포드, 두 발 달린 배달로봇 + 무인 밴 공개 VIDEO: Ford unveils driverless van that comes with its own two-legged delivery ROBOT to drop off packages on your doorstep
Ford unveils driverless van that comes with its own two-legged delivery ROBOT to drop off packages on your doorstep
'Digit' is a lightweight delivery bot that's capable of lifting up to 40lb packages
The machine is designed to move like a human and can walk up and down stairs
It can transform itself to become compact and fit snugly in the back of a vehicle
포드, 두 발 달린 배달로봇 + 무인 밴 공개 자율주행 배달 차량이 현실화 될 수도 있지만, 포드는 로봇에 의해 더 많은 문제를 해결할 수 있는 하나의 과정이 있다고 믿는다. 이 거대 자동차 회사는 스타트업 민첩성 로보틱스와 제휴하여 여러분의 현관까지 패키지를 운반할 수 있는 '디기트'라는 두 발 달린 로봇을 만들었다. 자율주행 배달차량에서 발생하는 문제를 해결하는데, 운전석에 짐을 내려줄 수 있는 사람이 없으면 자율로봇이 도울 수 있다는 점에서 착안 한 것이다. 포드사의 최고기술책임자인 켄 워싱턴은 블로그 게시물에 '사람들이 배달품을 회수하기 위해 집을 떠나거나 직접 배달 서비스를 운영하는 것이 항상 편리한 것은 아니다'라고 썼다. '만약 우리가 사람들을 배달 물류에 덜 집중하도록 자유롭게 할 수 있다면, 그들은 자신들의 시간과 노력을 진정으로 필요로 하는 것에 돌릴 수 있다. '애기리티 로보틱스에 의해 디자인되고 만들어진 2개의 다리를 가진 로봇인 디지트에 들어가라. 그것은 사람의 생김새와 비슷할 뿐만 아니라, 사람처럼 걷는 것이다'라고 워싱턴은 덧붙였다. 포드의 로봇은 40파운드 무게의 포장을 들어 올릴 수 있어, 당신의 피자, 아마존 패키지 또는 식료품을 바로 당신의 집 앞까지 배달할 수 있다. 디지트는 사람처럼 움직이도록 설계되어 있기 때문에 사람이 붐비는 보도 위에서 기계에 부딪쳐도 계단을 오르내리며 고르지 않은 지형을 횡단하고 균형을 되찾을 수 있다. 스타쉽 테크놀로지에 의해 만들어진 로봇과 같은 다른 배달 로봇들은 계단을 오르내리는 것을 불가능하게 만드는 바퀴가 장착되어 있기 때문에 어디에 배치할 수 있는지에 대해 상당히 제한적이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 17:34 BST, 22 May 2019 | UPDATED: 18:21 BST, 22 May 2019
Self-driving delivery vehicles may be getting closer to becoming a reality, but Ford believes there's one leg of the process that could be further solved by robots.
The auto giant has partnered with startup Agility Robotics to create a two-legged robot called 'Digit' that can ferry packages to your doorstep.
Once the two-legged robot arrives at the delivery destination, Digit unfurls itself, picks up a package and finishes the final step in the delivery process, the auto giant noted
It solves a problem generated by self-driving delivery vehicles, which is that if there's no humans in the driver's seat that can drop off a package, autonomous robots can pick up the slack.
'It's not always convenient for people to leave their homes to retrieve deliveries or for businesses to run their own delivery services,' Ken Washington, chief technology officer at Ford, wrote in a blog post.
'If we can free people up to focus less on the logistics of making deliveries, they can turn their time and effort to things that really need their attention.
'Enter Digit, a two-legged robot designed and built by Agility Robotics to not only approximate the look of a human, but to walk like one, too,' Washington added.
Ford's robot is capable of lifting packages that weigh 40lbs, so it can deliver your pizza, Amazon package or groceries straight to your doorstep.
Since Digit is designed to move like a human, it's able to walk up and down stairs, traverse uneven terrain and regain its balance even if a human bumps into the machine on a busy sidewalk.
Other delivery robots, such as those created by Starship Technologies, are fairly limited in terms of where they can deployed because they're equipped with wheels that make it impossible to go up and down stairs.
Since Digit is designed to move like a human, it's able to walk up and down stairs, traverse uneven terrain and regain its balance even if a human bumps into the machine
Instead, Digit is able to walk upright on two legs, allowing it to navigate a wider array of environments.
Additionally, the robot can fold itself up into a compact shape so that it conveniently fits in the back of a delivery truck.
Once it arrives at the delivery destination, Digit unfurls itself, picks up a package and finishes the final step in the delivery process, Washington noted.
In order to get from the car to the door autonomously, Ford says Digit taps into data obtained by the self-driving vehicle.
Specifically, it accesses a detailed map of the surrounding environment created by the vehicle.
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