우버의 미래형 에어택시 VIDEO: Uber gives a first look inside its new flying taxis that can seat up to four people and are set to launch in 2023

Uber gives a first look inside its new flying taxis that can seat up to four people and are set to launch in 2023 as the firm says it expects a trip to be cheaper than a typical helicopter ride


Uber revealed new details about its airborne taxi service at its annual 'Elevate' conference in Washington, DC

It gave a first look at the inside of an Uber Air taxi, which features 'ultra leather' seats and luggage storage

The taxis can transport up to four people at a time and each seat is oriented toward the window for quiet rides

While Uber hasn't said how much a ride will cost, it's expected to be cheaper than a typical helicopter trip

Uber expects to conduct first tests in 2020 and roll out Uber Air in Dallas and Los Angeles as soon as 2023


우버의 미래형 에어택시

이르면 2023년 상용화

   우버가 처음으로 미래형 에어택시를 선보인다

 'Uber Air'라고 불리는 오랫동안 기다려온 공중 택시 서비스의 일환으로 네 명의 승객까지 태울 것으로 예상되는 하늘을 나는 택시 내부를 보여주었다.

이전에는 우버가 이 차량의 시제품 디지털 디자인을 공유했지만, 이제 이 차량은 실제 이륙을 현실화하고 있다.

우버는 또 이번 공개의 일환으로 내년에 실시되는 시험에 이어 이르면 2023년 항공노선 승강장이 일반에 공개될 것으로 기대한다고 밝혔다. 

아직 우버 항공의 운항 비용이 얼마인지는 확실하지 않지만, 회사는 전통적인 헬리콥터보다 저렴할 것으로 예상하고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 20:29 BST, 11 June 2019 | UPDATED: 14:49 BST, 12 June 2019

Uber is taking the wraps off of its futuristic air taxis for the first time. 

The ride-hailing firm gave the public a look at the inside of its flying taxi that's expected to ferry up to four passengers as part of the long-awaited airborne taxi service, dubbed 'Uber Air.'

Previously, Uber had shared prototype digital designs of the vehicle, but now the vehicles are getting closer to takeoff. 

Uber is taking the wraps off of its futuristic air taxis for the first time. The firm gave the public a look at the inside of its flying taxi that's expected to ferry up to four passengers as part of the long-awaited airborne taxi service, dubbed 'Uber Air'

As part of the unveiling, Uber also announced that it expects the aerial ride-hailing platform to become available to the public as soon as 2023, following tests that will take place next year. 

It's not yet clear how much an Uber Air trip will cost, but the firm expects it to be cheaper than a traditional helicopter ride.  

For the most part, the inside of an Uber Air taxi looks pretty similar to a traditional helicopter. However, it's missing some of the typical conveniences consumers might come to expect from ride-share vehicles or airplanes

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