해양 기름 유출 제거 자율순항 기술 개발 VIDEO: Sea Machines Robotics to demonstrate autonomous spill response

Sea Machines Robotics to demonstrate autonomous spill response

By TRR Editor | July 27, 2019

BOSTON — Sea Machines Robotics Inc. this week said it has entered into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration to demonstrate the ability of its autonomous technology in increasing the safety, response time and productivity of marine oil-spill response operations.

Source: Sea Machines Robotics


'시머신즈 로보틱스', 해양 기름 유출 제거 자율순항 기술 개발

다음달 포틀랜드 항구에서 시연 행사 가져

     보스턴에 위치한 ‘시머신즈 로보틱스(Sea Machines Robotics)’가 해양에 유출된 기름을 제거할수 있는 자율순항시스템을 개발, 오는 8월 미 해양청(MARAD)과 협력하에 기름제거 시연 행사를 갖는다고 ‘더 로봇리포트’가 보도했다.

시머신즈 로보틱스는 지난 2015년 설립된 스타트업으로 해양기업들을 위한 선박자율제어시스템, 첨단 인식 시스템, 관련 소프트웨어를 개발하고 있다.자율순항 기술 분야의 전문 능력을 인정받아 도요타 AI벤처스로부터 투자를 받았다.

시머신즈 로보틱스는 비영리조직인 ‘해양유출대응(Marine Spill Response Corp:MSRC)’이 소유하고 있는 마코(MARCO) 기름 제거 선박에 자율지령시스템인 SM300을 탑재해 기름 제거 시연 행사를 오는 8월 21일 갖는다. 메인주 포틀랜드 항구에서 MSRC 요원들과 공동으로 기름 제거 가상 훈련을 추진한다. 이어 정부, 해군, 환경단체, 산업계 관계자 등이 참석한 가운데 실연 행사를 갖는다.

기름 제거 선박은 시애틀에 위치한 선박업체가 건조했으며 기름 제거를 위한 마코 필터 벨트를 탑재하고 있다. 이 선박은 시머신즈 로보틱스가 제작한 SM300에 의해 제어된다.

SM300은 부두나 제2의 선박에서 원격 제어가 가능하며 좌표를 지정하면 자율적으로 선박의 항행를 유도한다. 여러대의 선박이 협력할수 있는 자율 제어 기능도 갖추고 있으며 선박에 탑재된 기름유출대응장비를 원격지에서 제어할 수 있다. 장애물 인식 및 회피 기능도 지원한다. SM300을 활용하면 해양 기름 유출 사고 발생시 24시간 대처가 가능하며 기름 제거 작업자들이 유해 환경에 장시간 노출되는 것을 방지할 수 있다.

시머신즈 로보틱스가 개발한 자율지령시스템은 다른 일반 선박에도 탑재해 자율순항을 지원한다.

장길수  ksjang@irobotnews.com 로봇신문사 

edited by kcontents

Sea Machines was founded in 2015 and claimed to be “the leader in pioneering autonomous control and advanced perception systems for the marine industries.” The company builds software and systems to increase the safety, efficiency, and performance of ships, workboats, and commercial vessels worldwide.

The U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation that promotes waterborne transportation and its integration with other segments of the transportation system.


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Preparing for oil-spill exercise

To make the on-water exercises possible, Sea Machines will install its SM300 autonomous-command system aboard a MARCO skimming vessel owned by Marine Spill Response Corp. (MSRC), a not-for-profit, U.S. Coast Guard-classified oil spill removal organization (OSRO). MSRC was formed with the Marine Preservation Association to offer oil-spill response services in accordance with the Oil Pollution Act of 1990.

Sea Machines plans to train MSRC personnel to operate its system. Then, on Aug. 21, Sea Machines and MSRC will execute simulated oil-spill recovery exercises in the harbor of Portland, Maine, before an audience of government, naval, international, environmental, and industry partners.

The response skimming vessel is manufactured by Seattle-based Kvichak Marine Industries and is equipped with a MARCO filter belt skimmer to recover oil from the surface of the water. This vessel typically operates in coastal or near-shore areas. Once installed, the SM300 will give the MSRC vessel the following new capabilities:

Remote autonomous control from an onshore location or secondary vessel,

ENC-based mission planning,

Autonomous waypoint tracking,

Autonomous grid line tracking,

Collaborative autonomy for multi-vessel operations,

Wireless remote payload control to deploy onboard boom and other response equipment, and

Obstacle detection and collision avoidance.

Round-the-clock response

In addition, Sea Machines said, it enables minimally manned and unmanned autonomous maritime operations. Such configurations allow operators to respond to spill events 24/7 depending on recovery conditions, even when crews are unavailable or restricted, the company said. These configurations also reduce or eliminate exposure of crewmembers to toxic fumes and other safety hazards.

“Autonomous technology has the power to not only help prevent vessel accidents that can lead to spills, but can also facilitate better preparedness; aid in safer, efficient, and effective cleanup,” said CEO Michael G. Johnson, CEO of Sea Machines. “We look forward to working closely with MARAD and MSRC in these industry-modernizing exercises.”

“Our No. 1 priority is the safety of our personnel at MSRC,” said John Swift, vice president at MSRC. “The ability to use autonomous technology — allowing response operations to continue in an environment where their safety may be at risk — furthers our mission of response preparedness.”

Sea Machines promises rapid ROI for multiple vessels

Sea Machines’ SM Series of products, which includes the SM300 and SM200, provides marine operators a new era of task-driven, computer-guided vessel control, bringing advanced autonomy within reach for small- and large-scale operations. SM products can be installed aboard existing or new-build commercial vessels with return on investment typically seen within a year.

In addition, Sea Machines has received funding from Toyota AI Ventures.

Sea Machines is also a leading developer of advanced perception and navigation assistance technology for a range of vessel types, including container ships. The company is currently testing its perception and situational awareness technology aboard one of A.P. Moller-Maersk’s new-build ice-class container ships




