건설 비용이 가장 비싼 그리고 저렴한 도시 톱10 New York and San Francisco rank as most expensive cities for construction
New York and San Francisco rank as most expensive cities for construction
Smart Cities News
12 May 2019
by SmartCitiesWorld news team
A comparison study reports that the cities face unique challenges and, overall, the construction sector and its clients must invest in areas such as digitalisation and resiliency.
The tech sector contributes to San Francisco's labour costs and other market forces/The Business Journals
건설 비용이 가장 비싼 그리고 저렴한 도시 톱10 미국 뉴욕 과 샌프란시스코 1,2위 기록 3위는 홍콩 9위 도쿄 가장 싼 도시는 1~4위까지 인도 도시 차지 뉴욕과 샌프란시스코는 세계에서 건설비가 가장 비싼 도시인 반면 벵갈루와 뉴델리는 가장 저렴하다. 홍콩이 가장 비싼 도시 3위를 차지했고 코펜하겐과 제네바가 그 뒤를 이었다. 또한 2019년 천연 및 건설자산에 대한 글로벌 설계 및 컨설팅 기관인 Arcadis의 국제 건설 비용 비교에서는 건설 회사와 고객이 디지털화 및 복원력 등 장기적인 성공을 유지하기 위해 여러 분야에 투자해야 한다고 보고하고 있다. 도시의 위치에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 생활비, 작업비와 자재비,전반적인 생산성 및 그 도시에서 사업의 복잡성 등을 포함한다 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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New York City and San Francisco are the world’s most expensive cities for construction while Bengaluru and New Delhi are the cheapest. Hong Kong comes in third on the most expensive list, followed by Copenhagen and Geneva.
The 2019 International Construction Cost Comparison by Arcadis, the global design and consultancy organisation for natural and built assets, also reports that construction companies and clients must invest in a number of areas to sustain long-term success, including digitalisation and resiliency.
Unique challenges
Factors that influence a city’s position in the index include cost of living, labour and materials, overall productivity of the industry in that city, and the complexity of projects in that city.
The report reveals that New York and San Francisco faces unique challenges when it comes to construction.
“New York’s high insurance costs, coupled with strict building codes and significant access and logistics challenges factor into soaring construction costs,” said David Hudd, cost and commercial director for Arcadis.
In San Francisco, the technology sector contributes to labour shortages and other market forces that drive up the cost of construction. Local building and energy codes are also a factor.
“Our best bet to limit rising costs here and globally is to keep citizens at the heart of projects with a focus on data-enabled productivity and cost reduction"
There are common factors that impact construction costs in cities across the US.
“Uncertainty surrounding tariffs and financing, as well as a shortage of skilled labour, are major contributors to consistently high construction costs in the US,” said Hudd. “Our best bet to limit rising costs here and globally is to keep citizens at the heart of projects with a focus on data-enabled productivity and cost reduction.”
The report indicates that construction companies and their clients will need to make smart investments to sustain long-term success.
“In 2019 and beyond, smart investment in three key areas is crucial for the future success of construction companies and the sector in general,” said Andrew Beard, global leader cost management at Arcadis.
According to Beard, the three areas are:
Innovation and digitisation: this presents an opportunity for construction companies to increase efficiency, lower costs and increase productivity while improving the end product
Focus on end-user benefits: new buildings increasingly need to be part of the urban mobility ecosystem to create long-term value
Resiliency and sustainability: constructing and operating buildings impacts the environment in terms of water and energy use, carbon emissions and waste
The 10 most expensive cities for construction:
1. New York City
2. San Francisco
3. Hong Kong
4. Copenhagen
5. Geneva
6. London
7. Macau
8. Zurich
9. Tokyo
10. Boston
Bangalore city, at night, Bangalore, India/Oasis Travel
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The 10 least expensive cities for construction:
100. Bengalaru
99. New Dehli
98. Mumbai
97. Kuala Lumpur
96. Ho Chi Minh
95. Wuhan
94. Guangzhou/Shenzhen
93. Chengdu
92. Jakarta
91. Belgrade
The comparison study is a leading reference point in relative comparison of global construction costs. This year’s report covers 100 major cities. Apart from providing a comparative indexation of construction costs around the world, the report also provides insights and recommendations for the industry to prepare for the future.