마이크로 로봇 떼가 건설산업을 혁신시킬 수 있을까 VIDEO: FEATURE: How swarms of robots will revolutionise the construction industry

FEATURE: How swarms of robots will revolutionise the construction industry

14 Aug 2019

Lee Williams

    An earthquake has levelled a bridge, cutting off a vital link with the outside world. To get critical supplies to the disaster area, a new structure needs to be built quickly. Who do you call in? How about a swarm of self-organising micro-robots?

No leader of the pack – each robot follows a simple set of rules to complete its task (Credit: Shutterstock)


마이크로 로봇 떼가 건설산업을 혁신시킬 수 있을까

   지진은 교량을 붕괴시켜 외부 세계와의 중요한 연결고리를 끊어버렸다. 재해 지역에 중요한 물자를 공급받으려면, 새로운 구조물을 신속하게 건설할 필요가 있다. 어떡해야할까 조직적인 마이크로 로봇 떼는 어떨까?

 이런 벌레로봇들은 바르셀로나에 있는 유럽 분자생물연구소와 브리스톨 대학의 로보틱스 연구소의 팀들에 의해 연구되고 있다. 이 로봇들은 형태생성을 모방한 과정, 즉 세포가 의사소통하여 표범의 반점부터 사람의 손 모양에 이르기까지 모든 종류의 모양을 형성하는 생물학적 과정과 소통한다.

브리스톨의 연구팀은 300개의 동전 크기의 마이크로 로봇 떼가 생물학에서 발견되는 종류의 질서 있는 구조물을 자율적으로 재현할 수 있는지 알아보기 위해 간단한 국부적인 방법으로 상호작용하도록 프로그래밍했다. 디스크 모양의 기계는 적외선 신호를 사용하여 모르포겐이라 불리는 생물학적 화학 물질과 디지털로 동등한 것을 교환한다. 이 로봇들은 작은 다리를 이용하여 수족이 뻗어나와 그들의 환경을 탐색하는 것과 같은 압출물이 자라기 시작하는 밀도 높은 농도로 이동한다.

브리스톨 로보틱스 연구소의 공동 프로젝트 리더인 사빈 하우트는 "이 작업에서 정말 흥미로운 점은 이 모양들이 완전히 자체 구성되었다는 것이다"라고 말했다. "즉 지도자가 없다는 얘기. 우리는 그들에게 창조할 형상의 원대한 계획을 주지는 않았지만, 그러한 형상은 단지 이러한 단순한 규칙에 근거하여 상당히 반복 가능한 방식으로 나타난다."

연구원들은 그러한 생물학적으로 영감을 받은 로봇 무리가 건강관리, 검색 및 구조와 같은 다양한 분야에서 응용 프로그램을 찾을 수 있을 것이라고 생각한다. "구조대원의 배낭에 이것들이 담긴 가방을 가지고 있을 것이다."라고 하우트가 말한다. "그들은 희생자들과 구조대 사이에 이런 안내길을 만들 것이다.

그녀는 또한 신체를 탐사하는 나노봇 떼가 더 나은 형태의 암 치료로 이어질 수 있는 나노 규모의 시스템을 예측했다. 세 번째 적용은 토목 공학일 수 있는데, 특히 로봇 떼가 교량과 같은 임시 구조물을 만들기 위해 스스로 조립할 수 있는 재난 구조 상황에서는 어떤 건물이나 지형에 맞게 모양을 자동으로 조정할 수 있다.

이러한 자기 적응과 자기복구성은 가장 유망한 연구 분야 중 하나이다. "이러한 시스템은 환경의 변화와 그로 인한 손상에 대해 매우 강력하다"고 하우트는 말한다. "우리가 이 팔다리들 중 하나를 떼어낸다면, 그것이 벗겨졌다는 신호는 없지만 괜찮다. 왜냐하면 다음 로봇은 그 끝부분의 위치를 다시 잡고 아주 자연스럽게 사지를 회복할 것이기 때문이다."

