세계 최고의 조각공원이 있는 박물관들 VIDEO:6 Museums with World-Class Sculpture Gardens
6 Museums with World-Class Sculpture Gardens
By Kelly Richman-Abdou on September 2, 2019
There are two primary ways to see sculptures made by renowned artists: within the walls of a museum and in a sculpture park. Though these sites are often separate from one another, some institutions feature both, making it easy to have two different experiences in a single outing.
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Stock Photos from Lissandra Melo/Shutterstock
Wondering where you can find some of these dual destinations? Here, we present 6 of the best museum sculpture gardens around the world, from the sunny south of France to the coast of Cornwall.
Fondation Maeght (Saint-Paul-de-Vence)
프랑스 매그 미술관
매그 미술관은 프랑스 프로방스알프코트다쥐르 주 레지옹 알프마리팀 데파르트망의 예술 도시 생 폴 드 방스(St. Paul De Vence)에 있는 사립 미술관이다. 프랑스를 대표하는 미술 재단인 매그 재단이 미술관을 운영하고 있다. 사립 미술관으로는 드물게 현대 예술계 거장들의 작품 7000여 점을 보유하고 있는 것으로 유명하다. 매년 15만 명의 관람객이 찾는 지역의 명소이기도 하다.[네이버 지식백과]
Stock Photos from Artazum/Shutterstock
Nestled near the medieval center of Saint-Paul-de-Vence, an idyllic commune on the French Riviera, the Fondation Maeght features a stunning collection of modern masterpieces. In addition to its interior, which comprises exhibition rooms, an art library, and even a chapel, the site boasts beautiful outdoor gardens that are unlike any other.
Once outside, visitors will find a main sculpture garden displaying works by artists like Alexander Calder and Jean Arp, as well as a courtyard with works by Alberto Giacometti, a “labyrinth” adorned with whimsical works by Joan Miró, monumental mosaics by Marc Chagall and Pierre Tal Coat, a pool designed by Georges Braque, and a mechanical fountain by Pol Bury.
The Rodin Museum (Paris)
프랑스 파리 로댕 박물관
로댕이 기증한 그의 조각품들과 그가 수집한 미술품들은 모두 국가 소유의 재산이며, 미술관의 주 수입원은 비롱저택과 정원에 위치한 파리 로댕 미술관의 입장 수입과 뫼동에 있는 미술관과 별관의 입장 수입이다. 한 해 평균 50만 명이 훨씬 넘는 관람객이 미술관을 방문하여, 프랑스에서는 루브르, 오르세 다음으로 많은 사람들이 관람하는 미술관으로 알려져 있다.
Stock Photos from Gimas/Shutterstock
Auguste Rodin is one of the most important sculptors in history. Today, much of his most important work can be found at the Musée Rodin in Paris, where the French artist was born and based.
Comprising both an indoor space set in the Hôtel Biron (Rodin’s former workshop) and a vast, three-hectare sculpture park, wandering around these grounds is an an ideal way to see Rodin’s body of work. Outside, you’ll encounter some of Rodin’s most pivotal pieces, including The Gates of Hell, The Three Shades, and, of course, The Thinker, which is beautifully set against a view of the Eiffel Tower.
The National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden (Washington DC)
미 워싱턴 내셔널 갤러리
미국의 수도 워싱턴시에 있는 서양회화 전문의 미술관으로 워싱턴 국립미술관이라고도 한다. 1937년에 창립되어 1941년에 개관되었다. 국립이라는 명칭이 붙어 있지만, 원래는 재무부장관과 주영대사를 역임한 실업가이자 미술수집가인 A.W.멜런(Mellon:1855∼1937)이 건물·미술품과 운영기금까지를 국가에 기증, 이를 국가가 운영한 데서 국립이라는 이름이 붙었다.[네이버 지식백과]
Stock Photos from LEE SNIDER PHOTO IMAGES/Shutterstock
As “the nation’s museum,” it’s no surprise that the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC has world-class sculpture holdings. Given their monumental scales, the pieces have been placed outside, culminating in a can’t-miss garden just steps away from the museum.
