미국 뉴올리언스 호텔 붕괴로 최소 1명 사망 3명 실종 18명 부상 VIDEO: At least one dead, three missing and 18 are injured after the 18-story Hard Rock Hotel...

At least one dead, three missing and 18 are injured after the 18-story Hard Rock Hotel in New Orleans COLLAPSES during construction and sends cranes crashing into people on the street below

Video shows the moment that the top floors of the building - which has been under construction for the last several months - collapsed onto Basin Street at around 9am.

Video shows the moment that the top floors of the building came crashing down onto Basin Street at around 9am in New Orleans

At least one person has been reported dead from the accident 

18 people have been taken to the hospital in unknown condition and three are unaccounted for 

It is not exactly known how the building collapsed 

Plans for the mixed use development project were first unveiled in February 2018 and the building expected to open in the spring 


미국 뉴올리언스 호텔 붕괴로 최소 1명 사망 3명 실종 18명 부상

  미국 뉴올리언스 콜랩스의 18층짜리 하드락 호텔이 공사 도중 크레인 충돌로 최소 1명이 사망하고, 3명 실종, 18명이 부상했다.

25일 오전 뉴올리언스 하드락 카페의 상당 부분이  무너져 내렸다.

영상에서는 뉴올리언스에서 오전 9시경 하드락 카페의 윗층 부분이 거리로 붕괴해 1명이 숨진 순간을 보여주고 있다.

BNO 뉴스에따르면 사고 현장에서 최소 1명이 사망했다고 한다.

이 건물이 어떻게 부분적으로 붕괴되었는지는 정확히 알려지지 않았지만 Nola.com은 18명의 사람들이 알려지지 않은 상태로 병원으로 이송되었다고 보도했으며. 다른 세 명은 실종되었다고 한다.

영상에는 두 대의 대형 크레인이 그 여파로 흔들리면서 윗층이 무너지는 것을 보여준다.

팀 맥코넬 뉴올리언스 소방국장은 토요일 기자회견에서 건물의 6~8층이 붕괴됐다고 말했다. 그는 건물이 불안정하고 완전히 붕괴될 수도 있다고 덧붙였다.

맥코넬은 '건물이 불안정해 붕괴가 여전히 가능하다'고 전했다.

목격자들은 작업자들이 생존을 위해 크레인에 매달려 있었다'고 회상했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

via video

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 17:49 BST, 12 October 2019 | UPDATED: 23:27 BST, 12 October 2019

Construction workers were said to have had to climb down ladders in order to get to safety

At least one person is dead and 18 more are injured after a large portion of the Hard Rock Cafe in New Orleans came crashing down on Saturday morning. 

Video shows the moment that the top floors of the Hard Rock Cafe came crashing down onto Basin Street at around 9am in New Orleans that left one dead

At least one person has been reported dead from the accident, a fire chief at the scene told BNO News. 

The building mostly fell on Basin Street, located just outside of the French Quarter

It is not exactly known how the building partially collapsed but Nola.com reports that 18 people have been taken to the hospital in unknown condition. Three others are said to be missing. 

Video shows the upper floors come toppling down as two large cranes are seen swaying in the aftermath.

During a Saturday press conference, New Orleans Fire Department Superintendent Tim McConnell said the upper six to eight floors of the building collapsed. He added that the building remains unstable and may collapse completely.

18 people have been taken to the hospital in unknown condition after suffering injuries in the collapse 

The development was expected to be open in the spring. Debris can be seen falling off the building

'The building is unstable, so a collapse is still possible,' McConnell, according to Nola.com. 

Witnesses recalled that the cranes were 'sort of dangling there' as employees struggled to stay alive. 

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