[위기일발의 순간] 152명 탑승 바퀴 펑크난 불가리아 보잉 737...기장 기지로 모두 생존 VIDEO:Hero pilot safely lands passenger jet with 152 people on board in Israel after landing

Hero pilot safely lands passenger jet with 152 people on board in Israel after landing gear tyre EXPLODES during take off in Cologne

The Electra Air plane, heading for its emergency landing, with an accompanying F-16

edited by kcontents

The Boeing 737 operated by Electra air took off from Cologne, Germany earlier 

One of the wheels reportedly exploded while it was taking off bound for Israel 

Israeli Air Force fighters escorted the jet safely into land at Ben Gurion Airport

152명 탑승 바퀴 펑크난 불가리아 보잉 737...기장 기지로 모두 생존

   한 영웅 조종사가 이륙 중 바퀴 하나가 폭발한 후 152명을 태운 여객기를 이스라엘에 안전하게 착륙시켰다. 

불가리아 일렉트라 항공의 보잉 737-400은 이스라엘 벤구리온(Ben Gurion) 공항에 착륙할 준비를 하면서 지중해 상공을 선회한 후에 결국 분주한 운송 허브에 착륙했다.

(상단 사진 설명:

일렉트라 항공의 보잉 F16의 엄호하에 착륙을 시도하고 있다)

월요일 오후의 긴장된 착륙 동안 100대 이상의 구급차와 비상 대응 차량들이 활주로 옆에서 대기하고 있었다.


이스라엘 언론은 또 병원 3곳을 대기시켰으며 헬기와 육군 '구조팀' 그리고 공군전투기들이 비상 대기했다고 보도했다.

(하단 사진 설명

비행 활주로에 선 채로 꼼짝 못하는 산산조각난 타이어를 보여주고 있다.)

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 14:21 BST, 1 July 2019 | UPDATED: 17:51 BST, 1 July 2019

A hero pilot has safely landed a passenger plane carrying 152 people in Israel after one of its wheels exploded during takeoff. 

The Electra Air Boeing 737 circled over the Mediterranean as it prepared to come into land at Ben Gurion Airport - before eventually touching down at the busy transport hub.

During the tense landing on Monday afternoon over 100 ambulances and emergency response vehicles waited at the side of the runway. 

Israeli media also reported that three hospitals were placed on standby to receive casualties and Army 'extraction teams' in helicopters were poised to help.

An image has emerged showing the shredded tyre after the plane had come to a standstill on the runway.


An image taken shortly after the plane safely touched down in Israel showed one of its tyres had been shredded

Dramatic footage showed the plane coming in to land at Ben Gurion airport during the incident

Fortunately, however, none of them were needed and the pilot managed to bring the plane down to earth without a single person being injured. 

The plane had earlier taken off from Cologne, Germany and landed at around 4.15pm local time.

After realising one of his wheels had burst, the pilot declared a midair emergency shortly after takeoff.  

Ben Gurion airport then declared a 'level 3 emergency', the highest possible level, and preparations were made for a possible disaster. 



