스스로 지속 가능한 저에너지 이동형초소형 주택 VIDEO: ecocapsule: the self-sustainable micro-home launches in the US
ecocapsule: the self-sustainable micro-home launches in the US
ecocapsule: the self-sustainable micro-home launches in the US designboom all images © ecocapsule
스스로 지속 가능한 저에너지 이동형초소형 주택 '에코캡슐' 이전에 건축회사인 디자인 스튜디오 나이스&와이즈에 의해 고안된 '에코캡슐'은 작은 달걀 모양의 형태로 저에너지 이동형 초소형 주택이다. 에너지 효율이 높으며 두 명의 성인을 편안하게 지낼 수 있다., 수돗물을 제공하는 빌트인 주방이 특징이다. 이 구조에는 또한 건조하고 분리되는 화장실, 뜨거운 샤워기, 접이식 침대, 그리고 연구 장비를 위한 충분한 저장 공간이 있다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
conceived by nice&wise, a design studio formerly known as nice architects, the ‘ecocapsule’ is a low-energy, mobile dwelling packed into a compact egg-shaped form. the energy-efficient pod hosts two adults comfortably, and features a built-in kitchenette offering running water. the structure also contains a dry, separating toilet, hot shower, a folding bed, and plenty of storage space for sporting or research equipment.
ecocapsule: the self-sustainable micro-home launches in the US designboom
since original plans for the project were released in 2015, the ecocapsule has been a shortlisted entry of the LEXUS DESIGN AWARD of the same year. in 2018, the project was presented on the roof of the UNIQ building located in the center of bratislava with plans to market the series—limited to 50 pieces—to buyers in the U.S, japan, australia and the EU.
ecocapsule: the self-sustainable micro-home launches in the US designboom
NYCxDESIGN is new york city’s annual celebration of design, attracting hundreds of thousands of attendees and designers from around the globe. the 12 day event invites new yorkers and all city visitors to experience the self-sustainable microhome.
ecocapsule: the self-sustainable micro-home launches in the US designboom
‘it has been a long time coming and we are very excited to launch ecocapsule in the u.s. this is an important market for us and we already have a lot of supporters here‘, says tomas zacek, founder, ceo and design director of ecocapsule. ‘we are looking forward to meeting people and showing them what ecocapsule is about. we also expect to find new distributors and attract businesses for cooperation. there has been a great interest in ecocapsule from the hospitality segment, so we hope to follow that direction a bit more‘.
ecocapsule: the self-sustainable micro-home launches in the US designboom
architects: nice&wise
project: ecocapsule
event: nycxdesign 2019