트럼프, 루이지애나주 비상사태 선언 VIDEO: President Trump declares state of emergency in Louisiana, sending federal assistance after Tropical Storm Barry floods New Orleans and residents board up businesses as evacuations are ordered for ..

President Trump declares state of emergency in Louisiana, sending federal assistance after Tropical Storm Barry floods New Orleans and residents board up businesses as evacuations are ordered for at least 10,000 people

Mandatory evacuations have been ordered for at least 10,000 people in parts of Louisiana (partially submerged vehicles in New Orleans on Wednesday) ahead of Tropical Storm Barry that could turn into a hurricane by the weekend

Storm in Gulf of Mexico has officially become Tropical Storm Barry, and is expected to become hurricane

The storm dumped as much as eight inches of rain in three hours over parts of New Orleans on Wednesday  

Major flooding and potential storm surge prompted Louisiana Gov Bel Edwards to declare state of emergency

New Orleans' historic French Quarter was also significantly flooded by the storm along Royal Street

The Mississippi River is forecast to crest at highest level since 1927 this weekend - more than 90 years

Mandatory evacuation issued 6am Thursday for as many as 10,000 people in Plaquemines Parish in Louisiana

Storm is set to deposit between 10 to 15 inches of rain on Gulf Coast from west Texas, through Louisiana coast

As of early Friday Barry was about 80 miles south of the mouth of the Mississippi, with winds around 50 mph

New Orleans has been hit by devastating storms before, including 2005's Hurricane Katrina which killed 1,833


트럼프, 루이지애나주 비상사태 선언

루지아나주 역대 악몽의 참사 이어져

미시시피 강 이번 주말 1927년 이후 90년 이래 최고조

뉴올리언스 2005년 허리케인 카트리나로 1,833명 목숨 앗아가 

주민들이 상가를 닫고, 걸프만 연안 일부 지역에서 최소 1만 명이 대피하는 사태가 벌어지자 트럼프 대통령이 루이지애나 주에 비상사태를 선포했다.

국토안보부와 연방재난관리국은 이제 열대성 폭풍 '배리'를 앞두고 재난 구호 활동을 조율할 예정이다.

기상 통보관들은 태풍 배리가 어제 뉴올리언스의 일부 지역을 침수시킨 후 더 많은 홍수가 예상되면서 금요일이나 토요일 새벽에 허리케인으로 상륙할 수 있을 것이라고 말했다.

수요일 비상사태를 선포한 존 벨 에드워즈 루이지애나 주지사는 지난 24시간 동안 28개 교구가 비상사태 선언을 했고 14개 교구가 비상사태를 선포했다고 폭스뉴스가 보도했다.

멕시코만의 폭풍은 공식적으로 열대성 폭풍 배리가 되었고, 허리케인이 될 것으로 예상된다.

이 폭풍은 수요일 뉴올리언스 일부 지역에 3시간 동안 무려 2000 mm의 비를 뿌렸다. 

루이지애나 주지사 벨 에드워즈는 대규모 홍수와 잠재적 폭풍으로 비상사태를 선포했다.

뉴올리언스의 역사적인 프렌치 쿼터 또한 로얄 가를 따라 폭우로 인해 상당히 침수되었다.

미시시피 강은 이번 주말인 1927년 이후 90년 이래 최고조에 이를 것으로 예상된다.

루이지애나 주의 플라퀘민스 교구에서 목요일 오전 6시 긴급 대피령이 내려졌다.

텍사스 서부에서 루이지애나 해안을 거쳐 걸프해안에 2,500~3,800mm의 비가 내릴 예정이다.

금요일 이른 시간에 배리는 미시시피강 하구에서 남쪽으로 약 80마일 떨어진 곳에 있었고, 시속 50마일의 강풍을 동반했다.

뉴올리언스는 1,833명의 목숨을 앗아간 2005년의 허리케인 카트리나를 포함한 엄청난 폭풍을 겪어왔다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 09:52 BST, 12 July 2019 | UPDATED: 10:15 BST, 12 July 2019

President Trump has declared a state of emergency in Louisiana after residents boarded up their businesses and at least 10,000 people were ordered to evacuate from parts of the Gulf Coast.

The Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency will now coordinate disaster relief efforts ahead of the strengthening Tropical Storm Barry.

Forecasters said it could make landfall as a hurricane late on Friday or early Saturday, with more heavy flooding expected after Storm Barry flooded parts of New Orleans yesterday.

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, who declared a state of emergency on Wednesday, noted that in the past 24 hours, 28 parishes had issued emergency declarations and 14 were in the process of doing so, reports FoxNews.    

National Hurricane Center Director Ken Graham said pockets of Louisiana could have as much as 25 inches (63 centimeters) of rain.

'So here's the takeaway: Dangerous situation,' he said during an online presentation yesterday. 'That kind of rainfall in this system could cause flash flooding, cause ponding of water.'

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Army National Guard members put down sandbags at Chalmette Refining in New Orleans yesterday ahead of the predicted flooding coming this weekend from Tropical Storm Barry


Just before 11am Thursday morning, the storm officially became Tropical Storm Barry, according to the National Hurricane Center (NHC)

St. Bernard Parish Sheriff's Office inmate workers loaded free sandbags for parish residents at the old Kaiser facility at the rear of the Port of St. Bernard in Chalmette, La, yesterday in preparation of more flooding expected to come today

National Guard troops and rescue crews have been stationed around the state with boats and high-water vehicles while helicopters were also on standby, and supplies including drinking water and blankets were ready for distribution, the Guard said. 

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards warned that the storm's blow could form a dangerous combination with the already-high Mississippi River, which has been swelled by heavy rain and snowmelt upriver this spring.

He said: 'There are three ways that Louisiana can flood: storm surge, high rivers and rain. We're going to have all three.'

He said authorities do not expect the Mississippi River to spill over its levees but cautioned that a change in the storm's direction or intensity could alter that.

Barry could have winds of about 75 mph (120 kph), just barely over the 74 mph threshold for a hurricane, when it comes ashore, making it a Category 1 storm, forecasters said.

Tropical Storm Barry is the second named tropical storm of the year, and ultimately the first Atlantic hurricane of 2019 as it heads closer to land

The National Hurricane Center said as much as 20 inches (50 centimeters) of rain could fall in parts of eastern Louisiana, including Baton Rouge, and the entire region could get as much as 10 inches (25 centimeters). The New Orleans area could get 10 to 15 inches (25 to 38 centimeters) through Sunday, forecasters said. 

The storm's rains are expected to pose a severe test of New Orleans' improved post-Katrina flood defenses. Barry is forecast to bring more than a foot and a half (0.5 meters) of rain to parts of the state as it moves slowly inland. 

As of early Friday, Barry was about 80 miles (130 kilometers) south of the mouth of the Mississippi, with winds around 50 mph (80 kph).

Louisiana's low-lying southeastern tip is expected to take the first hit, and many had heeded evacuation orders affecting 10,000 people in Plaquemines Parish, leaving communities largely empty by Thursday afternoon.

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