이란 혁명수비대, 미-이란 긴장 고조된 가운데 '미국 정찰용 무인기' 격추 주장 VIDEO: Iran's Revolutionary Guard claims to have 'shot down US spy drone over its airspace' amid heightened tensions between Tehran and Washington
Iran's Revolutionary Guard claims to have 'shot down US spy drone over its airspace' amid heightened tensions between Tehran and Washington
U.S. military previously alleged Iran fired a missile at another drone last week that responded to the attack on two oil tankers near the Gulf of Oman
The incident comes at a time of heightened tensions between Iran and the US
The US has accused Iran of being behind a series of operations against oil tankers in highly sensitive Gulf waters
Tehran has denied involvement and instead suggested Washington could be the author of the attacks, using the operation to justify force against Iran
Capt. Bill Urban, a U.S. Central Command spokesman, declined to comment when asked if an American drone was shot down Thursday
However, he said: 'There was no drone over Iranian territory'
Trump had been 'briefed on the reports of a missile strike in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia', according to White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders
이란 혁명수비대, 미-이란 긴장 고조된 가운데 '미국 정찰용 무인기' 격추 주장 이란 국영 TV에따르면 이란 혁명수비대(Revolution Guard)는 27일(현지시간) 이란 영공을 침범한 미국의 스파이 드론을 격추했다. 영국 일간 프레스 TV에따르면, 미국이 제작한 글로벌 호크 감시용 무인기는 남부 해안 지역인 호르모즈간에서 이란 공군에 의해 추락했다. RQ-4 글로벌 호크의 격추 소식은 미국의 경제 제재와 호르무즈 해협에서의 이란의 선박 공격 의혹을 둘러싸고 이란과 미국 사이에 긴장이 고조되고 있는 가운데 나온 것이다. 미 군 관계자는 이란이 지난주 오만 만 인근에서 두 대의 유조선을 공격한 데 대해 대응한 또 다른 무인기에 미사일을 발사했다고 말했다. 미국은 이 배들에 대한 공격에 대해 이란을 비난하고 있으나, 이란은 이를 부인하고 있다. 미군은 미군의 무인기가 격추됐는지 여부에 대해서는 언급하지 않았으나 대변인은 '이란 영토에는 무인기가 없었다'고 말했다. 국영 TV는 드론의 사진을 제공하지 않았다 Related Article 미-이란 전쟁 촉발되나?...CNN "이란, 유조선 피격 전 美무인정찰기에 미사일 공격" VIDEO: Iranians fired missile at US drone prior to tanker attack, US official says https://conpaper.tistory.com/78374 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 06:14 BST, 20 June 2019 | UPDATED: 08:24 BST, 20 June 2019
Iran's Revolutionary Guard said Thursday it had shot down a US 'spy drone' over its territory after it violated Iranian airspace, according to Iranian state television.
'The U.S.-made Global Hawk surveillance drone was brought down by the [Iranian] Air Force' in the country's southern coastal province of Hormozgan, the Revolutionary Guard added, according to the English-language Press TV.
The reported shootdown of the RQ-4 Global Hawk comes amid heightened tensions between Tehran and Washington over U.S. economic sanctions and alleged Iranian attacks on shipping in the Straits of Hormuz.
The US-made Global Hawk surveillance drone was brought down by its Air Force' in the country's southern coastal province of Hormozgan, the Revolutionary Guard said
U.S. military officials said Iran fired a missile at another drone last week that responded to the attack on two oil tankers near the Gulf of Oman.
America blames Iran for the attack on the ships, which Tehran denies.
The U.S. military declined to comment if an American drone had been shot down but a spokesman said: 'There was no drone over Iranian territory.'
State television did not provide pictures of the drone.
This image released by the U.S. Department of Defense on Monday, June 17, 2019, and taken from a U.S. Navy helicopter, shows what the Navy says are members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy removing an unexploded limpet mine from the M/T Kokuka Courageous
This grab taken from a video released by the US Central Command on June 13, 2019, reportedly shows an Iranian navy patrol boat in the Gulf of Oman approaching the Japanese operated methanol tanker Kokuka Courageous and removing an unexploded mine
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