평범한 방을 초현실적 세계로 바꾸어 놓은 디자이너 Artist Transforms Ordinary Rooms into Hypnotic Optical Illusions with Repeating Lines

Artist Transforms Ordinary Rooms into Hypnotic Optical Illusions with Repeating Lines

By Jessica Stewart on July 31, 2019

With his hypnotic room installations, renowned Austrian artist Peter Kogler transforms ordinary spaces and molds architecture into surreal environments for spectators. Influenced by American minimalism, Kogler’s lines are often reduced to black on white for maximum contrast and impact. Using both paint and projections, he creates his own unique “wallpaper” on spaces that are often forgotten—stairwells, entrance halls, corridors. Thus, he creates exhibition space out of architecture that would most often be disregarded.

ING Art Center, Brussels, 2016. (Photo: Vincent Everarts)


평범한 방을 초현실적 세계로 바꾸어 놓은 디자이너

오스트리아 예술가 피터 코글러

   최면술적인 방 설치로 유명한 오스트리아의 예술가 피터 코글러는 평범한 공간과 건축물을 관객들을 위한 초현실적인 환경으로 변형시킨다. 미국의 미니멀리즘에 영향을 받은 코글러의 선은 종종 최대의 대비와 충격을 위해 흰색에 검정색으로 축소된다. 그는 페인트와 투사를 모두 사용하여 종종 잊혀지는 공간에 자신만의 독특한 "벽지"를 만들어낸다. 따라서, 그는 종종 무시될 수 있는 건축물로 전시 공간을 만든다.

코글러의 경력은 30년 이상이며 그는 컴퓨터로 만들어진 예술의 선구자로 여겨진다. 그는 당면한 기술로 가능한 것의 한계를 끊임없이 밀어붙이고 있다. 그는 기술과 예술을 결합시키는 데 있어 중요한 인물이다. 그는 2014년 인터뷰에서 나의 시각적 또는 예술적 관용어가 기술 발전과 다른 미디어로의 이동에 의해 어디까지 변화될 수 있는지에 대해 항상 관심이 많았다. "이것은 내가 영구히 관찰하고 있는 것이며, 그것은 내가 종종 나의 작품을 조정해야 한다는 것을 의미한다. 이것이 내가 훨씬 축소된 시각적 어휘로 일하기로 결심한 이유일 것이다."

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Kogler’s career spans more than 30 years and he is considered a pioneer in computer-generated art. He is constantly pushing the limits of what is possible with the technology that is on hand. He’s a key figure in bringing technology and the arts together. “I have always been very interested in the question as to how far my visual or artistic idioms can be transformed by technological developments and moves to different media,” he shared in a 2014 interview. “This is something that I am permanently observing, and that means I often have to adjust my works. This is probably also the reason why I decided to work with a much reduced visual vocabulary.”

With snaking lines that almost appear as pipes, each room where Kogler works becomes a dynamic space that invites visitors to immerse themselves within the artist’s world. Playing with optical illusions, the kinetic movement of lines, and concepts of minimalism, Kogler refines and hone his craft with each new installation.

“The black-and-white grid provides a maximum contrast which has a very strong visual presence,” shares Kogler. “The structure of the image is comprehensive and completely surrounds the beholder. In a sense, you are standing in the picture, and the work can be experienced physically.”

Artist Peter Kogler has been playing with concepts of time and space for over 30 years and creates dramatic room installations.

Optical Illusion Room by Peter Kogler

“Untitled,” DIRIMART Gallery, Istanbul, 2011.

Room Art Installation by Peter Kogler

Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, 2014.

Line Art Immersive Installation by Peter Kogler

“Untitled,” Galerie Mitterrand, Paris, 2017.

Peter Kogler Art at the Grand Palais

“Artists&Robots,” Grand Palais, Paris, 2018.

Art That Plays with Perceptions by Peter Kogler

“MSU,” Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, 2014.

Peter Kogler Installation at the Freud Museum

“Untitled,” Sigmund Freud Museum, Schauraum, Wien, 2015.

His repeating line patterns mold space and create optical illusions that engage visitors.

Spatial Art Installations by Peter Kogler

Marta Herford, Germany, 2018.

Spatial Art Installations by Peter Kogler

Marta Herford, Germany, 2018.

In addition to physically painting a room, Kogler also uses projections to transform specific spaces.

Spatial Art by Peter Kogler

“Connected with …,” Kunsthaus Graz, 2019. (Photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum/ N. Lackner)

Installation Art by Peter Kogler

“Connected with …,” Kunsthaus Graz, 2019. (Photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum/ N. Lackner)

Immersive Installation by Peter Kogler

“Connected with …,” Kunsthaus Graz, 2019. (Photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum/ N. Lackner)

Peter Kogler: Website | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Peter Kogler.


