14,000년 전 가족들의 호기심 어린 동굴탐험 흔적 VIDEO: Stone Age families crawled on hand and foot through dark caves for FUN carrying wooden torches 14,000 years ago, new study suggests
Stone Age families crawled on hand and foot through dark caves for FUN carrying wooden torches 14,000 years ago, new study suggests
Researchers studied 180 hand and footprints in the cave of Basura, in Italy
Differences in style of marks suggest exploration wasn't just to search for food
The team says 'intentional' marks suggest social activities took place in caves
Prints revealed the presence of five individuals, including adults and children
14,000년 전 가족들의 호기심 어린 동굴탐험 흔적 석기시대 가족들은 14,000년 전 나무로 만든 횃불을 들고 FUN을 위해 어두운 동굴을 기어다녔다고 새로운 연구결과가 밝혔다. 약 14,000년 전에 만들어진 일련의 흔적들은 고대 인류가 석기시대 동안 어둡고 위험한 동굴 시스템을 탐험했던 방식에 대한 놀라운 새로운 통찰력을 보여주었다. 연구원들은 적어도 180개의 손과 발자국이 이탈리아의 유명한 토이라노 동굴에 있는 바수라 동굴의 진흙이 풍부한 바닥에 표시되어 있다고 하는데 이것은 고대 사람들이 음식을 찾고 심지어 재미로 탐험할 때 낮은 터널을 통해 맨발로 기어갔음을 보여주고 있다. 수천 년 전의 이 발자국을 남긴 집단은 어른부터 3살 어린 아이까지 총 5명의 개인을 포함했는데, 이들은 나무 막대기를 횃불로 삼아 어두운 길을 헤치며 앞으로 나아갔다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator edited by kcontents |
edited by kcontents
PUBLISHED: 19:17 BST, 14 May 2019 | UPDATED: 19:23 BST, 14 May 2019
A series of tracks created roughly 14,000 years ago has revealed stunning new insight into the ways ancient humans explored dark, potentially treacherous cave systems during the Stone Age.
Researchers say at least 180 hand and footprints line the clay-rich floor of Italy’s cave of Bàsura in the famous Toirano caves, indicating ancient humans crawled barelegged through low tunnels as they searched for food and even explored for fun.
The group that left behind these tracks thousands of years ago included a total of five individuals, from adults to children as young as 3 years old, who navigated the dark pathways using wooden sticks as torches.
According to the team behind the new study, this is the first time crawling behavior during this period has been identified.
Researchers say at least 180 hand and footprints (shown above) line the clay-rich floor of Italy’s cave of Bàsura in the famous Toirano caves
‘In our study, we wanted to see how ancient humans explored this fascinating cave system,’ said first author Marco Romano, Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
‘Specifically, we set out to discover how many people entered the cave, whether they explored as individuals or as a group, their age, gender, and what kind of route they took once inside the cave.’
The team studied 180 tracks using software analysis and 3D modelling, along with various dating methods.
‘Together, these approaches allowed us to construct a narrative of how the humans entered and exited the cave, and their activities once they were inside,’ Romano said.
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