1,000마력 '아이언 맨' 수트 입고 편지 전달한 영국 발명가 VIDEO: British inventor flies across the Solent to the Isle of Wight to hand-deliver a letter using his 1,000 horsepower 'Iron Man' suit powered by FIVE jet engines
British inventor flies across the Solent to the Isle of Wight to hand-deliver a letter using his 1,000 horsepower 'Iron Man' suit powered by FIVE jet engines
Richard Browning once again donned his jet-engine powered suit with 1,000 bhp
The maverick British inventor this time used his suit to fly across the Solent
It saw him fly from the mainland to the Isle of Wight to hand deliver a letter
Almost a mile (1.3km) trip from Lymington to Fort Albert on the island
1,000마력 '아이언 맨' 수트 입고 편지 전달한 영국 발명가 영국의 독불장군 발명가가 제트기동수트를 입고 와이트섬에 편지를 직접 전달했다. 리차드 브라우닝이 만든 이 전신복은 마블 우주에서 토니 스타크가 입었던 것과 비슷하며 먼 거리를 비행단할 수 있다. 000마력 이상의 제동마력을 내는 5개의 가스 터빈을 이용해 비행을 하고 55mph(89kph) 이상의 속도에 도달할 수 있다. Gravity Industries는 이 비행체의 개발 회사로서 세계 최초 '제트 슈트' 특허를 올해 초에 획득했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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PUBLISHED: 17:08 BST, 2 September 2019 | UPDATED: 21:14 BST, 2 September 2019
A maverick British inventor has hand-delivered a letter to the Isle of Wight by donning his jet-powered suit.
The body suit, created by Richard Browning, is similar to the one worn by Tony Stark in the Marvel universe and can traverse vast distances.
It uses five gas turbines that produce over 1,000 brake horsepower to gain flight and can reach speeds of over 55mph (89kph).
Gravity Industries is the firm behind the creation and it was awarded a patent earlier this year in what its British creators are saying is the world's first for a 'jet suit'.
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The trip across the Solent (pictured) is the furthest yet undertaken in the suit, building on the successes of previous smaller trials
Similar to the one worn by Tony Stark in the Marvel universe, the suit can traverse vast distances and be worn by anyone. It uses five gas turbines that produce over 1,000 brake horsepower to gain flight
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