우버의 미래 '스카이 포트' 디자인 공개 VIDEO: Uber reveals futuristic 'Skyports' that can be added to existing buildings so that passengers can hail the firm's planned flying taxis

Uber reveals futuristic 'Skyports' that can be added to existing buildings so that passengers can hail the firm's planned flying taxis

Uber have unveiled futuristic concept images for 'Skyports' where passengers could hail flying taxis 

These 'airports' can be attached to existing buildings and would enable people to board and disembark  

Concept designs show how they could be installed on parking blocks and other under-utilised structures


우버의 미래 '스카이 포트' 디자인 공개

   우버는 미래의 역 역할을 할 '스카이 포트'의 미래 개념 이미지를 공개했다.

이러한 시설들은 기존 건물에 부착할 수 있으며, 사람들이 어디서나 우버 에어 차량에 탑승하고 내릴 수 있게 할 것이다.

8개 회사가 16개의 새로운 스카이포트 디자인을 공개했다.

폰 어플 등 이용해서 택시 직접 불러서 이용할 수 있는 라이드 헤일링 회사는 부동산 개발업자들과 협력하여 주차 블록과 기타 활용도가 낮은 구조물 위에 헬리콥터처럼 생긴 포트를 설치하고 있다.

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 15:15 BST, 13 June 2019 | UPDATED: 16:31 BST, 13 June 2019

Uber have unveiled futuristic concept images for 'skyports' which will act as stations where passengers could hail the firm's upcoming flying taxis.

These 'airports' can be attached to existing buildings and would enable people to board and disembark from Uber Air vehicles.

Eight firms unveiled sixteen new designs for the Skyports at Uber Elevate, its initiative to launch uberAIR, the aerial electric ride-hailing service. 

The ride-hailing company are working with real estate developers and cities to install the ports- which are a bit like helipads - on top of parking blocks and other under-utilised structures.

Scroll down for video 

Uber have unveiled futuristic concept images for 'Skyports' which will acts as stations where passengers could hail the firm's flying taxis. These 'airports' can be attached to existing buildings and would enable people to board and disembark. Here, Gensler's concept

Passengers would travel to the top of the buildings, where a flying taxi would be waiting for them, according to Gensler

'With the first launch of Uber Air just a few short years away, this collection of Skyport Mobility Hub concepts establish a vision for the infrastructure needed in the communities we plan to serve,' Uber Elevate Head of Design John Badalamenti said.

The firm invited architectural firms to imagine how connected Skyport hubs could be integrated into the urban landscape of Los Angeles, Dallas and Melbourne.  

One concept, which was designed with Los Angeles in mind, Gensler's skyport design features shopping and dining.

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