뉴질랜드 화산폭발, 산사태, 쓰나미로 이어질 수 있어 VIDEO: Scientists warn New Zealand's devastating White Island volcano eruption could trigger deadly landslides and TSUNAMIS ..
Scientists warn New Zealand's devastating White Island volcano eruption could trigger deadly landslides and TSUNAMIS as they brand tourist trips there 'a disaster waiting to happen'
At least five people died following the eruption on New Zealand's White Island
Scientists warn it could be followed by landslides, mini-eruptions and tsunamis
The short-lived explosive event at 2:11pm local time sent ash 10,000ft high
Further devastation could make it even harder for rescue workers to help the dozens of people trapped on the island
PUBLISHED: 10:44 GMT, 9 December 2019 | UPDATED: 15:55 GMT, 9 December 2019
뉴질랜드 화산폭발, 산사태, 쓰나미로 이어질 수 있어 구조원들 들어가기 너무 위험해 이미 최소 5명의 목숨을 앗아간 뉴질랜드 화이트 아일랜드의 파괴적인 화산 폭발은 후속적으로 산사태, 폭발, 쓰나미를 촉발시킬 수 있다고 과학자들이 경고했다. 커튼대(Curtin University)의 지구 및 행성 과학 대학의 지질학 교수인 Chris Elders는 MailOnline에 Volcano Wakaari에서 뿜어져 나오는 화산재가 폭우를 일으킬 수 있다고 말했다. 대기 중으로 던져진 화산재 입자들은 구름 속에서 물방울을 끌어당기고 모으는 데 능하여 폭발 후 폭우가 내린다. 이는 차례로 화산 폭발 직후 형성된 불안정한 암석이 산사태로 화산 측면으로 씻겨 내려가면서 구조대원들과 섬에 남아 있는 관광객들에게 치명적인 결과를 초래할 수 있다. '구조대원들이 섬에 들어가는 것은 여전히 안전하지 않다'고 엘더스 교수가 말했다. '이런 분출이 일어나면, 재는 매우 빨리 침전되고 극도로 불안정한 암석들을 만들어낸다. '대기로 보내진 재에 의해 촉발될 수 있는 어떤 강우량이라도 불안정한 암석들이 풀리면 산사태를 일으킬 수 있다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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The devastating volcanic eruption on New Zealand's White Island, which has already claimed at least five lives, could trigger subsequent landslides, eruptions and tsunamis, scientists have warned.
Chris Elders, professor of Geology at Curtin University's School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, told MailOnline that the ash belching out from Volcano Whakaari could trigger a downpour of rain.
Ash particles thrown up into the atmosphere are good at attracting and collecting water droplets in clouds, resulting in heavy rain after an eruption.
This in turn could cause unstable rock, which formed immediately after the eruption, to be washed down the sides of the volcano in a landslide, with potentially fatal consequences for both rescue workers and the tourists who are still on the island.
'It's still not safe for rescue workers to land on the island,' Professor Elders said.
'When you get an eruption like this, the ash deposits very quickly and creates rocks which are extremely unstable.
'Any rainfall, which can be triggered by the ash sent into the atmosphere, could cause a landslide if the unstable rocks come loose.'
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Ash particles have a high affinity for attracting and keeping hold of water than normal clouds. This results in the clouds becoming 'full' and 'heavy' quicker than normal, speeding up the natural water cycle. This can lead to landslides and volcanoes, experts warn
The devastating volcanic eruption on New Zealand's White Island (pictured) has already claimed at least five lives. Scientists also say there is a 'high chance' for the island to try and 're-equilibrate' via a series of smaller volcanic eruptions
If this rock reaches the ocean and plunges into the water, it could trigger a tsunami, resulting in further catastrophe.
Large volcanic events such as the White Island eruption can often cause subsequent disasters.
The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 caused enormous tsunamis, as did an eruption of Mount Teide on Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
'If rock from the mountain slides down into the sea, when that happens it displaces the proportionate amount of water and causes a wave,' Professor Elders said.
The violent volcanic eruption on New Zealand's White Island was caused by ocean crust being 'subducted' - or pushed under - another part of the Earth's crust.
The violent volcanic eruption on New Zealand's white Island was caused because ocean crust is being subducted (pictured, the series of events leading to the spontaneous eruption). This constant movement means sudden explosions can occur at any moment
'The Pacific Plate is moving westwards, underneath the tectonic plate New Zealand sits on,' Professor Elders explained.
This constant movement means sudden explosions can occur at any moment.
As the Pacific Plate is pushed down further into Earth's mantle, the rock melts and forms magma.
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