2019년 세계 건축상(WAF) 수상 후보군 VIDEO; World Architecture Festival 2019 Shortlist
World Architecture Festival 2019 Shortlist
WAF International Architectural News – Buildings & Architects
26 July 2019
World Architecture Festival 2019 shortlist heralds a sustainable future
Architects grapple with some of the world’s most pressing challenges in the twelfth edition of the World Architecture Festival, the world’s biggest architectural awards programme, which announces its shortlist today.
Amos Rex in Helsinki, Finland, by JKMM Architects
(핀란드 헬싱키 아모스 렉스)
photo © Mika Huisman
2019년 세계 건축상(WAF) 수상 후보군 12회 째 기후 비상사태를 알리기 위해 함께 모여온 대표적인 관행들 중 하나인 '건축 선언'이 제정된 후, 올해의 세계건축축제에 등재된 항목에는 건물이 보다 지속 가능한 미래에 어떻게 중요한 역할을 할 수 있는지를 보여주는 디자인이 포함되어 있다. 후보군 목록에는 싱가포르의 환경 항공이 있는데, 사피 건축가들이 약 15,000m2의 최첨단 실내 공공 정원을 설계한 것으로, 도넛 모양의 유리 지붕의 중앙을 통해 40m의 실내 폭포가 떨어지는 것이 특징이며, 전 세계에서 3,000그루의 나무와 10만 개의 관목과 함께 있다 BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group의 Dortheavej 아파트는 코펜하겐에서 저렴하고 지속 가능한 모듈형 주택에 대한 깃발을 흔들며 주택 위기에 많은 것을 제공할 수 있는 이 초기 건설 방식을 조명하고 있다. 지난해 수상자 중 한 명인 스튜디오강은 '공원에 관한 소로' 프로젝트를 통해 부피적인 차원에서 환경문제에 대처하고 있는데, 미국의 26층짜리 주거탑은 내부로 비스듬히 72도로 비스듬히 기울어진 창문패널을 통해 환경성능에 최적화되었다(태양이 시카고에 부딪히는 정확한 각도). 이하 중략 "WAF는 2년 연속으로 70개국에서 1,000여 명의 참가자를 유치했으며, 암스테르담에서 열리는 축제에서 생방송 발표를 기대하고 있다." WAF 프로그램 담당자인 폴 핀치는 "우리는 올해 출품작의 혁신 수준에 영감을 받았다"고 평했다. 이는 건축가들이 우리가 직면한 지구 기후와 생물 다양성 비상사태에 대처하는 놀라운 방법들을 보여준다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
Following the establishment of ‘Architects Declare’, a collective of some of the most renowned practices who have come together to announce a state of climate emergency, this year’s World Architecture Festival shortlisted entries include designs that demonstrate how buildings can play a major role in a more sustainable future.
Jewel Changi Airport, Singapore, by Safdie Architects:
(싱가포르 주얼 창이공항)
photo © Darren Soh
Amongst the shortlist is an eco-airport in Singapore designed by Safdie architects centred around a 15,000m2 state-of-the-art, indoor public garden, which features a 40-metre indoor waterfall falling through the centre of a doughnut-shaped glass roof, alongside 3,000 trees and 100,000 shrubs from around the globe.
Dortheavej Apartments, Copenhagen, Denmark, by BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group:
(덴마크 코펜하겐 Dortheavej 아파트)
photo : Rasmus Hjortshoj
Dortheavej Residence by BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group flies the flag for both affordable and sustainable modular housing in Copenhagen, shining a light on this nascent mode of construction which has the potential to offer much to the housing crisis.
Whilst one of last year’s winners, Studio Gang, tackles environmental concerns at a volumetric level through its ‘Solstice on the Park’ project – a 26-storey residential tower in the USA optimised for environmental performance through angled window panels which are slanted inwards at 72 degrees—the precise angle at which the sun hits the Chicago skyline at the height of the summer solstice.
