샴페인 코르크 열 때 전투기 초음속 충격파 생긴다 Popping a champagne cork creates the same type of shock wave as a war plane...

Fighter jet in a wine bottle: Popping a champagne cork creates the same type of shock wave as a war plane going SUPERSONIC, study finds


Champagne bottlenecks could be viewed as small rocket nozzles, says scientists

The team was uncorking Vranken Pommery, Marne champagne rosé bottles

They discovered 'Mach disks' around the bottle top during the pop 

The effect happens when pressurized gases inside are exposed to ambient air 


샴페인 코르크 열 때 전투기 초음속 충격파 생긴다

    샴페인 코르크가 튀어나오면 전투기가 초음속으로 들어갈 때와 같은 충격파가 생긴다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.

프랑스의 한 연구팀은 안에 있는 가압된 가스가 갑자기 공기에 노출될 때 병뚜껑 주변에서 이러한 '매치 디스크'가 생성되었다는 것을 발견했다.

이 현상은 1,000분의 1초 동안만 지속되며, 6개의 Vranken Pommery, Marne 샴페인 로제 병을 풀면서 고속 사진을 사용하여 밝혀졌다.

샴페인 속의 이산화탄소는 기포가 거품을 내며 나오게 하며 그것의 물리적 현상은 전투기의 배기 플룸을 닮았다.

전투기는 플룸(수증기 기둥)을 남기고, 마하 원으로 알려진 그 플룸의 미세한 특징은 샴페인 병이 터졌을 때도 볼 수 있다.

"우리는 샴페인 병목 현상이 처음에는 밀폐된 병목현상에서 압력을 받고 있는 CO2/H2O 혼합물로 작은 로켓 노즐로 보일 수 있다고 믿고 있으며, 코르크 마개가 터지는 과정에서 자유롭게 팽창한다," 라고 라이즈 샴페인-아르덴 대학의 연구 저자 제라드 리거-벨레어가 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 19:00 BST, 20 September 2019 | UPDATED: 19:00 BST, 20 September 2019

Popping Champagne corks creates the same shock waves seen when fighter jets go supersonic, a study has revealed.

A team of French researchers discovered that these 'Mach disks' of gas were created around the bottle top when the pressurised gases inside are suddenly exposed to air.

The phenomenon lasts just one thousandth of a second and was revealed using high-speed photography while uncorking six Vranken Pommery, Marne champagne rosé bottles.

Carbon dioxide in Champagne makes it fizz and pop, and physics of it resembles fighter jet plumes

Fighter jets leave a plume in their wake, and the fine features of those plumes known as Mach circles can also be seen when a Champagne bottle pops

Champagne bottlenecks resemble small rocket nozzles as the carbon dioxide and water, initially under pressure in the sealed bottleneck, freely expand during the cork popping process, says scientists

'We believe that champagne bottlenecks could be viewed as small rocket nozzles as the CO2/ H2O gas mixture, initially under pressure in the sealed bottleneck, freely expands during the cork popping process,' said study author Gerard Liger-Belair, of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne.

Liger-Belair, 49, has studied the fizziness in sparkling wine for more than 20 years and is the author of Uncorked: The Science of Champagne.

Take off! Carbon dioxide - which is created during the fermentation process to give the wine its characteristic fizz - behaves like rocket exhaust plumes when they expel gases faster than Mach 1 - the speed of sound

In the new study, his team explained that Mach disks are created by carbon dioxide and water vapour gases in the bottle expanding into the ambient air faster than the speed of sound. 

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