마찬가지로 실험 중에 로봇 중 하나가 오작동하거나 연구원들이 무리를 움직이거나 갈라지거나 막으면 로봇들은 자연스럽게 스스로를 재분배하여 변화에 따라 자율적으로 적응한다. "로봇들은 그들의 간단한 규칙을 계속 따르고 그들이 해야 할 일을 한다. 만약 그들이 물리적으로 그렇게 할 수 없다면 그곳에 있어야 할 로봇들은 다른 곳으로 가게 된다."라고 하우트가 말한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents



Such swarms are being studied by teams from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Barcelona and the University of Bristol’s Robotics Laboratory. The robots communicate with a process that mimics morphogenesis – the biological process by which cells communicate to form all kinds of shapes, ranging from spots on a leopard to the shape of a human hand.

The team from Bristol programmed swarms of 300 coin-sized micro-robots to interact in simple localised ways, to see if they could autonomously reproduce the kind of ordered structures found in biology. The disc-shaped machines use infrared signals to exchange the digital equivalent of biological chemicals called morphogens. Using tiny legs, the robots move into dense concentrations that begin to grow extrusions – like limbs reaching out and exploring their environment.

“What’s really exciting about this work is these shapes are fully self-organised,” says Sabine Hauert, joint project leader at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory. “That means there’s no leader in the system. We haven’t given them a grand plan of a shape to create but those shapes emerge in quite a repeatable manner, just based on these simple rules.”

The researchers think such biologically inspired robot swarms could find applications in fields as diverse as healthcare and search and rescue. “You’d have a bag of these on the rescuers’ backpacks,” says Hauert, “and they could spill them and they’d create these trails between the victims and the rescuers.”

She also predicts nano-scale systems, where swarms of nano-bots exploring the body could lead to better forms of cancer treatment. A third application could be civil engineering, particularly in disaster relief situations where swarms of robots could self-assemble to build temporary structures such as bridges, which would automatically adjust their shape to fit any building or terrain.

This self-adapting and self-repairing nature is one of the most promising areas of research. “These systems are quite robust to changes in the environment and damage done to them,” says Hauert. “If we take off one of these limbs there’s no signal saying it has been taken off but that’s fine, because the next robot is going to reposition itself at the end of that tip and regrow the limb quite naturally.”

Likewise if one of the robots malfunctions during the experiments, or if the researchers move, split or block the swarm, the robots naturally redistribute themselves, adapting autonomously to the changes. “The robots just continue following their simple set of rules and do what they’re supposed to be doing… if they can’t physically do that then the robots who were meant to be there go somewhere else,” says Hauert.

Bridging the gap

One of the challenges is how to adjust the simple rules to build specific shapes. Changing certain programming parameters, such as the time spent completing certain tasks, can lead to longer limbs, which could have applications in exploring large areas. Other parameter changes create smaller shapes with lots of tiny branches, which might be useful for searching smaller areas very thoroughly. “We need to do quite a lot of research in terms of understanding what shapes to generate,” says Hauert. “What are the right applications with respect to those shapes?”

One of the applications she sees in the short term is swarms of micro-robots that could spread over bridges and quickly monitor them for structural integrity. Other applications might be swarms of sensors that light up in different ways to indicate water quality, or swarms used in warehouses to help with logistics.

“It’s quite exciting,” says Hauert. “We have this combination of robots being robust enough to work in the real world and swarms that can now work in large numbers. So I feel the time is right to start using swarm technology. But seeing full-blown morphogenesis in the real world – that’s probably going to take more work.”

Creaking bridges, shattered roads – micro-robots could have the biggest impact in damaged environments. One of their biggest applications could be right beneath our feet.

Incy wincy robots 

Beneath the UK’s roads there is a network of roughly 1m kilometres of pipes, many of them old and decaying faster than they can be repaired. Fixing these pipes leads to 1.5m roadworks a year, costing £5.5bn – not to mention all the headaches from so many traffic jams. Something clearly needs to be done.