Central Library Oodi, Helsinki, Finland, design by ALA Architects
(핀란드 헬싱키 중앙도서관 우디)
photograph : Tuomas Uusheimo ® ALA Architects
In the culture category, Helsinki Central Library Oodi by AL_A Architects, whose founder Amanda Levete is a founding member of Architects Declare, heralds a new era of library design where traditional functions meet modern technology, to create an almost zero-energy building with panoramic views.
UNASUR General Secretary Headquarters, Quito, Ecuador by DIEGO GUAYASAMIN ARQUITECTOS :
(에콰도르 쿠이토 남미국가연합 사무국 본사)
photograph © Sebastian Crespo
The ‘Future Project: Experimental’ and ‘Future Project: Infrastructure’ categories also launched some exciting and innovative entries, including the proposal for a waterfront park in NYC, transforming oil tanks into community gardens, by STUDIO V Architecture, and the proposal for man-made, mid-bay barrier islands to act as a surge protection system for the Port of Houston, by Rogers Partners Architects + Urban Designers.
3XN Olympic House the International Olympic Committee’s HQ:
(스위스 제네바 IOC 3XN 올림픽 하우스 본부)
photograph : Tuomas Uusheimo © Adam Mørk
Major world architects shortlisted include Zaha Hadid Architects, Heatherwick Studio, Bjarke Ingels Group, Rafael Vinoly Architects, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, Grimshaw and White Arkitekter. Many smaller practices will also take part to pitch against the big names. This year’s 534-strong shortlist, ranges from private residential, to education, infrastructure, healthcare, hospitality, cultural/civic, interior and landscape projects across 70 countries.
Heatherwick Studio’s Vessel at Hudson Yards, New York City, NY, USA
(뉴욕 허드슨 야드 헤더위크 스튜디오 베셀)
photograph © Michael Moran
WAF will reconvene in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from 4-6 December this year. This is the second time the event has been hosted in the Dutch capital, following previous editions in Barcelona, Singapore and Berlin.
National Kaohsiung Centre for the Arts, Taiwan, by Mecanoo architecten:
(대만 국립 가오슝 아트센터)
photograph © Iwan Baan
The architects and designers behind each shortlisted project will compete for category prizes at WAF from 4-6 December. Presentations of the shortlisted designs will be made to more than 100 international juries in front of festival delegates. Category winners then compete against each other on the final day of the festival, to compete for the ultimate accolades of World Building of the Year, Future Project of the Year, Interior of the Year and Landscape of the Year.
Tottenham Hotspur Stadium building, London, UK, by Populous:
(런던 토튼햄 핫스퍼 경기장)
photograph © Populous
WAF programme director Paul Finch commented: “We have been inspired by the levels of innovation in this year’s entries, that show the incredible range of ways in which architects are responding to the global climate and biodiversity emergencies we face.
Zaozhuang Stadium building, China, by Shanghai United Design Group Co.,Ltd.:
(중국 짜오좡 경기장)
photograph © Shanghai United Design Group Co.,Ltd.
“WAF has attracted more than 1,000 entries, for the second year in a row, from 70 countries, and we look forward to more than 500 live presentations at the Festival in Amsterdam, showcasing these exemplar projects from around the world.”
A shortlisted building – Central Library Oodi by ALA Architects:
Central Library Oodi Helsinki
photo : Tuomas Uusheimo ® ALA Architects
The 2019 completed buildings ‘Super Jury’ which will decide the World Building of the Year, includes Aaron Betsky, President of Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture; Anuradha Mathur, Professor at the Landscape Architecture Department School of Design, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia; and Maria Warner Wong, Design Director of WOW Architects & Warner Wong Design.
WAF and its co-located event, INSIDE World Festival of Interiors, will welcome more than 2,000 of the world’s leading architects and designers to Amsterdam for three days of conference programmes, awards, exhibitions and fringe events from 4-6 December.
World Architecture Festival 2019 Shortlist
For more details on the WAF Awards and the festival please visit: www.worldarchitecturefestival.com
@worldarchfest #WAF19