친환경 수중 도시 프로젝트 VIDEO: What are "Oceanscrapers"?
What are "Oceanscrapers"?
Fred Mills
AS the global population continues to expand, and as the demand for land within urban areas increases, we have seen the rise of skyscrapers in some of the world’s leading cities - structures that maximise floor area and value from small sites.
친환경 수중 도시 프로젝트 전 세계 인구가 계속 증가하고 있고, 도시 지역 내 토지에 대한 수요가 증가함에 따라, 우리는 세계 유수의 도시들 - 바닥 면적과 작은 부지의 가치를 극대화하는 구조 - 에서 초고층 빌딩의 증가를 보아 왔다. 우리 도시의 발전은 또한 구글의 새로운 런던 본사처럼 "지상 고층빌딩"과 심지어 멕시코 시티의 "지하고층빌딩"에 대한 디자인 컨셉을 낳았다. 인류가 앞으로 수십 년 동안 훨씬 더 넓은 지구의 육지 부지를 점용함에 따라, 이제 새로운 개척지가 개척되고 있다. 바다는 지구 표면의 70% 이상을 덮고 있지만, 상대적으로 탐사되지 않은 채로 남아 있으며, 인구가 증가함에 따라 일부 사람들에게는 점유되고 있다. 지금까지 이런 형태의 사업은 모나코와 홍콩과 같은 간척사업의 형태를 취했다. 또한 수중 호텔과 연구 시설, 심지어 2015년 캘리포니아 해안에서 마이크로소프트에 의해 추적된 해저 데이터 센터도 있다. 이제, "해양"으로 알려진 전체 수중 공동체에 대한 이론적 개념이 퍼지고 있다. 해양은 밀폐된 수중 구조물로, 해안에 건설되고 육지와 독립적으로 운영될 수 있다. 중력의 제약으로부터 자유로워지고, 그들의 구조의 자연적인 부력에 의존하게 되면, 이론상 해양은 육지에서는 불가능할 정도의 규모로 건설될 수 있었다. 2015년 벨기에의 건축가 빈센트 칼레바우트는 현재 우리 바다에 놓여 있는 압력을 강조하기 위해 자신의 비전을 사용하여 현재까지 바다에 대한 가장 상세한 개념을 제시했다. "아에코레아"는 리오 데 자네이로 해안에 건설될 공상적인 도시다. 해파리처럼 생긴 이 구조물의 원통형 형태는 거친 바다에서 안정성과 부력을 제공하면서 자연적인 조류가 방해받지 않고 지나갈 수 있게 해준다. 바다 표면을 가로질러 500미터에 달하는 이 해양 건물들은 20,000명의 사람들을 수용하고 아파트, 호텔 그리고 스포츠 시설들을 예술 연구소의 주와 함께 특징지을 것이다. -중략- 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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The evolution of our cities has also given rise to “groundscrapers” - like Google’s new London headquarters - and even a design concept for an “earthscraper” beneath Mexico City.
With humans set to colonise an ever greater area of the planet’s land mass in the decades ahead, a new frontier is now being explored.
Above: "Groundscrapers" like Google's new London headquarters, are already appearing in our cities (image courtesy of Google). Below: A proposal for an "Earthscraper" in Mexico City (image courtesy of BNKR Arquitectur).
Oceans cover more than 70% of the earth’s surface but remain relatively unexplored and are seen by some as an obvious area to colonise as population expands.
To date this has taken the form of land reclamation projects such as those in Monaco and Hong Kong.
There have also been underwater hotels and research facilities and even an under-ocean data centre, which was trialled by Microsoft off the coast of California in 2015.
Now, theoretical concepts for entire underwater communities known as “oceanscrapers” have been floated.
Above: Oceanscrapers are structures that extend into the ocean depths (image courtesy of Vincent Callebaut).
An oceanscraper is an airtight, submerged structure that is built offshore and that can operate independently from land.
Free from the constraints of gravity, and relying on the natural buoyancy of their structure, oceanscrapers could in theory be built on a scale not possible onshore.
Above: Oceanscrapers could be built much larger than land based buildings due to their buoyancy (image courtesy of Vincent Callebaut).
Some proposals have these structures tethered to the seabed while others are floating and extend downwards from the surface - such as Sarly Adre bin Sarkum’s “Waterscraper”.
In 2015, Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut offered the most detailed concept for an oceanscraper to date using his vision to highlight the pressures that are currently being placed on our oceans.
“Aequorea” is a visionary city that would be built off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Shaped like a jellyfish, the structure’s cylindrical form allows for natural currents to pass by undisturbed while offering stability and buoyancy in rough seas.
Above: Off the coast of Rio de Janiero, Aequorea was a concept developed in 2015 to highlight the plight of the world's oceans ( image courtesy of Vincent Callebaut).
Spanning 500 metres across the ocean surface and extending almost 1,000 meters down into the depths, these oceanic buildings would accommodate 20,000 people and feature apartments, hotels and sporting facilities alongside state of the art research laboratories.
Above: "Aequorea" could accommodate 20,000 people (image courtesy of Vincent Callebaut).
Callebaut’s oceanscrapers would be 3D printed from “algoplast” a hybrid material that would be produced by cultivating marine algae and plastics from the “great garbage patches” floating in the world’s oceans.
This submerged world would be powered by renewables, using solar, wind and wave technology.
Continuing the theme of self-sufficiency, these particular oceanscrapers would use their surface structures for growing food, while farming algae and molluscs as a source of protein.
Fresh water would be harvested from the surrounding ocean via a desalination process.
Above: Aequorea would use its surface structure to grow food, while algae and molluscs would be farmed for additional protein ( image courtesy of Vincent Callebaut).
Other concepts propose tethering structures to the sea bed and creating “earth factories” which can be used to harvest materials and energy from the ocean floor for use within the submerged community.
Above: A proposed oceanscraper that would be tethered to the seafloor in order to mine energy and minerals for use within the structure (image courtesy of Tokyo University and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology).
Although oceanscrapers remain some way from becoming a reality, with advanced and highly credible proposals already well-developed for human habitations on Mars, the concept of colonising such a large and untapped region of our own planet may not be so far-fetched.
Images courtesy of Google, BNKR Arquitectur, Valode and Pistre Architects, Microsoft Research, Tokyo University and The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Vincent Callebaut, Sarly Adre bin Sarkum (via Evolo).