인도네시아, 보르네오섬 동(東) 칼리만탄에 새 수도 만든다 VIDEO: Jokowi announces Indonesia's new capital in East Kalimantan

Jokowi announces Indonesia's new capital in East Kalimantan

Government cites economic benefits, while critics fret over rising debt and corruption

ERWIDA MAULIA, Nikkei staff writer

AUGUST 26, 2019 15:52 JST

JAKARTA -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Monday announced the location of Indonesia's next new capital in East Kalimantan Province.

Bukit Soeharto, a forested area between the districts of Penajem Pasar Utara and Kutai Kartanegara, in East Kalimantan Province, are to be the center of Indonesia’s new capital. (Photo by Jun Suzuki)

(보르네오섬 인도네시아령 북프나잠 파세르군)


인도네시아 새 행정수도, 보르네오섬 동부에 건설…조코위, 공식발표

     조코 위도도(일명 조코위) 인도네시아 대통령이 새 수도를 보르네오섬의 동(東) 칼리만탄에 건설하겠다고 26일 공식 발표했다. 

조코위 대통령은 이날 오후 1시 30분쯤(현지시간) 대통령궁에서 기자회견을 열고 "새로운 수도의 가장 이상적인 위치는 동칼리만탄의 북프나잠 파세르군(Penajam Paser Utara)과 쿠타이 카르타느가라(Kutai Kartanegara)군 일부"라고 발표했다. 

보르네오섬은 세계에서 3번째로 큰 섬으로, 인도네시아·말레이시아·브루나이 등 3개 국가의 영토로 나뉘어있다. 

조코위 대통령은 "동칼리만탄은 홍수, 쓰나미와 지진, 산불, 화산 등 재난 위험이 적고, 지리적으로 인도네시아의 중앙에 있기 때문에 선택했다"고 밝혔다. 

현재 자카르타는 무분별한 지하수 개발과 고층 건물 급증 등의 영향으로 매년 평균 7.5㎝씩 지반이 내려앉는 바람에 도시 면적의 40%가 해수면보다 낮아진 상태다. 

인도네시아 정부는 신행정수도 건설 1단계에서는 인구 150만명을 수용한다는 계획이다. 신행정수도 건설비용은 대략 330억 달러(40조원)로 추산된다. 

[디지털뉴스국] 매일경제

edited by kcontents

The new capital location will straddle two districts: Penajam Paser Utara and Kutai Kartanegara in East Kalimantan province. It is one of the three sites that the government had earlier said it was considering near Balikpapan and Samarinda, the province's two largest cities, which are a two-hour flight from Jakarta. It is in a forested area owned by the government, so there will be no difficulties acquiring privately owned land. Earthquakes, flooding and volcanic eruptions are less common.

Balikpapan is home to oil refiners and a port, making it the island's economic center. Samarinda is the provincial capital. Compared with other cities, much of the necessary infrastructure is already in place. Both cities have an international airport, and they could be connected to the rest of the island via highways and railways.

Widodo earlier said he wants the new capital to be a green, smart city, meaning he wants it wired with the latest information and communications technology. The aim is also to keep the city compact, so it does not harm surrounding tropical rainforests. 

Widodo made formal his bid to build the new capital during a parliamentary speech on Aug. 16, when he urged lawmakers and the rest of the nation to support the capital move.

Meanwhile, the nation is still divided over whether the costly relocation is necessary. Backers share the president's concerns over Jakarta's worsening traffic congestion, air pollution, subsidence and high property prices -- as well as the need to jump-start the economy in the less developed eastern parts of the country.

Critics, however, question the feasibility of such a massive project -- citing concerns over rising debt and its vulnerability to corruption, which often afflicts lucrative public projects in Indonesia. 

Officials at the National Development Planning Ministry, or Bappenas, earlier said the government wants to finalize deliberations in parliament and regulatory framework for the capital relocation by the end of this year. It wants to build basic infrastructure in 2020-21, and government offices and other facilities in 2023-24, with the move slated to start in 2024 -- the year Widodo will end his second five-year term in office.


Jakarta's severe air pollution is one of the reasons the government wants to shift the capital.   © Reuters

While many government agencies will relocate, the central bank and other economic agencies are set to stay in Jakarta. 

Bappenas said the move will cost an estimated 466 trillion rupiah ($32.7 billion), with the government intending to cover less than 10% of that and encouraging public-private partnerships to cover the bulk of the development costs. The plan will see about 1 million people move from Jakarta to the new capital, making construction of basic facilities such as housing and schools a challenge.

Nikkei staff writer Bobby Nugroho contributed to this story.



