건설현장에서 제공되는 드론, 로봇 등의 놀랄만한 효율성 VIDEO: Robots and drones are clocking in on construction sites

Robots and drones are clocking in on construction sites

By Gabriela Rico Arizona Daily Star  1 hr ago 

Drone painters, robot masons and bionic workers may one day be a common sight on construction sites.

Advances in artificial intelligence, coupled with an ongoing labor shortage, have construction companies looking for options to the traditional laborer.


건설현장에서 제공되는 드론, 로봇 등의 놀랄만한 효율성

   드론 페인터, 로봇 적산공, 그리고 생체 공학 작업자들은 건설현장에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 광경일 것이다.

현재 진행중인 노동력 부족과 더불어 인공지능의 발전은 건설회사들로 하여금 전통적인 작업자에 대한 선택권을 찾도록 만들었다.

로봇 기술자와 가상 건설 감독관 같은 직함이 현재 채용 사이트에 등재되어 있다.

그리고 아리조나 대학은 토목 공학 프로그램에 이러한 기술적 진보에 대한 수업을 추가할 계획이다.

맥킨지 글로벌 인스티튜트의 보고서에 따르면 건설 분야는 가장 수치화된 산업 중 하나라고 한다.

투싼에 본사를 둔 순트 건설 주식회사. 애리조나, 텍사스, 캘리포니아 전역의 비행대에서 작업하는 15대의 드론을 보유하고 있으며, 사진 문서 캡처와 데이터 매핑을 담당한다.

예를 들어, 폐쇄된 매립지 위에 건물을 지을 때 드론은 주어진 순간에 얼마나 많은 사물들이 이동하는지 계산할 수 있으며, 고객에게 정확한 진행 정보를 제공할 수 있다.

"이전에는 누군가 각 트럭이 얼마나 꽉 찰지 모르는 상태에서 진행 상황을 추정하기 위해 이 지역을 드나드는 트럭의 수를 세고 있을 것이다"라고 순트의 가상건설 선임기술자인 에릭 클윅은 설명했다.

그는 "이 드론들을 날릴 수 있는 능력과 더불어 얼마나 많은 건설재료들을 이동시켰는지 정확히 측정할 수 있다"고 말했다. "그러면 발주자에게 진행 상황을 보여주기 전에 사전에 비교해 볼 수 있을 것이다."

고객이 순트에게 프로젝트 계획을 알려주면, 회사는 파이프와 다른 기반 시설을 어디에 배치해야 하는지를 확인하기 위해 드론 이미지를 사이트에 배치할 수 있다.

"이전에, 우리는 그 계획들의 데이터 사본을 현장에 가지고 가서, 반나절 정도 걸릴 수 있는 테이프 측정을 수단으로 사용했다,"라고 Cylwik은 말했다. "이제는 드론 덕분에 현장에서는 30분 정도, 컴퓨터에서는 1시간 정도 시간이 소요된다."

건물 외관이 완성되면 드론은 열 카메라를 이용해 건물 온도를 측정하고 건물 밖으로 빠져나가는 과도한 난방이나 냉방이 있을 수 있는 지점을 식별할 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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Job titles such as robotics technician and virtual construction supervisor are now listed on recruiting sites.

And the University of Arizona is looking to add classes on these technical advances to its civil engineering program.

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The construction field is one of the least-digitized industries, according to a report by McKinsey Global Institute.

Tucson-based Sundt Construction Inc. has 15 drones working in fleets across Arizona, Texas and California that are tasked with capturing photo documentation and mapping data.

For example, when building on top of a closed landfill, the drone can calculate how much material is being moved at any given moment, giving the client exact information on progress.

Before, someone would be counting the number of trucks coming in and out of the area to estimate progress, not knowing how full each truck might be, explained Eric Cylwik, senior virtual construction engineer for Sundt.

“With the ability to fly these drones we can measure the exact volume of how much material has been moved,” he said. “Then we can compare that surface to the week prior to show the client the progress that’s been made.”

When clients give Sundt plans for their projects, the company can lay drone imaging over the site to identify where pipes and other infrastructure should be placed.

“Before, we took a paper copy of the plans out into the field and used a tape measure, which could take half a day,” Cylwik said. “With the drone it takes about 30 minutes in the field and an hour of computer time, crunching the data.”

Once a building’s exterior is complete, the drone can use its thermal camera to measure temperatures in the building and identify spots where there might be excessive heating or cooling escaping the building — something that was previously reported by the client after the keys were turned over, Cylwik said.

“The biggest thing has been construction documentation, which doesn’t sound amazing but is amazing,” he said. “It is so difficult to tell the construction narrative with an iPhone photo and now the different stakeholders, or financing partners, can see how things are coming along in a single image showing the entire project.”

Sundt uses three different types of drones, which can fly for about 20 minutes before needing a battery switch. All drones have an FAA-certified pilot flying the missions.

While the drones aren’t currently displacing existing jobs, advancements in their capability could change that.

“Looking to the future, I think there will be applications for drones that are capable of painting high-rise buildings with a cable attachment,” Cylwik said.

“They could take away those jobs but could also take away the risks in those jobs people do now.”


There is much ongoing research in construction robotics.

SAM — short for semi-automated mason — is a brick-laying robot that can lay up to 350 bricks per hour, much faster than most human bricklayers.

“Human workers deal with a variety of personal and environmental elements that robots do not,” says Robotics Business Review. “For example, they get tired, burned out, or even bored with their work.”

Family or personal problems can also affect the quality of a human’s work.

“Robots, obviously, have none of these issues,” the Review says. “They can continue to operate, indefinitely at about the same rate and quality.”

But, speed and efficiency aren’t always the top concern in construction.

“Robots take away the human aspect of operations,” Robotics Business Review notes. “In construction this change can be problematic because craftsmanship adds an extra layer of value to projects.”

Augmented robotics is also emerging in the construction industry.

So-called exoskeletons can be worn by construction workers to improve their strength and lessen damage to their bodies during physical labor.

Dean Papajohn, associate professor in the civil and architectural engineering and mechanics department at the University of Arizona, embraces the technology.


“We’ve got to prepare our students for what’s next,” he said. “Academic institutions don’t always keep up with what is current.”

Papajohn was a civil engineer manager with Pima County’s Department of Transportation when he met with UA civil engineering staff.

“We said we would like to hire the civil engineering students, if they had some background in construction,” he said.

Two problems.

No one in the civil engineering department knew much about construction, and the UA didn’t have the money to add the curriculum.

The private sector stepped up to fund the program and Papajohn became a full-time professor in 2015.

This fall he plans to introduce civil engineering students to drones and their role in earthwork measurements, thermal mapping and traffic patterns.

“Our students are engineers and will be overseeing projects but need to understand what’s happening at construction sites,” Papajohn said.

“I don’t see, at least in the near future, where robotics and artificial intelligence are going to take over ... but we’re moving more in that direction.”

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