중국 세계 로봇 콘퍼런스 VIDEO: Machines on display at World Robot Conference in China can fly, swim and even do brain surgery

Machines on display at World Robot Conference in China can fly, swim and even do brain surgery

Cutting-edge robots from around the globe are now on display at the 2019 World Robot Conference in Beijing

Nearly 200 guests from 22 countries are expected to attend the conference, running from August 20 to 25

Over 700 robots with more than 21 industrial applications will be exhibited between now and then


중국 세계 로봇 콘퍼런스

   8월 20일부터 25일까지 열리는 2019년 베이징 세계 로봇 콘퍼런스에 최첨단 로봇들이 전시되어 22개국에서 200명에 가까운 초빙자들이 모여들 것으로 예상된다.

이 회의에는 의료, 다다리, 스마트 물류 등 새로운 로봇 기술과 제품의 전시 영역과 4,500명의 전문 참가자가 참가하는 4개의 대회가 마련되어 있다.

21개 이상의 산업용의 700개 이상의 로봇들이 전시될 것이다.

전시된 것들 중에는 HRG 로보틱스 사장인 왕 멍은 '우리는 세계 각지의 기업들과 새로운 파트너십을 맺기 위해 우리의 대표 제품들과 함께 HRG의 도움을 받아 그 분야에서 성공한 기업들을 보여줄 것이다'라고 말했다.

또한 독일 회사인 Festo가 만든 SmartBird도 전시될 것이다. Festo의 디자인은 청어 갈매기에게서 영감을 받았고 비행은 새의 그것과 유사하다.

이 초경량 비행 드론은 최고의 공기역학과 최대의 민첩성을 염두에 두고 만들어졌으며 자체 동력 하에서 이륙, 비행 및 착륙이 가능하다.

전방 추진과 리프트는 전적으로 SmartBird의 날개 박동에 의해 생성되는데, 이는 SmartBird의 무게는 약 450그램이고 날개 폭은 2미터임에도 불구하고 일부 노트북에서 사용하는 전력의 최대 절반인 23와트의 전력만을 소비한다


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 13:00 BST, 20 August 2019 | UPDATED: 14:38 BST, 20 August 2019

Cutting-edge robots are on display at the 2019 World Robot Conference in Beijing, running from August 20 to 25, are expected to attract nearly 200 guests from 22 countries.

The conference features a series of exhibition areas for new robotic technologies and products - including medical, multi-legged, and smart logistics - as well as four contests with an anticipated 4,500 professional participants.

Over 700 robots specialising with more than 21 industrial applications will be exhibited between now and the close of the conference.

Cutting-edge robots are on display at the 2019 World Robot Conference in Beijing, running from August 20 to 25, are expected to attract nearly 200 guests from 22 countries

Among those exhibiting will be HRG Robotics, whose, president Wang Meng, said: 'We will be showcasing a string of successful companies which have got off the ground through the help of HRG, alongside our representative products at WRC 2019, as we aim to form new partnerships with companies around the world.' 

Also on display will be SmartBird, created by German firm Festo, whose design was inspired by the herring gull and whose flight mimics that of the bird.

The conference features a series of exhibition areas for new robotic technologies and products - including medical, multi-legged, and smart logistics - as well as four contests with an anticipated 4,500 professional participants 

Over 700 robots specialising with more than 21 industrial applications will be exhibited between now and the close of the conference. Pictured: A Chinese boy talks to a robot during the 2019 World Robot conference in Beijing

The ultralight flying drone was created with the best aerodynamics and maximum agility in mind and it is able to take off, fly and land under its own power.

Forward propulsion and lift are generated entirely by the beating of the SmartBird's wings, which consumes just 23 watts of power - up to half of the power used by some laptops - even though the SmartBird weighs around 450 grams and has a wingspan of two metres. 

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