윔블든 테니스 대회 위해 딸기 수확하는 로봇 '루비온' VIDEO: The strawberry-picking robots that can pick and package all the perfect, red, unblemished fruit needed for Wimbledon in just one week

The strawberry-picking robots that can pick and package all the perfect, red, unblemished fruit needed for Wimbledon in just one week

The 'Rubion' machine is programmed to only pick 'perfect' strawberries

It takes 14 machines to gather enough to keep the event topped up for 7 days

Rubion even has a built in 'camera' uses sensors to ensure only the ripest fruit

Wimbledon kicks off on Monday, with fans being expected to consume a whopping 34,000kg of strawberries over the two-week tournament


윔블든 테니스 대회를 위해 딸기 수확하는 로봇 '루비온' 

ACTPHAST's founder and CEO Dr Tom Coen 

    기 따는 로봇들은 윔블던에서 일주일 동안 테니스 애호가들에게 공급할 충분한 양을  수확할 수 있었다.

'루비온'은 오직 '완벽한' 딸기만 골라내도록 프로그램 되어 있는데, 14대의 로봇이 윔블든 토너먼트에 공급을 소화할 수 있도록 바쁘게 움직인다.

흠 없는 딸기 따는 메커니즘은 5초마다 딸기를 골라 포장해 하루 최대 360kg를 만들어낸다

루비온은 심지어 가장 익은 과일만이 통과할 수 있도록 센서를 사용한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 00:01 BST, 29 June 2019 | UPDATED: 00:01 BST, 29 June 2019


Strawberry-picking robots could collect enough fruit to supply tennis-lovers at Wimbledon for one week.

The 'Rubion' is programmed to only pick 'perfect' strawberries, with just 14 machines being able to gather enough to keep the tournament topped up for seven days.

Its clasping mechanism, which leaves the fruit bruise-free, picks and packages a strawberry every five seconds, resulting in up to 360kg of the berry a day.

Rubion even has a built in 'camera' uses sensors to ensure only the ripest fruit makes it through.

Scroll down for video 

Strawberry-picking robots could collect enough fruit to supply tennis-lovers at Wimbledon for one week. The 'Rubion' is programmed to only pick 'perfect' strawberries, with just 14 machines being able to gather enough to keep the tournament topped up for seven days

The brains behind the technology argue the machine surpasses even the most enthusiastic fruit picker, who 'require breaks and complain about the weather'.

Wimbledon kicks off on Monday, with fans being expected to consume a whopping 34,000kg of strawberries over the two-week tournament.

Even the most enthusiastic fruit picker can only manage around 50kg a day, with them also requiring breaks and constantly fighting the temptation not to munch through their bounty.

The Belgium-based manufacturer ACTPHAST 4.0, which specialises in providing robotic solutions to agriculture and food, has therefore launched Rubion.

The machine is designed to pick strawberries off raised 'vegetable patches'. It then sorts the fruit by size or weight, before packing it into punnets.


The brains behind the technology argue the machine surpasses even the most enthusiastic fruit picker, who 'require breaks and complain about the weather'. Wimbledon kicks off on Monday, with fans being expected to consume a whopping 34,000kg of strawberries over the two-week tournament


ACTPHAST's founder and CEO Dr Tom Coen said the picking of soft fruits with machines has always been tricky given that they are so easy to get squashed and the sensitivity needed to discern whether a fruit was ripe or rotten, simply wasn't there

Rubion is even programmed with light-detecting sensors to pick up on the wavelengths given off by the fruit, with only the best being good enough.

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