영상 편집자들에게 희소식 VIDEO: Adobe After Effects Now Has Content-Aware Fill to Auto-Erase Unwanted Items in Videos

Adobe After Effects Now Has Content-Aware Fill to Auto-Erase Unwanted Items in Videos

By Jessica Stewart on May 6, 2019


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영상 편집자들에게 희소식

After Effects에서 원치 않는 부분 빠르게 지울 수 있어

  여러분이 모션 그래픽과 디지털 시각 효과에 관심이 있다면, Adobe로부터 좋은 소식이 있다. 이제 After Effects에서 콘텐츠 인식 채우기를 이용할 수 있다. 포토샵의 가장 탐나는 특징 중 하나인 콘텐츠 인식 덕분에 영상에서 원치 않는 부분들을 빠르게 지울 수 있다.

영상 작업을 하는 사람이라면 이것이 엄청난 시간 절약이라는 것을 알 것이다. 개별 비디오 프레임에서 요소를 제거하는 시대는 지났다. 이제, 당신이 역사 영화에 필요한 풍경에서 관광객을 제거하기를 원하든, 아니면 우연히 프레임에 들어간 붐마이크를 제거하기를 원하든, 어플리케이션은 끝이 없다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

If you’re interested in motion graphics and digital visual effects, there’s great news from Adobe. Two years after teasing the feature at Adobe MAX, content-aware fill is now available in After Effects. One of Photoshop’s most coveted features, content-aware fill allows you to quickly erase unwanted elements from a video.

Anyone who works on videos will know that this is a huge timesaver. Gone are the days of eliminating an element from individual video frames. Now, the applications are endless, whether you want to remove a tourist from scenery needed for a historical film or eliminate a boom mic that accidentally made its way into the frame.


Content-aware fill is available in the latest edition of After Effects (16.1) and Adobe has made sample footage available, as well as tutorials for the tool. It’s actually quite easy to use. Just select unwanted items using keying, masking, or the Roto Brush. After that, it’s as simple as clicking a button and the layer will be filled in after the program analyzes the best pixels for the scene. If you want to have even more control, content-aware fill also allows users to paint in specific reference frames for the program to use in its analysis.

This means no more unwanted shadows or reshoots to remove a logo from a piece of clothing. All that’s left to do now is download After Effects through Adobe Creative Cloud and get to work.

Adobe After Effects now has the content-aware fill tool, which was previously only available in Photoshop.

Adobe After Effects - Content-Aware Fill

The useful tool allows you to quickly select unwanted items and have them erased from video clips.

Adobe After Effects - Content-Aware FillAdobe After Effects - Content-Aware FillAdobe After Effects - Content-Aware Fill

Learn more about this spectacular update of Adobe After Effects.

h/t: [Peta Pixel]

All images via Adobe.



