14명 승무원 사망 톱 시크릿 러시아 잠수함의 미스테리 임무 VIDEO: ‘Top secret’ submarine’s mysterious mission
‘Top secret’ submarine’s mysterious mission
The Russian sub at the centre of this week’s mysterious fatal fire is the most notorious and closely guarded of the country’s military fleet.
Marnie O’Neill@marnieoneill7 news.com.auJULY 4, 2019
The submarine at the centre of the fire that killed at least 14 crew members in Arctic waters on Monday is the most mysterious and closely guarded of Russia’s fleet.
14명 승무원 사망 톱 시크릿 러시아 잠수함의 미스테리 임무 사고 잠수함 삼엄한 경비 중 24일 북극해에서 최소 14명의 승무원이 사망한 화재의 중심에 있는 잠수함은 러시아 함대의 가장 삼엄한 경비를 받고 있다. 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령은 사망한 14명 중 7명은 러시아 해군 최고위 장교들이었다고 말했다. 국방부에 따르면, 희생자들은 해저 지도를 그리는 "과학적 연구 심해 잠수정"에서 발생한 화재에 의해 발생한 연기와 유독 가스 때문에 사망했다고 한다. 문제의 잠수함은 다름 아닌 AS-12 핵 동력의 미니 스파이 잠수함인 "로샤릭"으로, 일반 잠수함에 비해 10배 깊이인 6000m까지 운항할 수 있다. 미국 당국은 이전에 러시아가 해저 케이블을 변조하거나 절단할 수 있는 로샤릭의 특별한 심해 능력을 통해 통신을 가로채거나 방해하려 했다고 비난했다. 로샤릭호의 화재는지난 월요일 8.30pm 경 러시아의 북쪽 해안에서 일어난 것으로 알려지고 있다. 노르웨이의 방사선 당국은 러시아가 잠수함에서 가스 폭발 사고가 발생했다고 통보했다고 밝혔지만 모스크바에서는 부인했다. 그러나 "러시아 당국에 의해 확인된 가스 폭발이 있었다."고 노르웨이 방사능 당국은 AFP에 밝혔다. 이어 "잠수함에 원자로가 있었는지 여부에 대한 정보를 러시아 측으로부터 기다리고 있다"면서 "방사능 수준이 증가한 것은 감지하지 못했다"고 덧붙였다. 러시아 국방부는 "러시아 과학 연구 심해 기구에 관한 어떠한 통보도 없었다"고 선언하면서 노르웨이 측에 그런 말을 한 적이 없다고 부인했다. 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령은 러시아 해군에 발생한 가장 최근의 사고인 북극의 비극에 대해 전면적인 조사를 지시했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Russian officials have offered little on the circumstances surrounding the incident but the presence of several top ranking military officials on board suggests it was on a mission of great significance.
President Vladimir Putin said seven of the dead were Captain First Rank officers — the most senior staff officers in the Russian navy. Two were recipients of the Hero of Russia award which is only handed out by the president.
According to the defence ministry, the victims died from smoke and toxic fumes generated by a fire on board a “scientific research deep-sea submersible” mapping the sea floor.
It is believed the vessel in question is none other than the “Losharik”, an AS-12 nuclear powered mini spy sub which can operate at depths of up to 6000m — ten times that of a regular sub.
US authorities have previously accused Russia of attempting to intercept or sabotage communications via the Losharik’s extraordinary deep sea capabilities to tamper with or even sever underwater cables.
The sub was nicknamed in honour of an animated toy horse of the same name made from multi-coloured bubble-like orbs. While very little is known about the Losharik’s design, military experts believe the sub contains seven bubble shaped compartments.
“The use of these spherical fragments in the design create conditions so that the ship can safely dive deeply. This is the origin of the nickname,” specialist website Covert Shores, which features several plans of the Losharik.
Of course, a horse with hidden compartments has many other connotations — in war and computer malware.
Losharik the toy horse is made of bubble-like-orbs, just like the interior of the AS-12 mini sub nicknamed in its honour. Picture: Supplied
The seven spherical chambers inside the Russian AS-12 nuclear-powered mini sub help create conditions enabling descents to up to 6000m. Picture: Covert ShoresSource:Supplied
The Russian military has never released a photograph of the Losharik but dozens of diagrams and artist’s impressions purporting to be of the model can be found on amateur and commercial military websites.
Bizarrely, the only known image of the Losharik accidentally appeared in the Russian edition of Top Gear Magazine in a feature about a test car rally on a Mercedes Benz GL 450 car to Akhangelsk.
“On the shores of the White Sea, motorists of the magazine staged a photo session, at the same time passing a submarine peacefully passing along the coast — without being aware of what they were shooting,” the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies wrote in its unofficial blog.
Is this the only known picture of the Russian secret sub nicknamed 'Losharik' after an animated horse?Source:Supplied
The fire on board the Losharik is believed to have taken place on Russia’s northern shore in the Barents Sea at around 8.30pm on Monday.
Norway’s radiation authority revealed that Russia had informed it that there had been a gas explosion on board the sub — a claim denied by Moscow.
“There has been a gas explosion, confirmed by the Russian authorities,” Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) Per Strand told the AFP.
“We are waiting for information from the Russian side about whether there was a reactor on board the submarine,” he said, adding his agency had not detected an increase in radiation levels.
Russia’s defence ministry denied having said any such thing to Norway, declaring “there were no notifications sent to the Norwegian side regarding the Russian science research deep water apparatus”.
President Vladimir Putin ordered a full investigation into what he deemed a “tragedy” in the country’s far north, the latest in a string of disasters and accidents to hit Russia’s navy.
A translation of a Ministry of Defence statement issued by the state-run TASS news service said 14 sailors died “in Russian territorial waters as a result of inhaling combustion products aboard a research submersible vehicle designated for studying the seafloor and the bottom of the World Ocean in the interests of the Russian Navy”.
It said the fire “broke out during (the taking of) bathymetric measurements” before it was extinguished by the “self-sacrificing” actions of surviving crew.
The vessel has since been returned to a military base in the northern city of Severomorsk on the Kola Peninsula above the Arctic Circle.
It is the same base which serviced the doomed Kursk submarine, which sank in the icy Barents Sea in August 2000, after a torpedo exploded, denonating all the others and killing all 118 on board.
The disaster happened in Mr Putin’s first term as president and he was severely criticised for failing to cut short his holiday to address the tragedy.
This time the leader did not dawdle, cancelling a scheduled appearance to summon Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu for an immediate briefing.
“It is a big loss for the navy, and for the army as a whole,” Mr Putin said of the accident, AFP reported.
“It is not an ordinary vessel, as we know, it’s a scientific-research vessel, its crew is highly professional”
The fire is the latest in a series of accidents to befall the Russian military.
In August 2000, the Kursk submarine sank in the Barents Sea, killing all 118 on board.
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An inquiry found that a torpedo had exploded, detonating all the others.
In 2008, 20 people, including three naval officers and 17 civilians, were killed by poison gas after a vessel’s fire-extinguishing system was accidentally activated during trials in the Sea of Japan.
In 2011, one of Russia’s biggest nuclear submarines caught fire while undergoing repairs in dock in the northern Murmansk region.
Later, it was reported the sub was armed with long-range nuclear missiles when it caught fire.