독일 서커스팀, 실제 동물 대신 홀로그램 사용...학대 방지 차원 VIDEO: This German Circus Uses Holograms Instead of Real Animals for a Cruelty-Free Show
This German Circus Uses Holograms Instead of Real Animals for a Cruelty-Free Show
By Emma Taggart on June 5, 2019
Traditionally, circus animals are sadly confined in cages for most of their lives, forced to perform unnatural tricks, and undergo violent training sessions where they’re often whipped and even electrically shocked into action. It’s no surprise then that people who are aware of these cruel practices now boycott circuses and other traveling animal shows. Some countries have even banned the use of wild animals in circuses altogether, including The Netherlands, Ireland, and Mexico. However, a circus in Germany known as Circus Roncalli has taken a more creative approach to the issue to help to keep circus shows alive—it has swapped real animals for holograms.
Hologram Circus Animals Roncalli Circus
독일 서커스팀, 실제 동물 대신 홀로그램 사용...동물 학대 방지 캠페인 관객들도 호응도 좋아 서커스 론캘리(Circus Roncalli)는 1976년에 처음으로 동물들과 함께 서커스를 시작했다; 그러나 오늘날 동물 학대와 싸우기 위한 시도로 미래적인 홀로그램 접근법을 활용하고 있다. 그 빛의 쇼는 여전히 진짜 곡예와 소용돌이치는 불을 특징으로 하지만, 그 어떤 동물도 진짜가 아니다. 대신 론칼리는 폭 31.5m, 깊이 4.8m 크기의 경기장 전체를 가득 채우는 360° 3D 홀로그래픽 이미지를 투사한다. 매혹적인 장면들, 무대 주위를 아름답게 움직이는 거대한 홀로그래픽 말, 코끼리, 물고기 등을 특징으로 한다. 지금까지, 사람들은 이 쇼에 매우 긍정적인 반응을 보였고 론캘리 팀에 그들의 동정심에 감사했다. 트위터의 한 사람은 심지어 유니콘 홀로그램을 행사를 더욱 마술처럼 만드는 방법으로 포함시킬 것을 제안하기도 했다
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
Circus Roncalli first began entertaining crowds with animals in 1976; but today, the organizers are the pioneers of the futuristic hologram approach in an attempt to fight against animal cruelty in the entertainment industry. While the traveling shows still feature real acrobats and swirling fires, none of the animals are real. Instead, Roncalli project 360° 3D holographic images that fill the entire 105-foot-wide, 16-foot-deep arena.
The mesmerizing experiences feature giant holographic horses, elephants, and fish that beautifully move around the stage. So far, people have responded extremely positively to the show and thanked the Roncalli team for their compassion. One person on Twitter even suggested they include a unicorn hologram as a way to make the event even more magical.
Circus Roncalli in Germany has swapped real animals for holograms in an attempt to fight against animal cruelty in the entertainment industry.
Hologram Circus Animals Roncalli Circus
The team projects 360° 3D holographic images that fill the entire 105-foot-wide, 16-foot-deep arena.
![Hologram Circus Animals Roncalli Circus](https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/hologram-circus-animals-roncalli-3.jpg)
![Hologram Circus Animals Roncalli Circus](https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/hologram-circus-animals-roncalli-6.jpg)
![Hologram Circus Animals Roncalli Circus](https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/hologram-circus-animals-roncalli-1.jpg)
So far, people have responded extremely positively to the show.