A potential solution from the government, perhaps surprisingly, has been to invest several million pounds into researching tiny robot spiders. Swarms of these autonomous six-legged machines, as small as a centimetre, would crawl through our network of pipes, constantly monitoring them for defects and breakages. 

“We have proved it is feasible with a very few autonomous robots, maybe between 10 and 20, to inspect a system of pipes covering a small residential community every two weeks,” says the University of Sheffield’s Professor Kirill Horoshenkov, the leader of a four-university team given government funding to carry out the research. “We found that they could broadcast data on the conditions of these pipes on a much more regular basis than anything which currently exists.”

The robots performing this unpleasant task would crawl through the pipes using sonar to detect defects and blockages. These ‘inspection bots’ could then call for ‘worker bots,’ which could spray polymers to seal cracks or use high-powered jets to remove built-up sediment. “Automation will be the key,” says Horoshenkov. “That’s the biggest step change from the current practice. Current practices refer to robots but these are actually controlled by a human sitting in a van on the side of the road.”

To be fully autonomous the robots will need to communicate with each other, mostly through sound and radio waves. Radio waves could be used in sewer pipes, which are mainly air, but, in clean water pipes where radio waves do not propagate well, sound waves could be used. The team is working on getting three of its large prototypes – they can fit inside a 0.3m-diameter pipe – to communicate with each other. But they hope to soon test co-operation with swarms of hundreds of robots inside realistic buried facilities provided by utility companies.

Pipe dream

The research, carried out by teams from the universities of Sheffield, Bristol, Birmingham and Leeds, is still in its very early stages. Some of the biggest challenges to overcome, Horoshenkov believes, will be in integration, navigation and robustness. 

Navigation could be an issue because GPS doesn’t penetrate far enough into the ground to provide accurate positioning. There is also little research on navigating underground pipe systems, and the pipes themselves form a relatively featureless environment. “The challenge is to develop a map,” says Horoshenkov, “and this map is remembered by the robots or we can communicate it to them, because the quality of the data depends on the accuracy of their position.”

The researchers are looking at ways of making the robots disposable, so if one fails it is small enough and safe enough to be disposed of by the water system itself. The machines need to consist of materials that satisfy industry requirements, such as galvanised steel, copper or PVC, so they don’t jeopardise water quality or the environment. “We are teaming up with key industry players to make sure that they are happy to put these agents inside their water pipes,” says Horoshenkov.


The team plans to start trialling the robots in two years, first in laboratory conditions, then in realistic test sites within five years. But real-world adoption could take as long as 10 years, partly owing to the timeframes in which utility companies are regulated. Despite the long wait, Horoshenkov is confident that robots, in some form or other, will make their way into our underground pipes.

In the meantime there are other avenues to explore. One surprising application could be healthcare, where the team’s micro-robots could be injected into patients’ bodies to explore a very different network of pipes, feeding back important bio-data much the same as they would in the underground water system.

Whatever the future holds for the swarm, it has already started assembling.

On the job

Last December the government announced a £26.6m investment into robotics for civil engineering purposes. Some £7m of this money will go directly into funding research on micro-robots that will monitor and repair underground pipes. 

A further £19.6m will go, through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, to researching robots that could be sent into hazardous environments such as offshore windfarms, undersea oil pipelines and nuclear decommissioning facilities. As well as robots, other technologies will be tested, such as AI software on satellites to check when repairs are needed, or drones for oil pipeline monitoring. 

The funding is part of the government’s industrial strategy, which aims to use new technologies to create highly skilled jobs and improve workplace health and safety, much of which will directly affect engineers and engineering jobs. 

“There may be a period where people have to be retrained,” says project leader Professor Kirill Horoshenkov. “But somebody has to produce these robots, somebody has to maintain them, somebody has to optimise data from these robots, and somebody has to understand this technology to develop it further. So it’ll mean more jobs, not less, and better-quality ones.”




