[속보] 다시 긴장감 고조되는 홍콩...첵납공항 다시 폐쇄 [Breaking News] VIDEO: Hong Kong pushed to the 'brink of no return' as airport protests continue

Hong Kong pushed to the 'brink of no return' as airport protests continue

Julia Hollingsworth byline

By Julia Hollingsworth, CNN

Hong Kong (CNN)Violent protests are pushing Hong Kong "to the brink of no return," the city's leader warned Tuesday, as airport protests continued to disrupt flights in and out of the Asian financial hub.

In her first public appearance since demonstrators succeeded in shutting down the city's international airport on Monday, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said it could take a "long time for Hong Kong to recover," but she insisted that the authorities were still capable of managing the situation.



[속보] 홍콩국제공항 또 모든 출국 항공편 취소…공항 봉쇄

    ‘범죄인 인도 법안(송환법)’에 반대하는 홍콩 시위대가 지난 12일에 이어 13일에도 또다시 홍콩국제공항을 점거하자 홍콩 공항 당국이 이틀째 출국하는 모든 항공편을 취소했다. 

홍콩의 사우스차이나모닝포스트(SCMP)에 따르면 공항 당국은 이날 오후 4시 30분(현지 시각) 이전에 체크인을 완료한 승객만 비행기를 타고 출국할 수 있다고 밝혔다. 다만 홍콩으로 들어오는 항공편에 대한 착륙은 허용된다.

홍콩 시민들이 9일부터 홍콩국제공항에서 ‘범죄인 인도 법안(송환법)’에 반대하는 시위를 벌이고 있다./연합뉴스

AFP통신에 따르면 공항 당국은 이날 홈페이지를 통해 "홍콩국제공항의 항공기 운항이 심각한 차질을 빚어 (오후에) 홍콩을 출발하는 모든 항공편이 취소됐다"고 밝혔다. 이어 "모든 승객은 가능한 한 빨리 공항 터미널을 떠날 것을 권한다"고 덧붙였다. 

공항 밖은 홍콩 시내로 들어가는 버스와 택시, 급행 전철을 기다리는 사람들로 큰 혼잡을 빚었다. 급행 전철의 운행 횟수도 줄어 15분 간격으로 운행하고 있다.

홍콩 관광산업협회는 운항 취소로 인해 수천 명의 여행객이 불편을 겪고 있다고 밝혔다. 캐세이퍼시픽은 성명을 내고 "공항 점거 시위는 수천 명에 이르는 사람들의 여행을 망쳐 국제 항공 허브로서의 홍콩의 명성에 타격을 가했다"며 "우리는 이러한 행동을 용납하지 않을 것"이라고 밝혔다.

중국민용항공국은 홍콩과 중국 본토를 오가는 항공편을 재조정하는 등 피해를 막기 위한 조치에 나섰다. 중국 국영 에어차이나는 베이징과 홍콩 옆에 있는 선전 사이의 항공편을 늘리겠다고 밝혔다.

전효진 기자 조선일보

출처 : http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2019/08/13/2019081302832.html

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"The only thing we have to do is to go against violence, and rebuild the city," said Lam.

By Tuesday afternoon, thousands of protesters were once again occupying Hong Kong's airport, where they sang, chanted and waved placards. A day before hundreds of passengers were left stranded after all departing flights and more than 70 arriving flights were canceled Monday, amid chaotic scenes inside the airport as thousands of demonstrators descended on the main terminal.

According to the airport's website, a handful of flights departed after midnight.

An airport spokesperson said flights would resume at 6 a.m. local time on Tuesday, although a number of incoming and outgoing flights are still listed as canceled on the airport website. According to CNN's count, there were still 150 outgoing flights and 147 incoming flights canceled from 7 a.m. through midnight Tuesday.

Demonstrations initially kicked off at the airport on Friday, with a small number continuing protesting over the weekend. Monday's mass gathering at the airport was sparked by widespread allegations of police violence during protests on Sunday.


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At a sometimes rowdy press conference on Tuesday morning, Lam said the city had experienced "damage" caused by the "illegal activities" of protesters who "did not have the law in mind."

"Riot activities (have) pushed Hong Kong to the brink of no return," said Lam. She said protesters had attacked "police officers with malice intention" and insisted "police are an important defense of Hong Kong."

Lam's comments come as protest organizers called on supporters to return to the airport Tuesday, for what would be the fifth consecutive day of demonstrations at the aviation hub.

"We stayed here overnight because we want to show people it's safe in the airport," said one 23-year-old protester, Tuesday, one of around 30 demonstrators who had stayed in the arrivals hall overnight.

"We are expecting more people to join in in the afternoon and with enough people, we hope to paralyze the airport once again like we did yesterday," added the protester, who would only give his first name, Pang.

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