시코시티서 나체 자전거…"'건강한' 교통수단입니다" Naked cyclists on a roll for healthy transport in Mexico City/ 수천명 여성들의 암 예방 캠페인 나체 수영 BARING ALL Thousands of women of all ages strip off
Naked cyclists on a roll for healthy transport in Mexico City
Date created : 09/06/2019 - 00:40
Dozens of naked bikers took to Mexico City's streets Saturday to raise awareness of cycling as a healthy transportation option.
Skin was in, or rather out, as people in Mexico City cycled naked in the name of health and greener transport optionsMexico City (AFP)
멕시코시티서 나체 자전거…"'건강한' 교통수단입니다" 자전거에 벌거벗은 채 올라탄 수십명이 멕시코시티 시내를 달리는 진풍경이 8일(현지시간) 벌어졌다. 옷은 벗었지만 안전을 위해 헬멧을 쓰고 일부는 레슬러처럼 복면을 쓴 채로 힘차게 페달을 밟았다. AFP통신에 따르면 이들은 교통지옥으로 유명한 멕시코시티에서 자전거가 건강한 교통 수단이 될 수 있다는 것을 보이기 위해 거리에 나왔다. 멕시코시티에는 매일 400만대 이상 차량이 도로로 나와 악명높은 교통체증을 일으킨다. 그렇기에 자전거는 점점 더 이 도시에서 인기가 많아지고 있다. 특히 도심에서의 자전거 이용자가 많아지면서 정부는 자전거 전용도로 건설에 나서고 덩달아 자전거 대여 서비스까지 성장하고 있다. 지난 5월 중순에는 멕시코시티의 대기오염 수치가 너무 높아 학교가 문을 닫고 차량 사용이 제한됐다. 그후 통근 수단으로서 자전거를 장려하는 것에 대한 논의가 더 뜨거워졌다. 멕시코 시티에서의 이번 행사는 대도시인들의 더 많은 자전거 사용과 지속 가능한 교통 해결책을 장려하는 세계적인 운동의 일환이다.
벌거벗은 채 자전거를 타고 있는 참가자들© AFP=뉴스1 (서울=뉴스1) 권영미 기자 ungaungae@ |
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Many people get around by car in this megalopolis of more than 20 million, when a greener option might be in order amid worries about climate change.
Participants in the World Naked Bike Ride turned out with Mexican flair, some in underwear and others just as they came into the world -- plus maybe a bike helmet or colorful wrestler's mask.
Biking has gradually become more popular in traffic-choked Mexico City, which has more than four million cars on its roads daily.
Cycling is more common in the city's central districts, where bike rental services have been popping up.
The government has also tried to encourage bike use by building dedicated lanes, an effort to reduce the number of deadly crashes between cars and bikes.
In mid-May, Mexico City's air pollution levels were so high that schools closed and vehicle use was restricted. That reignited discussions on further encouraging bicycling as a commuting option.
The event in Mexico City is part of a global movement promoting greater use of bicycles in large cities and more sustainable transportation solutions.
BARING ALL Thousands of women of all ages strip off for charity skinny dip to fight cancer
By Alahna Kindred
8 Jun 2019
MORE than a thousand women stripped down and swam in their birthday suits in Ireland to help the fight against cancer.
The skinny dip included 1,800 women of all ages – from teens to pensioners.
About 1,800 women stripped down and splashed in the sea to raise money for the fight against cancer in IrelandCredit: PA:Press Association
수천명 여성들의 암 예방 캠페인 나체 수영 이 아일랜드 자선단체 암 캠페인에는 10대부터 연금 수급자에 이르기까지 모든 연령대의 1800명의 여성이 포함되었다. 이 행사 7년째 되는 해, 암 생존자들과 투병 중인 여성들은 그들이 물속으로 뛰어들었을 때 그들의 자매, 사촌, 친구들과 함께 서 있었다. 이 자선단체는 시작한 이후 총 63만3000파운드(약 9억5천만원)를 모금했으며 올해 모금된 돈은 아일랜드의 국립아동암 자선단체인 아오이벤의 핑크타이(Aoibheann's Pink Tie)에 기부될 예정이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Participants bared all for the Strip and Dip charity swim at the secluded Magheramore Beach in County Wicklow.
In its seventh year, cancer survivors and women battling the disease stood with their sisters, cousins and friends as they stormed into the water.
The charity has raised £623,000 (700,000) total since it began and this year the money raised will go to Aoibheann's Pink Tie, Ireland's national children's cancer charity.
This year the Strip and Dip is raising money for Aoibheann's Pink Tie, Ireland's national children's cancer charityCredit: PA:Press Association
Jackie Kavanagh, who is currently battling cancer, left her hospital bed this morning to strip down and skinny dip.
She said: “I was admitted to hospital yesterday and have to go for an operation next week.
“I got out today as the girl had it planned, as it’s a great cause.
This group of women hold a sign that says 'Team flash and splash' as they join other womenCredit: PA:Press Association