[속보] 미-북 스웨덴 회담, 이견 차이로 결렬[Breaking] VIDEO: North Korea says nuclear talks in Sweden 'broke down' while US touts 'good discussions'

North Korea says nuclear talks in Sweden 'broke down' while US touts 'good discussions'

William Cummings USA TODAY

North Korean and U.S. officials had different takes on their meeting Saturday in Sweden aimed at renewing negotiations over Pyongyang’s nuclear program.


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미-북 스웨덴 회담 이견 차이로 결렬

   북한과 미국은 토요일 스웨덴에서 평양의 핵 프로그램에 대한 협상을 재개하기 위한 회담에서 서로 상반된 견해를 보였다.

북한 측 수석대표는 "미국이 '그들의 생각' 때문에 회담이 결렬됐다"고 밝혔고, 미국 측 관계자들은 "좋은 논의"라고 말했다.

북한측 김명길은 "이번 회담이 우리의 기대를 충족시키지 못하고 결렬되었다"고 말했다.

김은 "매우 불쾌하다"면서 "미국이 예전의 입장과 태도를 버리지 않아 회담이 결렬됐다"고 덧붙였다. 그는 북한 대사관 밖 통역관을 통해 이같이 밝혔다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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North Korea's chief negotiator said the talks broke down because of the U.S. "attitude," while American officials said they had "good discussions." 

the koreaherald

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North Korean negotiator Kim Miyong Gil said the talks had "not fulfilled our expectations and broke down." 

"I am very displeased about it," said Kim, adding that the talks ended "entirely because the U.S. has not discarded its old stance and attitude." He made his statement via an interpreter outside the North Korean embassy.

But State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said in a statement that North Korea's description of events "not reflect the content or the spirit of today’s 8 1/2 hour discussion." 

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