프랑스 경찰본부 여성 1명 포함 경관 4명 살해범 최근 이슬람 개종 VIDEO: Paris police HQ attacker was recent convert to Islam / 페루 버스 추락 최소 23명이 사망 At least 23 are killed and dozens injured after bus plunges..

카테고리 없음|2019. 10. 4. 08:45

Paris police HQ attacker was recent convert to Islam – media

A knife-wielding attacker, who killed four French officers inside police headquarters in Paris before being shot dead, had converted to Islam around 18 months, BFM TV reports.

Security personnel is seen after an attack on the police headquarters in Paris, France, October 3, 2019. © REUTERS/Christian Hartmann


프랑스 경찰본부 여성 1명 포함 경관 4명 살해범 최근 이슬람 개종

어제  프랑스 파리 경찰 본부 안에서 흉기를 휘들러 여성 1명을 포함한 경관 4명을 죽인 테러범은 최근 이슬람으로 개종한 것으로 밝혀졌다고 BFM TV가 보도했다

테러 용의자는 약 20년 동안 본부에서 일했으며 그의 동료들에 따르면, 어떠한 문제도 일으키지 않았다고 한다. 그는 파리 중심부에 있는 일레 드 라 시테의 건물로 도자기 칼을 가지고 와서 동료 네 명(남자 세 명, 여자 한 명)을 공격했다.

가해자는 자동소총으로 총격을 가한 다른 경관에게 살해되었다. 지금까지 가해자의 동기에 대해서는 공식적인 언급은 없었지만, 그와 직속상관 사이에 '알력'이 있었던 것으로 알려졌다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

The suspect in Thursday’s attack was a staffer, who worked at the headquarters for around 20 years and, according to his colleagues, never caused any problems. He brought a ceramic knife to the historic building at Ile de la Cite, in the heart of Paris, and attacked four colleagues (three male, one female).



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The perpetrator was killed by another officer, who shot him with an automatic rifle. So far, there has been no official comment regarding the attacker’s motives, but there were reportedly “tensions” between him and his direct supervisor.


At least 23 are killed and dozens injured after bus plunges down 300- foot cliff in southeastern Peru

Authorities in Cusco, Peru, said 23 passengers died when a bus plunged off a cliff Tuesday

Bus accident in Cusco, Peru, killed at least 23 passengers on Tuesday 

Authorities reported 30 other people traveling in the coach were injured

The bus was traveling from the Amazon rainforest city of Puerto Maldonado to Cusco when the driver veered off the road and landed in a 300-foot deep ditch

At least 3,245 people died in traffic accidents in Peru in 2018


페루 버스 추락 최소 23명 사망

   페루 남동부의 한 절벽에서 버스가 추락해 최소 23명이 사망했다.

조사관들은 산악도시인 쿠스코에서 발생한 사고 이후 승객 30여명이 부상을 입었다고 말했다.

이 버스는 이른 화요일 새벽에 아마존 열대 우림 도시인 푸에르토 말도나도에서 쿠스코로 가다가 사고가 발생했다.

계곡에 추락한 버스는 마카파타 지구의 60m 깊이에 뒤집힌 상테로 발견됐다.

'폭우와 험준한 지형으로 구조 작업을 어렵게 만들었다.'

화요일 버스 사고는 7월 19일 칸타 리마 지방의 한 야산에 미니버스가 충돌한 후 19명이 목숨을 잃은 후 일어났다.

페루에서는 작년 교통사고 3,245명이 사망했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 20:48 BST, 3 October 2019 | UPDATED: 20:51 BST, 3 October 2019

At least 23 people have been killed  after a bus plunged off a cliff in southeastern Peru.

Investigators said about 30 passengers suffered injuries following the accident in the mountainous city of Cusco.

The bus was traveling early Tuesday before sunrise from the Amazon rainforest city of Puerto Maldonado to Cusco when the driver veered off course. 


An accident in southeastern Peru left 23 passengers dead and 30 injured when a bus plunged into a 300-foot deep slope

First responders tend to injured passengers moments after Tuesday bus accident in Peru

The coach was found laying upside down in a 300-foot deep slope in the district of Marcapata.

'It is one of the violent accidents we have had,' said officer José Huanca, a spokesperson for the Marcapata police department.

'Heavy rains and rugged terrain made rescue efforts difficult.'

Tuesday bus accident comes after 19 people lost their lives after a minibus crashed against a hill in the Lima province of Canta on July 19. 

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