방향 잃은 거대 크루즈선의 공포 VIDEO; Terrifying moment giant cruise ship 'loses control', scrapes along boats and nearly crashes into a Venice port...
Terrifying moment giant cruise ship 'loses control', scrapes along boats and nearly crashes into a Venice port sending crew running for their lives during brutal storm
An Italian cruise ship had just seconds to swerve dry land in a Venice port after its captain appeared to lose control of the vessel during a heavy storm
The giant Italian cruise ship narrowly missed slamming into a Venice port
Costa Deliziosa appears out-of-control amid lashing rain and strong winds
Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli has ordered an inspection of the incident
It comes just a month after video showed MSC Opera ram into a city wharf
방향 잃은 거대 크루즈선의 공포 정박된 소형배 긁고 지나가는 아찔한 순간 4명 부상...자칫 대형 사고 날 뻔 얼마 전의 헝가리 한국관광객 참사 사고와 유사 이탈리아 크루즈선은 폭풍이 몰아치는 동안 선장이 선박을 통제하지 못하는 것처럼 보인 후 베니스 항구를 몇 초 동안 선회했다. 시야가 좋지 않은 비와 강한 돌풍에 휩싸인 코스타 델리지오사는 일요일 가까스로 부두로 접근했다. 그러나 이 거대한 12데크 크루즈선은 세테 마르티리의 둑에 정박해 있는 작은 배를 긁고 지나가는 것을 피할 수 없었다. 부두의 술집에서 찍은 가슴 떨리는 영상에는 배가 곧바로 항구로 향하는 모습이 담겨져 있다. 배의 승무원들은 가슴 졸이는 사고 순간에 살기 위해 피신했다. 이 극적인 장면은 배가 주데카 운하를 따라 예인선에 의해 항구를 빠져나가는 동안 발생했다. 이 동영상은 유람선이 폭풍우가 몰아치는 동안 비상 경적을 울리며 부두와 다른 선박들에 놀라울 정도로 가까이 있는 것을 보여준다. 알베르토 페라토너 목격자는 안사 통신과의 인터뷰에서 "우리는 거대한 크루즈선이 바로 우리 위에 있는 것을 보았다"고 말했다. 다닐로 토니넬리 이탈리아 국토교통부 장관이 긴급 조사 지시했고, 시 검찰은 이 사건을 조사 중이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 10:54 BST, 8 July 2019 | UPDATED: 11:26 BST, 8 July 2019
An Italian cruise ship had just seconds to swerve dry land in a Venice port after its captain appeared to lose control of the vessel during a heavy storm.
Embattled by poor visibility, lashing rain and strong gusts of wind, Costa Deliziosa narrowly missed slamming into the dock on Sunday.
But the 12-deck cruise ship was unable to avoid scraping a smaller boat moored on the banks of the Sette Martiri.
A terrifying video taken from a bar on the pier shows the vessel appearing to head straight for the shore. Crew members were sent running for their lives during the nail-biting incident.
Embattled by poor visibility, lashing rain and strong gusts of wind, Costa Deliziosa narrowly missed slamming into the dock on Sunday
The dramatic scene unfolded while the ship was being guided out of port by tug boats along the Giudecca Canal.
The footage shows the cruise liner sounding its emergency horn and swerving alarmingly close to the dock and other vessels as rain lashed down during a howling gale.
'We saw her coming almost on top of us,' witness Alberto Peratoner told Ansa news agency.
'It was at the moment when the storm was at its most intense... [The ship] was having visible difficulty manoeuvring and was heading for the Riva San Biagio dock, veering slightly towards the Riva dei Sette Martiri.'
Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Danilo Toninelli has ordered an inspection, while the city's prosecutor will open an investigation file
Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Danilo Toninelli has ordered an inspection, while the city's prosecutor's office is looking into the incident.
A spokesperson for Costa Cruises told MailOnline the ship was able to continue its planned route.