[속보] 뉴질랜드 화이트섬 화산 폭발... 최소 5명 사망 수십명 실종...사망자 더 늘 듯 VIDEO: 'At least' five tourists are dead and dozens more severely injured or missing after a volcano erupts off New Zealand - as terrifying v..

'At least' five tourists are dead and dozens more severely injured or missing after a volcano erupts off New Zealand - as terrifying video shows it exploding near a tour boat amid warnings it could blow again

Whakaari also known as White Island, 48km (29mi) located off New Zealand's North Island, erupted around 2.11pm local time on Monday blowing huge plumes of smoke and debris 12,000 ft into the sky 

White Island, located 48km off New Zealand's North Island, erupted at 2.11pm local time on Monday 

Five people are dead, with the death toll expected to rise as more than 20 people still unaccounted for 

A group tourists who visited the main crater a half hour before the blast captured the eruption from their boat

It is believed fewer than 50 people were on the island at the time of eruption and 23 have been evacuated


PUBLISHED: 01:38 GMT, 9 December 2019 | UPDATED: 08:44 GMT, 9 December 2019


뉴질랜드 화이트섬 화산 폭발 사고로 5명 부상 수십명 실정...사망자 늘어날 듯 

    뉴질랜드 플렌티만 관광단 근처에서 화산이 폭발한 후 5명이 사망하고 수십명이 부상당하거나 실종됐다. 그러나 당국이 생존자를 찾는 것은 너무 위험하다고 말하고 있다.

뉴질랜드 북섬에서 48km(29m) 떨어진 화이트아일랜드로 알려진 와카리는 24일 오후 2.11시경 거대한 매연과 파편 3657m(1만2000ft)를 하늘로 날려보냈다.

관광객들은 폭발 직전 분화구 깊숙한 곳에 있었고, 섬으로 가는 배에 타고 있던 다른 관광객들은 온통 검은 연기로 뒤덮였다.

화산 폭발 당시 50명 미만의 사람들이 섬에 있었으며 23명이 대피해 화산재로 뒤덮인 들것에 실려 본토로 이송된 것으로 알려지고 있다


존 팀스 미 작전사령관(국가 작전사령관)은 관광객 중 5명이 사망했으며 다수가 화상을 입어 병원으로 이송됐으며 사망자 수는 늘어날 것으로 보인다고 밝혔다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


edited by kcontents

Five people are dead, dozens more are injured or still missing after a volcano erupted near a group of tourists off the coast of New Zealand - as authorities say it's too dangerous to search for survivors. 

A group tourists who had visited the main crater a half hour before the blast captured the eruption from their boat 

Whakaari also known as White Island, located 48km (29mi) off New Zealand's North Island, erupted around 2.11pm local time on Monday blowing huge plumes of smoke and debris 3,657m (12,000ft) into the sky.  

A group of tourists had been deep inside the crater just moments before the blast while others on a boat to the island were forced to seek cover as thick, black smoked billowed towards them.

Tourist Michael Schade said he and his family were on the volcano just 20 minutes before it erupted and witnessed the blast as they were leaving the island

It is believed fewer than 50 people were on the island at the time of eruption and 23 have been evacuated and brought to the mainland on stretchers covered in ash. 

National Operation Commander Deputy Commissioner John Tims confirmed five people are dead and multiple have been taken to hospital with burns, with the death toll expected to rise. 

The White Island Tour operators are seen during the rescue operation about 12 to 14 minutes after the eruption

Rescue services are seen evacuating a group of tourists in a dinghy

'I can confirm there are five people now deceased from the eruption on White Island,' Mr Tims told reporters on Monday evening. 

'A number of other people have been taken to a hospital. The number of people have burns as a result of the eruption. It is still too early for police to confirm how many people are involved.' 

'There are possibilities of further eruptions. The physical environment is unsafe for us to return to the island. It is important that we consider the health and safety of those that are going to rescue those on the island. So we will be taking that advice,' Mr Tims said. 

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New Zealand volcano – Tourists dead after huge White Island eruption

