's railway system. The line, first built from 1905 to 1909, was China's first railway that was designed and built solely by Chinese. 

"110 years ago, the rail line was first built, bringing opportunities for the city. 110 years later, the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed rail went into service, becoming a vital symbol for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration, which is also fortunate for us," Wang Ping, a local resident of Zhangjiakou, told the Global Times on Monday. 


Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway opens  kcontents

