아마존, 애플·구글 아성 깨고 브랜드 가치 1위 등극...삼성은? VIDEO; Amazon surpasses Google, Apple as world’s most valuable brand: report
Amazon surpasses Google, Apple as world’s most valuable brand: report
By Ann SchmidtPublished June 11, 2019AmazonFOXBusiness
Amazon expands credit card services; Kraft wants kids to eat their veggies
Morning Business Outlook: Amazon announces credit card designed specifically for customers who have bad credit or no credit; Kraft introduces 'Salad Frosting,' their classic ranch dressing disguised in a frosting container to help kids to eat their veggies.
Amazon is the most valuable brand in the world, according to a new report.
아마존, 애플·구글 아성 깨고 브랜드 가치 1위 등극...삼성은? 英 WPP 계열 칸타르 조사 애플·구글 '2강 체제' 무너뜨려 中 알리바바 7위·텐센트 8위 100대 기업 중 아시아 23개로 세계 최대 전자상거래 업체인 미국 아마존이 IT업계 거인들인 애플과 구글을 끌어내리고 세계 최고 가치의 브랜드 자리에 올랐다. 삼성은 지난해 33위에서 38위로 5계단 내려앉았다. 글로벌 시장조사업체 '칸타르'(Kantar)가 11일(현지시간) 발표한 '2019년 100대 톱 브랜드'(2019 100 Top BrandZ) 보고서에 따르면 아마존은 올해 3천155억 달러(372조 원)의 브랜드 가치로 세계 최고 자리에 올랐다고 AFP통신이 보도했다. 아마존의 올해 브랜드 가치는 지난해 2천76억 달러에서 무려 52% 늘었으며, 지난해 3위에서 1위로 뛰어올랐다. 지난해 1위 구글은 브랜드 가치가 2% 상승에 그친 3천90억 달러로 3위로 내려앉으며 아마존과 자리를 맞바꿨다. 애플은 3천95억 달러로 2위 자리를 유지했다. 이로써 아마존은 지난 2007년 이래 브랜드 가치 상위 2자리를 지켜온 애플과 구글 2강 체제를 끝냈다고 파이낸셜타임스는 전했다. 영국 최대 광고회사 'WPP' 소유의 칸타르는 1994년 제프 베이조스가 차고에서 설립한 아마존이 탁월한 기업 인수, 우수한 고객 서비스, 다양한 제품과 서비스를 제공하는 비즈니스 모델을 앞세워 1위에 올랐다고 설명했다. 4위는 마이크로소프트(2천512억 달러), 5위 비자(1천780억 달러), 6위 페이스북(1천590억 달러)으로 상위 6위를 미국 업체가 휩쓸었다. 7위는 중국 전자상거래 업체인 알리바바로, 1천312억 달러의 가치로 지난해 9위에서 2계단 뛰어올랐다. 미국 업체를 제외하고는 최고 순위다. 중국 최대 IT 기업인 텐센트는 1천309억 달러로 8위를 기록했으나 지난해보다 3계단 떨어졌다. 이밖에 맥도날드(1천304억 달러)와 미국 통신업체 AT&T(1천84억 달러)가 각각 9위와 10위로 10강에 포함됐다. 삼성은 304억 달러(36조 원)로 38위를 기록하면서 한국 기업으로는 유일하게 100위 내에 포함됐다. 그러나 삼성은 지난해 322억 달러에서 6%가 줄면서 순위도 5계단 하락했다. 이번 100대 브랜드에는 중국의 15개를 포함해 아시아 업체가 23개를 차지하면서 아시아의 존재감을 반영했다. 이번 조사를 이끈 칸타르의 도린 왕은 "아마존과 구글, 알리바바와 같은 브랜드들은 기술을 능수능란하게 활용, 소비자와의 다양한 접점에 걸쳐 광범위한 서비스를 제공하면서 경계가 흐릿해지고 있다"라고 말했다. 연합뉴스 ringonam@donga.com |
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The e-commerce giant’s brand is worth $315.5 billion, which puts it ahead of Apple and Google, according to the BrandZ Top Most Valuable Global Brands, released Tuesday by WPP and data consultant Kantar. The two technology companies had previously held the top spots for the last 12 years.
Amazon’s brand value was able to grow because of its acquisitions, customer service and maintaining a diverse set of products and services, a news release about the study said.
“Amazon’s phenomenal brand value growth of almost $108 billion in the last year demonstrates how brands are now less anchored to individual categories and regions,” Doreen Wang, Kantar’s Global Head of BrandZ, said in an online statement.
“The boundaries are blurring as technology fluency allow brands, such as Amazon, Google and Alibaba, to offer a range of services across multiple consumer touchpoints,” Wang added. “Using their consumer experience and expertise, these brands are crossing over into the business services sector, creating new opportunities for brand growth.”
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Apple and Google had previously held the top two spots for the most valuable brand last year, with Amazon in third place. This year, Apple remained in second with a brand value of $309.5 billion and Google fell from first to third, this year valued at $309 billion.
According to the release, technology companies have been at the top of BrandZ’s Top 100 list since it began in 2006. This year, five technology companies are among the top 10 brands, with Microsoft in fourth place at $251.2 billion, Facebook in sixth place at $158.9 billion and Tencent — a Chinese digital media conglomerate — in eighth place at $130.8 billion.
The other companies on the list include payment brand Visa in fifth place at $177.9 billion, Chinese e-commerce brand Alibaba in seventh place at $131.2 billion, fast food brand McDonald’s in ninth place at $130.3 billion and telecom provider AT&T in tenth place at $108.3 billion.
According to Kantar, Instagram was the fastest rising brand Opens a New Window. value this year, with 95 percent growth. The social media platform reportedly jumped 47 spots to No. 44 and has a brand value of $28.2 billion. Other “top risers” include athletic apparel company Lululemon, Netflix, Salesforce and Uber.
“We’re seeing a move from individual product and service brands to a new era of highly-disruptive ecosystems,” David Roth, CEO of The Store WPP EMEA and Asia and Chairman of BrandZ, said. “Brands need to understand the value this type of model can create and should embrace its approach to be successful in the future.”
However, the report found that trade wars between China and the U.S. did affect growth, which slowed about 7 percent in the last year.
“Consumer confidence was hit as the trade tariffs impacted several brand categories with Cars, Logistics and Banks suffering most,” Kantar stated in the report.
Amazon Becomes World's Most Valuable Brand Surpassing Appl
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On Tuesday, China promised to “fight to the end” if the U.S. escalates tensions in the ongoing trade war as President Trump edges closer to deciding whether to impose tariffs on another $300 billion worth of Chinese goods.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said China can negotiate with the U.S. if both sides are willing to come to a fair agreement but said the country was “not afraid of fighting a trade war."
“China does not want to fight a trade war, but we are not afraid of fighting a trade war,” Geng said. “If the U.S. is ready to have equal consultations, our door is wide open. If the United States only wants to escalate trade frictions, we will resolutely respond and fight to the end.”
Fox Business’ Katherine Lam and The Associated Press contributed to this report.