"북한, 오늘 새벽 또 발사체 발사"...이번주만 세번째 VIDEO: North Korea launches THIRD missile this week after Kim Jong-un brags that his 'new rocket launchers will cause inescapable distress to a fat target'

North Korea launches THIRD missile this week after Kim Jong-un brags that his 'new rocket launchers will cause inescapable distress to a fat target'

The rocket was fired from close to the port city of Wonsan, flying around 155 miles into the Sea of Japan before exploding

North Korea launched a third missile today, according to U.S officials 

Comes after another missile was launched yesterday into the Sea of Japan  

Hermit State said that weapon was a new 'large-calibre rocket system' 


"북한, 오늘 새벽 또 발사체 발사"...이번주만 세번째

북한 김정은은 '신형 로켓 발사대가 뚱뚱한 표적에 피할 수 없는 고통을 줄 것'이라고 자랑한 이후 이번 주 세 번째 미사일을 발사했다.

미국 관리들은 오늘 밤 북한이 일본해로 또 다른 미사일 발사했다고 확인했다.

또한 이번 발사가 이달 말 시작될 예정인 한미 연합 군사훈련에 대한 항의로 보인다고 암시했다.

또 북한이 신형 다연장로켓 발사체'라고 표현한 이후 나온 첫 발사이다.


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 21:13 BST, 1 August 2019 | UPDATED: 21:38 BST, 1 August 2019

North Korea has launched its third missile this week after Kim Jong-in bragged that his 'new rocket launchers will cause inescapable distress to a fat target'.

North Korea revealed it tested a 'large-calibre multiple launch guided rocket system' (pictured) on Wednesday, which it said was ready for use in its ground forces

U.S officials tonight confirmed that North Korea had launched yet another missile into the Sea of Japan.

It was also hinted that the launches appear to be a protest to joint U.S -ROK military exercises set to begin later this month. 

The North fired two missiles early Wednesday from near the city of Wonsan which flew 155 miles out into the ocean. South Korea initially described them as short-range ballistic missiles, but it now appears they are a new type of rocket 

It comes after the latest launch from the country which took place yesterday, with what they described as a  'newly-developed large-calibre multiple launch guided rocket system'. 


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