중국 주변 해역을 점령하고 있는 '푸른 눈물'의 섬뜩한 빛들 VIDEO; China's stunning 'blue tears' plankton blooms are SPREADING: Satellite study reveals the phenomenon has grown in recent years

China's stunning 'blue tears' plankton blooms are SPREADING: Satellite study reveals the phenomenon has grown in recent years - but scientists warn it can be toxic

A type of plankton known as sea sparkles light up the East China Sea at night 

They glow blue when disturbed by the water's movement, from boats or waves

Satellite images from 2000-2017 show blooms extend farther, more abundant

Researchers say this may have to do with construction of Three Gorges Dam 

중국 주변 해역을 점령하고 있는 '푸른 눈물'의 섬뜩한 빛들

  '푸른 눈물'의 빛나는 빛들이 중국 주변 해역을 점령하고 있다.

이 붉은 녹틸루카 섬광이라고 불리는 숨막히는 생체 발광 플랑크톤에 대한 최초의 위성 연구는 최근 몇 년간 번식율이 증가했다는 것을 밝혀냈는데, 이것은 그들이 이전에 가정했던 것보다 더 강하다는 것을 보여준다.

섬뜩한 파란 색 빛과 함께  동 중국해 밤의 바다 광채로 알려진 작은 유기체, 

그들은 또한 독성이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다.

2000년부터 2017년까지 위성에서 관찰한 바에 따르면 꽃들은 예상보다 해안에서 더 멀리 그리고 따뜻한 물로 확장되며, 지난 몇 년 동안 더 많아진 것으로 보인다.

중국의 한 팀이 이끄는 새로운 연구에 따르면, 최근 몇 년간의 성장은 2000년대 초에 끝난 논란의 삼협댐 건설과 관련이 있을 수 있다고 한다.

플랑크톤이 빛을 흡수하고 산란하는 능력 덕분에, 과학자들은 해양 색상의 변화를 분석함으로써 위성 이미지를 통해 그들의 활동을 추적할 수 있었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 22:56 BST, 13 June 2019 | UPDATED: 23:04 BST, 13 June 2019

Glowing blooms of ‘blue tears’ are taking over the coastal waters around China.

Satellite observations from 2000 to 2017 show the blooms extend farther from the shore and into warmer waters than expected

The first-ever satellite study of breathtaking bioluminescent plankton called red Noctiluca scintillans has revealed that outbreaks have grown in recent years, suggesting they’re hardier than previously assumed.

The tiny organisms, also known as sea sparkles, light up the East China Sea at night with an eerie blue glow, which occurs when they’re disturbed by movement in the water.

But, they’re also known to be toxic.

Satellite observations from 2000 to 2017 show the blooms extend farther from the shore and into warmer waters than expected, and appear to have become more abundant in the past few years.


Glowing blooms of ‘blue tears’ are taking over the coastal waters around China. The first-ever satellite study of breathtaking bioluminescent plankton called red Noctiluca scintillans has revealed that outbreaks have grown in recent years

According to the new research led by a team in China, the growth in recent years may have to do with the construction of the controversial Three Gorges Dam, which wrapped up in the early 2000s.

Thanks to the plankton’s ability to absorb and scatter light, scientists were able to track their activity through satellite images by analyzing changes in the ocean’s color.

These organisms absorb more blue light and scatter more red light than other microorganisms, the team says.

By analyzing nearly 1,000 images of the East China Sea from NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites, as well as the International Space Station, the teams identified blooms that emerged between April and August over the course of 18 years.

The tiny organisms, also known as sea sparkles, light up the East China Sea at night with an eerie blue glow, which occurs when they’re disturbed by movement in the water

These organisms absorb more blue light and scatter more red light than other microorganisms, the team says. Above, the organisms can be seen glowing blue under a microscope

While they typically appear close to the shore near the mouths of rivers, the satellite images revealed many located farther out.

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