[과거에서 현재까지] 세계 최고층 빌딩의 역사 VIDEO; A Visual Timeline of the Tallest Historical StructuresPublished 4 days ago on August 28, 2019 By Iman Ghosh

A Visual Timeline of the Tallest Historical Structures

Published 4 days ago on August 28, 2019 By Iman Ghosh

Humans have been building things since the dawn of time. As the tools and technology at our disposal have improved dramatically, so have the scale and magnitude of our creations.

Today’s infographic from Alan’s Factory Outlet visualizes some of the most impressive feats of construction and engineering in a historical timeline of the world’s tallest structures.

The Walls of Jericho

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The Stone Age: 8000 — 2570 BCE

We’ll begin with one of humanity’s earliest stone monuments.

Experts estimate that the Tower of Jericho in modern-day Palestine, took 11,000 working days to construct—roughly 30 to 40 years—and is thought to have served as flood protection, and to mark the summer solstice. According to some archaeologists, it also inspired awe to “motivate people [into] a communal lifestyle”.

View the full timeline by clicking here.


세계 최고층 빌딩의 역사

   인간은 태초부터 사물을 만들어 왔다. 우리가 마음대로 사용할 수 있는 도구와 기술이 획기적으로 발전함에 따라, 우리의 창작의 규모와 규모도 크게 향상되었다.

앨런의오늘의 인포그래픽은 세계에서 가장 높은 건축물의 역사적 연대표에서 가장 인상적인 건축과 공학의 위업을 시각화하고 있다.

석기시대 8000 — 2570 BC

인류 최초의 석조 기념물 중 하나로 시작한다.

전문가들은 팔레스타인 현대판 제리코 타워가 약 30~40년 동안 11,000일의 작업일수가 소요되었으며 홍수 방호 역할을 한 것으로 보고 있으며, 해지를 기념하기 위해 사용되었다고 추정하고 있다. 일부 고고학자들에 따르면, 그것은 또한 "공동체의 생활방식으로 사람들을 자극"하는 것에 경외심을 불러일으켰다.

성당 건축: 1221 — 1549 CE

대성당이 들어서기 시작한 1221년 구 성 바오로 대성당을 시작으로 대성당의 지배가 시작되면서 피라미드가 건설된 지 3,000년이 지난 지금, 아래의 연대표는 앞으로 흘러간다.

링컨 대성당은 200년 이상 동안 가장 높은 건축물이라는 타이틀을 누렸다. 독일의 메리 교회는 건설되었다. 그러나 이 세 성당 모두 어떤 이유에서든 심각한 피해를 입었다. 즉, 탑이나 첨탑이 무너지거나, 건물에 불이 붙거나, 벼락을 맞았다.

교회부터 크라이슬러까지: 1569년 — 1930년

19세기 후반까지 종교적인 기념물들의 건설은 계속되었는데, 보바이스의 성 베드로 대성당은 쾰른 대성당에 이른다. 몇 개의 성당은 원래 몇 년 전에 지어졌지만, 그레이트 피라미드가 약 33피트(10미터)까지 현저하게 침식된 후에야 가장 높은 구조물의 타이틀을 얻게 되었다.

더 크고, 더 낫고, 더 빛난다: 1931년 — 현재

"하늘을 향한 레이스"는 뉴욕시의 고전적인 스카이라인에 필수적인 공헌인 엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩과 함께 계속된다. 엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩은 현대 세계의 7대 불가사의 중 하나로 자리를 굳히고 있다.

1954년과 1991년 사이에 가장 높은 건물은 모두 TV탑으로 대부분 미국 전역에 위치하고 있었으며, 폴란드의 바르샤바 라디오 마스트였다. 그렇다고 해서 이 시기 동안 초고층 빌딩의 간격이 있었다는 말은 아니다. 사실, 그것은 전 세계적으로 정반대였다.


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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The next significant structure was built nearly 4,000 years later. The Anu Ziggurat (White Temple) is located in Uruk, the ancient city of Sumer. Towering over the city’s defensive walls and visible from afar, it symbolized the city’s political power at the time.

Egypt’s era of pyramids was ushered in with the Step Pyramid of Djoser. A few decades later, the founding pharaoh Sneferu is credited for the vision behind the three major Egyptian pyramids—the Meidum, Bent, and Red Pyramids of Dahshur. The different designs reflect both the engineering shortfalls and advancements experienced during their construction…eventually leading to the most monumental pyramid of all.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the ancient world wonders, and the only one that is still intact today. It weighs an estimated 6 million tonnes—and rising up at 481 feet (147 meters), it was unsurpassed as the tallest structure for thousands of years.

Lincoln Cathedral

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Cathedral Creation: 1221 — 1549 CE

The timeline below skips ahead over 3,000 years after the construction of the Great Pyramid, as the reign of cathedrals begins to take over, starting with the Old St. Paul’s Cathedral in 1221—which needed over 200 years to complete.

View the full timeline by clicking here..

The Lincoln Cathedral enjoyed its title of tallest structure for over 200 years, until the St. Mary’s Church in Germany was constructed. However, all three of these cathedrals suffered serious damage for some reason or another: towers or spires collapsed, the buildings caught on fire, or were struck by lightning.

From Churches to the Chrysler: 1569 — 1930

The construction of religious monuments continued well into the late 19th century, with the Cathedral of Saint Peter of Beauvais to the Cologne cathedral. Several cathedrals were originally constructed years prior, but only gained the title of tallest structure once the Great Pyramid had significantly eroded by about 33 feet (10 meters).

View the full timeline by clicking here.

The Washington Monument, the world’s tallest obelisk, was created in memoriam of the first U.S. President. Though the majority of the Monument is marble, its apex is aluminum and bears several inscriptions on each face.

The Eiffel Tower likely needs no introduction—the Parisian cultural icon became the tallest in the world in 1889. The wrought-iron lattice structure costed close to 8 million gold Francs, or US$1.5 million to build.

Finally, the Chrysler Building’s art-deco architectural style drew criticism and rave reviews in equal measure. Born out of a skyscraper boom in New York City, it was the first to rise above 1,000 feet—toppling the Eiffel Tower’s tallest title in 1930.

Empire state building/architecturaldigest.com

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Bigger, Better, Glitzier: 1931 — Present

The “race for the sky” continues with the Empire State Building, an essential contribution to the classic New York City skyline—which cements its place as one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

View the full timeline by clicking here.

Between 1954 and 1991, the tallest man-made constructions were all TV towers, mostly located across the United States, and the Warsaw Radio Mast in Poland. That’s not to say there was a gap in skyscrapers during this time—in fact, it was quite the opposite all around the world.

the Jeddah Tower /Source: Smith Gill/reuter uk

(사우디에 건설 중인 지다 타워 또는 킹덤 타워는 높이가 1,007m로 세계 최초로 1km 가 넘는 초고층 빌딩이 된다.)

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Saving the best for last, the Burj Khalifa was completed in five years and costed a whopping $1.5 billion. At an impressive 163 floors (2,722 feet or 830 meters), Dubai’s incredible achievement shatters all world records for tallest structures—coming in at nearly 100 times higher than the Tower of Jericho, where this visual timeline first began.


The Empire State Building Observatory In New York


Jeddah Tower - the highest building with a difficult fate


