일, 세계 최초 액화수소 수송 해상운반선 개발 VIDEO: World's first liquid hydrogen carrier ship launches in Japan ㅣ 세계 최초 수소동력 선박 선보여 VIDEO: The world's first hydrogen powered ship

World's first liquid hydrogen carrier ship launches in Japan

Kawasaki Heavy's vessel will transport the next-generation fuel from Australia

MASAMICHI HOSHI, Nikkei staff writer

DECEMBER 12, 2019 06:40 JST

TOKYO -- Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries debuted on Wednesday the world's first marine carrier that transports liquefied hydrogen, using technology that will vastly expand cargo capacity of the green energy source.

A crowd of 4,000 people gathered at Kawasaki's shipyard in Kobe for the naming and launch ceremony of the Suiso Frontier -- a name adopting the Japanese word for hydrogen. The vessel, measuring 116 meters long, will be fully completed next fall.

The Suiso Frontier, the world's first liquid hydrogen carrier, is unveiled Wednesday at a port in Kobe, Japan. (Photo by Maho Obata)


일, 세계 최초 액화수소 수송 연료 해상운반선 개발

    일본 가와사키 중공업이 그린 에너지원의 화물 용량을 대폭 확대하는 기술을 이용해 액화수소를 수송하는 세계 최초의 해상운송선을 19일 선보였다.

고베에 있는 가와사키 조선소에는 4,000명의 인파가 모여 일본어의 수소(수소)를 채택한 이름인 스이소 프론티어의 명명식과 발사식을 가졌다. 116m 길이의 이 선박은 내년 가을 완공을 앞두고 있다.

카와사키는 나중에 수소를 운반할 탱크를 추가할 것이다. 수소를 영하 253도에서 액화하면 화물은 기체 부피의 800분의 1까지 압축할 수 있다.

2021년 3월 이전에 시험운송을 시작할 예정으로 값싼 석탄으로부터 호주에서 생산된 수소를 일본으로 운송할 것이다.

가와사키는 급속도로 확장될 태세의 시장에서 판도를 바꿀 수 있을 것이다. 시장조사업체 후지케이자이(藤博文)의 추산에 따르면 2030년에는 전 세계 수소 수요가 50억 달러 이상 증가한 37억5000만 달러에 이를 것으로 보인다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Kawasaki will later add tanks that will carry the hydrogen. By liquefying hydrogen at minus 253 degrees Celsius, the cargo can be compressed to one-800th of its gaseous volume.

The carrier will transport to Japan hydrogen produced in Australia from cheap coal, with trial shipments due to begin before March 2021.

Kawasaki's carrier will could be a game changer in a market poised to rapidly expand. Global demand for hydrogen will grow by a factor of more than 50 to around $3.75 billion in 2030, according to an estimate from market research firm Fuji Keizai.

Hydrogen, which produces no carbon dioxide when burned, is a promising fuel when it comes to reducing the carbon footprint. Middle East tensions are also driving demand for alternative energy sources.

Japanese trading house Marubeni and Electric Power Development, a domestic utility known as J-Power, have partnered with Kawasaki on the project, with energy major Royal Dutch Shell also on board.

Richard Court, Australia's ambassador to Japan, attended the launch ceremony, while Toyota Motor Chairman Takeshi Uchiyamada participated in the event as well. Toyota unveiled its latest version of its Mirai hydrogen fuel cell-powered sedan this October.

JXTG Holdings, Japan's largest fuel wholesaler, produces hydrogen from liquefied petroleum gas in Yokohama. The company supplies the fuel for 41 hydrogen stations across the country.

One obstacle keeping hydrogen from taking off has been the cost. Power generation using liquefied natural gas and coal remain significantly cheaper. For hydrogen to be as cost competitive as LNG, a global supply chain and mass shipments will have to be realized. Kawasaki plans to commercialize the liquid hydrogen vessel around 2030, and will develop larger vessels..


The world's first hydrogen powered ship

via youtube

Nowadays, there is plenty of unusual swimming facilities that fundamentally change our idea of what water transport is all about. However, alternative fuel vessels, using, for example, liquid hydrogen, are of special interest are. One of these technological wonders is the EnergyObserver – the  vessel that can fundamentally change people's perception of “clean” energy.

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오늘날, 수상 교통이 무엇인지에 대한 우리의 생각을 근본적으로 바꾸는 많은 특이한 시설들이 있다. 그러나, 예를 들어 액체 수소를 사용하는 대체 연료 선박은 특별한 관심을 가지고 있다. 이러한 기술적 놀라움 중 하나는 "깨끗한" 에너지에 대한 사람들의 인식을 근본적으로 바꿀 수 있는 선박인 것이다.


