고등학교 졸업장과 하버드 학사 학위를 동시에 받는 미국 소년 VIDEO: A teen is set to graduate from high school and Harvard within 11 days

A teen is set to graduate from high school and Harvard within 11 days

By Gianluca Mezzofiore, CNN

Updated 2131 GMT (0531 HKT) May 21, 2019

(CNN)Braxton Moral walked across the stage Sunday at his high school in Ulysses, Kansas, as a newly-minted graduate.

Less than two weeks later, the 17-year-old is set on May 30 to mark another milestone: receiving his undergraduate degree from Harvard University.

16-Year-Old Set To Graduate From Kansas High School And Harvard University/NPR


고등학교 졸업장과 하버드 학사 학위를 동시에 받는 미국 소년

캔자스 고교 졸업

   고등학교 졸업장을 받아든지 2주도 채 지나지 않아, 17살의 이 학생은 하버드 대학에서 5월 30일에 학사학위를 받는 또 다른 이정표를 세운다.

모랄의 부모는 모랄이 11살이었을 때 그를 세계적으로 유명한 기관에 등록시켰다고 그는 말했다.

그는 "부모님은 내가 학교에서 지루하다는 것을 눈치채셨고 성장을 고무시킬 무언가가 필요하셨기 때문에 결국 확장학교를 찾게 됐다"고 말했다

모랄은 "하버드 익스텐션 스쿨은 직업을 가진 사람이든 일반적인 대학생 연령대가 아닌 사람이든 대부분 비전통적인 학습자를 위한 것"이라고 말했다.

기사 소스: 카이스트 이병태 교수

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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Moral's parents enrolled him at the world-renowned institution when he was just 11, he told CNN.

"My parents noticed I was bored in school and needed something to inspire growth, so they ended up finding the Extension School," he said.

Harvard Extension School is mostly for nontraditional learners, be it someone with a job or who's not in the age range of a typical college student, Moral said.

Most courses can be taken online, but Extension School students also must earn 16 credit hours in person at the iconic campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, said Moral, who majored in government with a minor in English. Moral is currently a degree candidate from the school, a Harvard University spokesman confirmed.

An extraordinary vocabulary and a stunning memory

Studying for both high school and Harvard at the same time wasn't easy, Moral said. But officials at his high school took a lot of the load off, allowing him to spend a couple hours each day working on Harvard's coursework, he said.

Moral has always been drawn to law and politics, and he's now hoping to go to law school, preferably at Columbia University, he said.

"I am, of course, excited to end this chapter of my life and anxious to begin the next," he said.

Moral's older sister, 29-year-old Brittney Jo Seger, told CNN her brother has always been talented.

"When he was little, his vocabulary was extraordinary," she said. "Something my mom, sister and I noticed early on was his memory. That's one of the things that makes him incredible. But he can look at anything or read anything, and he will instantly remember it forever."


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"This didn't always benefit us older kids!" she joked.

Watching Moral walk across the stage during his first graduation was bittersweet, Seger said, because their parents couldn't be there due to their mother's health issues.

"My mother got a kidney transplant the week before, and my mother and father couldn't be there because of that. We are a very close family, so we gathered together to help honor him in such a special time," Seger said. "We can't wait for Harvard graduation next week and for Brax to start a new chapter in his life and focus on his love for politics."

Moral is also publishing a book, "Harvard in the Heartland," about his experience as "an intellectually gifted boy from a small farming town in Western Kansas," according to the book synopsis.



