조선3사, 9兆 카타르 LNG선 놓고 수주전쟁 시작 VIDEO: Qatar leads in LNG exports again

Qatar leads in LNG exports again

- Gulf state was the biggest LNG exporter in 2018, while main LNG importer was Japan, BP's report shows

Qatar maintained its dominance in liquefied natural gas exports, having exported 104.8 billion cubic meters (bcm) of LNG in 2019, according to BP's Statistical Review of World Energy 2019 report.



조선3사, 9兆 카타르 LNG선 놓고 수주전쟁 시작

발주 LNG 40척

작년 발주 LNG선 88% 독식

   올해 세계 선박 시장의 최대 발주 물량으로 꼽히는 카타르의 LNG(액화천연가스)선 수주전이 공식화했다.

17일 조선업계에 따르면 현대중공업, 대우조선해양, 삼성중공업은 카타르 노스필드 가스전 확장 사업에 투입될 LNG선 수주를 위해 카타르 국영 석유 회사 카타르페트롤리엄(QP)에 입찰 제안서를 제출했다. 

카타르페트롤리엄이 발주할 LNG선은 40척으로 작년 세계 LNG선 발주량(76척)의 절반이 넘는다. LNG선 한 척은 대략 2억달러 규모로 카타르페트롤리엄의 전체 발주액은 80억달러(약 9조5000억원)에 이를 전망이다.

카타르페트롤리엄이 발주하는 LNG선은 가스전인 노스필드 확장을 통해 생산량이 40% 이상 늘어나는 LNG 수송에 투입된다. 카타르페트롤리엄이 발주하는 LNG선은 노스필드의 생산량 확대가 시작될 2023년부터 인도될 예정이다.

국내외 조선업계에서는 이번 수주전을 한국 조선사의 3파전으로 예상한다. 작년 발주된 LNG선 76척 중 67척을 우리 조선사가 수주했다. 올해도 5월까지 발주 물량 21척을 한국 조선사가 모두 수주했다. 조선 3사는 지난 2004년 카타르가 발주했던 53척 LNG선을 모두 가져온 경험도 있다.

전수용 기자 조선일보 

edited by kcontents

The Gulf country's main LNG market was the Asia-Pacific region with a total of 77.3 bcm. The main recipient of Qatari LNG was South Korea with 19.6 bcm while India imported 14.8 bcm. The country's LNG exports to EU were 22.6 bcm.

According to BP's report, last year's second biggest LNG exporter was Australia with 91.8 bcm. Malaysia followed with 33 bcm and the U.S. was ranked third with 28.4 bcm.


S. Korea regains top spot in May shipbuilding orders

June 11, 2019

SEOUL, June 11 (Yonhap) -- South Korea edged China for the first time in three months to recapture the No. 1 spot in global shipbuilding orders, industry data showed Tuesday.


edited by kcontents

Australian LNG's biggest recipient was the Asian region, with Japan having imported 39.1 bcm, followed by China (32.1 bcm )and South Korea (10.8 bcm). The only recipient of Australian LNG out of the Asian region was United Arab Emirates with 0.2 billion cubic meters in 2018.

The U.S. is expected to increase its LNG export capacity in the coming years, as construction of one LNG terminal takes around four years.

The main LNG step from the U.S. and more active LNG facilities in Australia are expected in 2022

- Japan largest importer


Sea News

edited by kcontents

The global LNG market's main trader region was Asia-Pacific with Japan leading with its 113 bcm of LNG imports.

The country was followed by China, South Korea and India, which imported 73.5, 60.2 bcm and 30.6 bcm of LNG, respectively.

In Europe, the main LNG importers were Spain with 15 bcm while Turkey purchased 11.5 bcm.

By Murat Temizer

Anadolu Agency




