사우디, 드론 타격으로 아람코 생산량 절반 생산 중단 VIDEO: Saudi Arabia confirms about half of Aramco's production interrupted due to drone strikes
Saudi Arabia confirms about half of Aramco's production interrupted due to drone strikes
Published time: 14 Sep, 2019 21:58 Edited time: 14 Sep, 2019 22:44
Drone attacks on two Saudi Aramco facilities will lead to 5.7 million barrels or 50 percent drop in the oil giant’s production, the Saudi Energy minister has said. Houthis rebels claimed responsibility for the attacks.
Saudi Arabia confirms about half of Aramco's production interrupted due to drone strikes
Aramco facility in Abqaiq©Reuters/RR/MAR
사우디, 드론 타격으로 아람코 생산량 절반 생산 중단 사우디 에너지 장관은 드론의 사우디 아람코 공장 2곳 공격으로 석유 생산량이 570만배럴 또는 50% 감소할 것이라고 말했다. 후피스 반군은 이번 테러에 책임이 있다고 주장했다. 25일 오전 동부의 아브카이크 시 정유공장과 광활한 쿠라리스 유전지대의 또 다른 시설에서 폭발이 일어나 몇 시간 동안 시설을 파괴하는 대형 화재가 발생했다.
압둘라지즈 빈 살만 왕자는 이번 공격으로 사우디아라코가 원유와 가스 생산을 부분적으로 중단시켰지만 이 회사는 손실된 수량을 복구하기 위해 48시간 내에 재가동할 것이라고 말했다. 공급 감소는 회사의 석유 매장량을 통해 부분적으로 보상될 것이라고 장관은 약속했다. 이 장관은 명확한 가해자를 알지 못하지만 이번 드론공격은 페르시아만 유조선뿐 아니라 석유시설, 펌프장, 석유탱크에 대한 공격의 연장선이라고 말했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
Explosions rocked oil refinery in the city of Abqaiq in the kingdom’s oil-rich Eastern Province and another facility at the vast Khurais oil field on Saturday morning, sparking huge blazes that ravaged the facilities for hours.
Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said the attacks crippled the facilities, forcing Saudi Aramco to partially halt crude and gas production, but the company was working on recovering the lost quantities and would make an update within 48 hours. The decrease in supplies would be partially compensated through the company’s oil reserves, the minister promised.
While falling short of naming the perpetrator, the minister called the strikes “an extension” of the attacks on oil facilities, pumping stations as well as oil tankers in the Persian Gulf.
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Yemeni's Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for the drone strikes. They have been attacking Saudi territory since the kingdom got involved into the the civil conflict in the country four years ago with frequent bombings that claimed hundreds of lives.
Yet earlier on Saturday, US Secretary of State Mike pinned the blame for what he called “an unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply” on Iran. While Washington did not outline any retaliatory measures, US President Donald Trump's ally in Congress, hawkish Republican Senator Lindsey Graham called for a strike against Tehran.
The Saudi minister echoed Pompeo, stating that the attacks had not only affected “vital installations” of the oil-rich kingdom energy infrastructure, but also targeted global oil supplies, thus “threatening the global economy.”