견고한 초소형 벌레 로봇 VIDEO: Meet Robofly: Tiny autonomous robotic insect weighing less than one gram that can carry...

Meet Robofly: Tiny autonomous robotic insect weighing less than one gram that can carry five times its weight AND withstand multiple heavy hits from a swatter 

It has artificial muscles on to its three legs that it moves 400 times a second 

The robot's body is made of soft materials making it very flexible and bendible

Called DEAnsect, it withstands multiple hits from a fly swatter without damage 


PUBLISHED: 18:00 GMT, 19 December 2019 | UPDATED: 18:37 GMT, 19 December 2019


견고한 초소형 벌레 로봇 


다양한 작업 수행

    과학자들은 작고 탄력 있는 로봇을 만들기 위해 곤충들로부터 영감을 얻었다.

'DEAnector'라고 불리는 이 벌레 같은 로봇은 부드러운 재료로 만들어졌으며 무게의 5배를 운반하고 인공 근육을 초당 400번 움직인다.

무엇이 이 창조물을 매우 독특하게 만들었기에 파리 스플래터의 여러 번 적중에도 견딜 수 있고, 손상되지 않고 접힐 수 있을까

이 로봇 디자인은 다양한 작업을 수행하기에 이상적이다.

DEAnect는 스위스의 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne(EPFL)의 팀과 프랑스 Cergy-Pontoise 대학의 동료들에 의해 개발되었다.

DEA(DeAnector)는 진동을 통해 전진하는 머리카락 두께의 인공 근육의 일종인 유전 엘라스토머 액츄에이터(DEA)로 설계되었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents

Scientists have pulled inspiration from insects in order to create a tiny, resilient robot.

Referred to as 'DEAnsect', this bug-like robot is made of soft materials, carries five times its weight and moves its artificial muscles 400 times a second.

What makes this creation so unique that it is able to withstand multiple hits from a fly swatter, being folded or squashed without being damaged – making this robot design ideal for performing various tasks.

DEAnsect was developed by a team from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland working with the Integrated Actuators Laboratory (LAI) and colleagues from the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France.

DEAnsect is designed with dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs),which is a type of hair-thin artificial muscle that propels it forward through vibrations.

Scientists have pulled inspiration from insects in order to create a tiny, resilient robot. Referred to as 'DEAnsect', this bug-like robot is made of soft materials, carries five times its weight and flaps its artificial muscles 400 times a second

These DEAs are the main reason why the insect is so light and quick. 

They also enable it to move over different types of terrain, including undulating surfaces.

LMTS director Herbert Shea said: 'DEAs generally operate at several kilovolts, which required a large power supply unit.'

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