What can you expect to find in this outdoor space? With a stationary Calder sculpture as its centerpiece, the modern and contemporary collection features work by Pop Art pioneers Roy Lichtenstein and Robert Indiana, as well as work by celebrated female artist Louise Bourgeois and even one of Hector Guimard’s iconic Paris Metro entrances.
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (Washington DC)
미 워싱턴 허시혼박물관
스미스소니언협회에 소속되어 있으며 고든 번샤프트(Gordon Bunshaft)가 설계하였다. 제2차 세계대전 이후의 다양한 현대 미술품과 조각품들을 전시한다. 주요 작품으로는 로댕(Rodin), 브랑쿠시(Brancusi), 콜더(Calder), 무어(Moore)의 조각품과 베이컨(Bacon), 미로(Miró), 오키프(O'Keeffe), 워홀(Warhol), 스텔라(Stella), 키퍼(Kiefer)의 유화 등이다.[네이버 지식백과]
Stock Photos from Lissandra Melo/Shutterstock
Just across the National Mall is the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. As part of the Smithsonian, this museum boasts 12,000 artworks, including a selection of 60 modern and contemporary sculptures installed just outside its walls.
Described by the institution as a “contemplative haven in the heart of our nation’s capital,” this sculpture garden has offered visitors an exceptional art experience since 1974. From Rodin castings to a Yayoi Kusama Pumpkin, the eclectic collection features work by an amazing cast of characters—and it will only get better, as earlier this year, the museum announced plans to revitalize this outdoor space.
Beeldenpark van het Kröller-Müller Museum (Otterlo)
네덜란드 크뢸러 뮐러 미술관
미술관의 나라 네덜란드에는 그 지역에 잘 어울리는 멋들어진 미술관이 많다. 네덜란드에서 가장 큰 국립공원인 더 호헤 벨루에(De Hoge Veluwe)에 있는 크뢸러 뮐러 미술관도 그 가운데 하나다.
With the world’s second largest collection of Van Gogh works, the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, the Netherlands, is a site of pilgrimage for fans of the Post-Impressionist. However, on top of housing Van Gogh masterpieces like the Potato Eaters and Café Terrace at Night, the museum features an amazing collection of outdoor sculptures.
Measuring 25 hectares, the Kröller-Müller’s sculpture garden is one of the largest in Europe. Here, visitors will find 160 pieces by famous artists like Jean Dubuffet, Marta Pan, and Pierre Huyghe. While the art is reason enough to visit this site, its wooded setting is just as captivating. “The surroundings elicit pure enjoyment, of both sculpture and nature,” the museum explains. “The garden is open all year round and exudes a different ambience with every season.”
Barbara Hepworth Museum (St Ives)
영국 바바라 헵워스 박물관
영국 잉글랜드 남서부 세인트 이브스(St. Ives)에 있다. 20세기 영국의 조각가 바바라 헵워스의 작업실과 정원을 보존하고 있다. 영국 잉글랜드 남서부 세인트 이브스(St. Ives)에 있다. 20세기 영국의 추상 조각가인 바바라 헵워스의 작업실과 정원을 생전의 모습으로 보존하고 있다.
Stock Photos from Minka Guides/Shutterstock
During World War II, English artist Barbara Hepworth and other modernist figures set up an artist’s colony in St Ives, a seaside town in Cornwall. She lived, worked, and died in Trewyn Studios, a site that would eventually become the Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden.
Overseen by Tate—a network of major art museums in the United Kingdom—the museum and garden feature the largest collection of Hepworth works, including an impressive collection of bronze, stone, and wood sculptures. Most of the bronze works remain where Hepworth had placed them in her secluded garden, allowing the site to retain what made it so special to the artist. “Finding Trewyn Studio was a sort of magic,” she said. “Here was a studio, a yard and garden where I could work in open air and space.”